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Travel Log - Hunting, Hitchhiking, Painting & Getting Dirty: Traveling Across America


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Detail of a work in progress-ion



Dante's Bouquet

Oil on Board


For sale Nurgas






Did this for my uncle's girlfriend. She liked the view from his porch and she cooked me a hell of a lot of meals so I wanted to repay.




Holy shit SF can you calm the fuck down my ovaries are crying



Got to know your lingo if you wanna sail.



Discovered this gem in my paperwork. From an old game of Exquisite Corpse.




Cheers for now!


I'm stable now so you Bay Area motherfuckers need to be in touch. Karl Hungus Needs To Return My Texts. Boats & Hoes needs to get at me. Nightmare on Elm needs to accept my apology that I gave that painting to my Dad cause he wanted it for Christmas (my bad). Shai needs to get in touch! Some of you motherfuckers need to send me some mail like ya said ya would! And someone needs to stop mailing me dongs! And some of you motherfuckers need to hit me up out here so I can give you weird things like owl claws and teeth!

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i reckon the whole travel thread thing has just been eric koston'd or (for those who don't skate, derek jeter'd) cause like. who the fuck wants to try and follow this up. lol. naw though, reckon every mans got his own trip journey ahead. shits what you make it. this nigga KIR is trump at traveling. and i'll be not too far away from you by the beginning of october so. another painting/trade will ensue. cuz i won't be buying a damn thing by that point i'm sure.





AND W+F! THIS NIGGA ACTUALLY BOUGHT A SAILBOAT! the dream we are all living vicariously

through you is coming into focus. fuck.

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Ok..so I have been pretty busy with studying and work recently...and this past year, i haven't found much time to oontz..also, i was locked out of 12oz for a good portion of this year so i havent been on as much. everytime i would see this thread, i would say, "i gotta find some time and read that thread..especially since it keeps getting bumped"


every once in a while, i would randomly click on a page in this thread and become really interested, but just like i am with watching a movie, i am super OCD about having to start from the very beginning....well, fortunately i had a few days of from work this past week and was able to do some oontzing...but first i wanted to get a better feel for kir's threads before i started to read a 37 page thread from start to finish...so i started out reading the "the first person to guess what i have..." thread from start to finish...then i read the "oh deer! it looks like my night..." thread from start to finish..then i read the "self surgery" thread all the way through as well...and eventually, made it to this thread, which i just finished about 5 minutes ago.


i've got to hand it to you KIR, this is by far the most interesting and inspirational thread that i have ever read on 12oz. /nodickride you definitely get props for volunteering in joplin and painting that mural for them, but you especially get props for making the trip that others just dream about...and you get even more props for taking the time to share it with us (including both the pictures and the youtube videos)...you've got balls man...ive always wanted to do the drive down the 101 (pacific coast highway)...and even though i live here in california, i have never done it...ive always wanted to do the west coast drive from socal to washington...always wanted to visit places like montana, wyoming, colorado, etc...always wanted to drive across the states...but ive always pictured staying in cheap motels and eating at little mom and pop diners along the way...but not only are you making this trip, but you are actually sleeping in your car and tent...hunting your own food...cooking up road kill...kudos to you...like i said before..youve got balls.


i'd send you a package, but i dont think the post office delivers to sailboats! lol...i would offer to buy you a beer, but im sure you've still got a huge supply left over from that dumpster....not if, but WHEN you get around to publishing that book youre working on (definitely put the book out, because you're an exceptional writer /nodickride, and it would be a great inspirational read for just about anybody), i would like to purchase a couple copies of it.


now that you're in san francisco, i think i will take a day off from work and drive down there to sail and/or hike with you (takin you up on your offer)...im in sacramento (about an hour and a half away)...let me know if youre down.


thanks again for this awesome thread.

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My dude!!! I haven't been on the oontz much lately. been up north practicing my spanish with day laborers in Butte county. How the fuck they got that far north is beyond me. I hired my replacement and went on tour for a ten day rap musics jaunt, only to return home for a few days.


Then off to Vegas to get that taco money. Needless to say, i am changing phone numbers often and i dont know if you have the new digits. THANKFULLY my jobs are paying well and my offer to you still stands if you are still interested in my "industry".


That being said, you and i need to destroy the TL once again. You gotta tell me how that Cheeba Chew did you in, i've been curious. I'm officially back in SF next week til November. Glad you met Remio. Dude is fucking reclusive! Next to impossible to track that dude down.


I'm gonna send the REAL digits so holler when you got some time and we'll catch up. DYING to show you the SF after hours scene, you'll meet some characters there...lol. Good to see all is well and glad you're digging the best city on earth.



Connie Chung (rip)


ps: you and the lady can crash at my spot next time. i felt awful sending you back to North Beach when the sun was fixin' to rise.


pps: ORFN's spot is on its last legs so we gotta go peep that, its on my Facebook.

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Wow.. It's been a long week or two. I spent a good portion of time with the lady up in Yosemite, hiking and swimming and trying to hunt and fish but failing ahhhh such a wonderful trip.


THANK YOU to everyone who is staying in touch and responding. Every time I get on and see people replying and unread PM's it makes my fuckin day! I am very happy to share this adventure with you all and it gives me a certain joy to know that others are enjoying it too. Caligula, I am glad you found the thread and we are definitely going sailing! Any time mid October to mid November is good with me. I truly hope that you make that drive down the 101 and you can experience California as I have. It is well worth the time and tribulations... BW I should be back in TN sometime within a few months for a short spell - we must paint! Nightmare - you are too kind. The Crooked & Crime I am calling you out - We shall drink!!! It must be done. Ipod90 & Calig - that shit is in the works... I'ma call you on your bluff when I get this paperwork done! HUngus Amungus, I just got your message - we shalt meet again. The cheeba was.... in a word, it put bubbles in the thinktank. Rats in the Attic, if you will. An orgy of nonconformity. In short, I don't know whether to thank you or have you committed! Hahaha, but it was good.


I will be at the Pancakes & Booze art show on the 5th & 6th of October in SF if anyone wants to join.... I will be drinking beer in the parking lot and trying to sell artwork inside.


Sailing is another world. Something very, very intense and strange and free and natural... I love it. More on it later, enjoy the flicks for now!

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Seriously though, Farms are the easiest come up in the fucking world if you're hungry on the road.


And ANYWAY, Yosemite, what the fuck did you do to me... Insanity..




If you drive through the tunnel on the way to el cap, there's a tiny little buttonhole in the side of the tunnel about halfway through. You have to park outside and walk back up in the tunnel about half a mile but it's something on the level of absurdity.






Grafftags. Props.




1.2 miles in at May Lake, 1,000 elevation change from the trailhead. 9,000 ft.




THEN comes the fun part. 1500 ft elevation in 1.8 miles to the peak. Holy fuck.










I guess it's worth it.








And back down to camp on the lake for the night. And sweet, seductive sex with mountain women.








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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Keepitrail again.


Fucking awesome flicks! Yosemite is on my bucket list too...apparently I went with my family there at the age of 7, but dont remember a thing. Living only a few hours away from yosemite and not having been there in recent memory is embarrassing. We have all of these amazing things in our own backyard, things that people come from all around the world to see, and between work and/or school and just life in general, most of us rarely take the time to enjoy it.


mid oct. to mid nov sounds good....i will find out what my schedule is looking like for the next few weeks and will shoot you a pm.

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  • 1 month later...


Boats & Hoes needs to get at me.





Dude! I'm down here in SD. I saw you posted some flicks from that yard.

Sail your ass down here and well get some tacos in Mexico or something!

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Well folks it's been fun. But I can't stay in this house any longer. I've been living with my great uncle in Fremont in his bigass house for the past four (?) months staying off and on in my boat. I've done a couple of jobs, sold some paintings, and trimmed some weed, and it's pretty fun I suppose, but I just keep getting these itchy feet. I simply cannot stand being in one place for anything over a few months.


And so, dear friends, it comes to pass that my father and friends have beckoned me back to my homeland of Tennessee, and I have accepted their quest. But, alas! They want me to fly. Fly! Spend a hundred and fifty bucks to be there in eight hours? Lord, do they reckon me to have gotten soft??? No, no, this will not do. I refuse to be crammed into a winged dildo rocket hurtling through space alongside sweaty softie skinbags! I want the Freedom! I want Adventure! I want the last great red blooded adventure America has to offer! So, as the cards play it, come December or late November, I will be hitch-hiking and train hopping my way across this great land of ours, hopefully catching up with the likes of you fellow 12ozers.



Let it be said that this will not be necessarily "green" territory for me, I've done a bit of thumbing and freight riding before, but mostly within a few hundred miles of home. The longest stretch was from Nashville to Chicago and back within a week. Freight there, hitch-hike back. That was a doosie.


But this, this trip will be somewheres in the realm of two to three thousand miles. Avast you say! What's the catch? It is thus: I must be home before the birth of Baby Jesus, alive and well, and without the aid of flight. Now, should the adventure become so cumbersome that I am unable to make it in time, it must be said, for the sake of my dear old mother that I will buy a bus ticket from whereverabouts I am and ride the rubber all the way to the market.


It must be intuited, as you have correctly guessed, that I will be taking along those of you who wish to join me, via this thread, updating whenever possible at various libraries and internet sentries along the way. Maybe it's just the Vicodin and Natural Ice, but I've got a good feeling about this trip.


And now, to justify my odious rantings, I will post some photographs of the past few weeks for you to look at and poke fun of.

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Got a job trimming for an obscenely rich fellow in Fairfax. He grew 5 or so pounds for his friends and was a terrible trimmer. My girl got the job and invited me along. $200 for every trimmed pound at around 8 hours a pound, it was pretty fun. Working with my girl was amazing, and we're in a fucking mansion on top of a mountain jamming to whatever we want on this ridiculous stereo and the guy buys us lunch every day. It was good weed too, and I'm making hash from all the goodies left over. And a 1967 Shelby Cobra in mint condition isn't too bad either.








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