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shitty customer service? unleash the ASSHOLE.


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When I get someone who's in customer service who clearly doesn't give a fuck about anything besides texting whoever, I usually grin and bear it unless they're directly rude....they're not making me look bad, but I'll definitely think twice before spending money there again.


Personally, I don't know if I'm cut out to deal with the public anymore. My last job where I dealt with the public was as a bike mechanic, and you wouldn't believe the kind of shit bike geeks will try to pull.


Surly Bike Geek- "I need to fix (something somewhat complicated), give me a wrench."


Me- "Sorry, I can't loan tools out."


G- (whining) "Come on, it will only take a second..."


M- (sighing) "All right, look. You didn't even say please, then you start whining like I owe you something and I'm holding out on you. If you try to fix it and fuck it up, I'm responsible since it's my shop so then I'll have to fix it....and since you wanted to try to fix it, you probably don't have any money, right?"


Geek pushes bike away, and I lose another "potential customer" (which is a blessing in disguise).


If they had been polite and reasonable and could tell me why and how they could do it in five minutes without killing my tools, no problem.

However, I get where Boats is coming from, he just wanted to get his tags straightened out and it was over a burnt out light. That sucks. But...there's always the manager, they'll usually bend over backwards to keep you coming back if you state your case and know what you're talking about.


This shit! I work at a bike shop and people really don't get a liability stand point or the fact that the tool they asked to borrow cost a few bills. Best is the idiots who think "just a little lube, and air and it will be fine" or the "just give it a once over" assholes. No dumb ass, I can't just give it a once over, you get a damn tune up because it takes me time to do the "once over" and call you to tell you your bike needs this, and this.


I hate customer service.

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When it's something simple like adjusting a cable or lowering a seat, I'll gladly do it and I won't charge for it. But if someone needs to tighten their late 80s goofball headset and it requires some weird wrench I happen to have but will never be able to replace, I'm not going to loan them the fucking tool.


And why do tweakers even bother to ask to borrow tools from bike shops? This is something I will never understand.


I don't hate customer service. In fact, I'm pretty good at it. I hate that our society has devolved to where customers can't even fake it long enough to act right to get a simple transaction done, then they blame people in the service industry for having an emotional reaction to their bad manners.

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Dude. You say youre a mechanic and its so simple, so why dont you do it yourself? Or why did you not call a local shop and say "i need this done. If i bring it in now how long will it take?"


Sounds to me like youre just a salty dude. Could have just walked out and gone another route and been done with this shit in no time. You blew it going to pepboys. Thats like me saying im a chef and going to jack n the box and getting angry because the didnt properly season my meal.


Because when you take your car to a local shop most of the time they keep your car over night. As I said, I knew pep boys sucked but the only reason I went was the same day service


Would you talk shit to a bus driver who doesn't want to drive around town once they're off work?

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I worked in the same field as boats, and let me tell you the last thing I wanted to do when I got off work was even SEE a wrench, let alone turn one. Fuck that shit. I have had to call bullshit on a few mechanics over the years, you wanna talk about somebody getting salty in a hurry. Just because I don't want to do it doesn't mean I don't know how.



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i will never work in a customer service field again, basically thats all i did from 15 to 25 yrs old.


fuck that, i couldnt even imagine it. i cant even fake being nice to anyone who acts like a fuckstain.


I hope I never go back to that shit. It's nice not having to wear a uniform or be clean shaven everyday too.


don't ever spend significant time in France. Just moved here and it is the worst customer service ever. Fuck a tip being included in everything.


Fuck. I feel your pain. I tried to buy a map at the information booth in the main train station in Paris... One of the biggest transit hubs in the world... And the fucker acted like I was a Martian. I was literally pointing at the map on the racks next to him like 'one of those!'

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"the customer is always right" is pretty much a bullshit phrase, because i find that pretty much 95% of the time, the customer doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about or what they want (relating to food service anyway). that being said, i work for a guy who encourages us to stand up for ourselves in the work place to shitty customers (calling them out, kicking them outta the place, etc), and claims he'd rather not cater to assholes than make a bucks off them. he's been the coolest boss thus far and i feel like the attitude alone is an asshole deterrent.

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I love working in customer service. I think I'd go spare if I was locked away from the public all day, with the only people to talk to being the same people I see every single day at work. It's summer now also, so the amount of skin coming into work is increasingly daily.


I am in the fortunate position like Incognito though, where if someone is being a dickhead, I can tell them to fuck off.


My favourite is when they say they'll 'tell all their friends'.


Ha! If they're mates with you, I don't want them here either, so please do!

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i dont really mind customer service, ive been doing it since i was around 15. i started to really hate it when i began bartending at 18 but then began to enjoy it again a few years and a few jobs later.


when i began working in a top end alcohol retailer i learned how to deal with the smug, rude customers.


one bitch that sticks out in my mind; "hi im looking for an aussie barolo (barolo is a region in italy that only really produces nebbiolo wine)"


me "ahhh, im sorry but barolo is a region in piedmonte, italy, it wouldnt be possible for australia to make barolo wines"


cunt "yes, it is. ive drunk plently of them. look you're obviously too young to know go get your manager"


at this point im marginally offended but used to people writing me off for being young, particularly wine snobs..who i usually know more than. anyway i get on my two-way and ask the manager for her sake so it doesnt sound like im the one telling her she's wrong. he agrees.


cunt "well then it sounds like barolo..."


me "barbera?"


cunt "yeah why didnt you say that before"


fucking dickhead.


i usually jew those types of people and sell them overly expensive wines as they think price denotes quality, or just plain shit quality products.


i always laugh when i offer someone help, they say 'no i know what im doing' and end up buying the worst possible shit. serves them right


and finally, i really enjoy talking about beer and whisky, half the time im just bored and want to chat to someone about a mutual interest. i dont push sales if they arent buying, people need to learn when someone is upselling or just having a chat for the sake of killing time.

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I work retail and have experienced it all. I genuinely enjoy helping people, but you're always going to have some jerk offs. It's especially compounding when you work in a technical/niche field that most people need but don't understand completely.


It's all about wording, examples, and analogies. Since I'm in management I also strive to get this from every employee. If I caught one of my guys doing anything I can't stand from other places, they're going to hear about it explicitly.

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Went to my buddies house


Took about 20 mins + a bunch of beer/shoot the shit breaks...


Blow me pep boys





Just swapped the working bulb for the Battery light with the non working Check Engine bulb. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy






His wife made some bomb philipino food too.






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Went to my buddies house


Took about 20 mins + a bunch of beer/shoot the shit breaks...


Blow me pep boys





Just swapped the working bulb for the Battery light with the non working Check Engine bulb. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy






His wife made some bomb philipino food too.







Do you dip the cigarette butts in that sauce, or are they a stand alone appetizer? Nothing more appetizing than a carton worth of smoked cigarettes next to my food when I eat.

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Basically it's like this, a customer is paying for their meal/item/service so they are paying for your servitude.


That is what they all think. Sure some may leave a T word while others are cocksuckers but all in all no matter how congenial or complimentary they are the moment something goes even slightly awry, what they really think flies high.


You fucking cocksuckers

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