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Irate Irene


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^i had the same thought. but reading on in the article, i think they were a bunch of religious people.

prolly waiting for the ark.








and yeah, i went to bermuda at the last second in july when there was no bad weather

i will go to jamaica in november. gotta think about this shit

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thas a whole lot of wurgas living in one house :rolleyes:


Yeah, are they gonna have to pay for the rescue?? Were they told to evacuate and didn't??


I used to live in AZ and if you drove into a flooded wash during a storm and had to be rescued,


they charged you for the entire situation: "Stupid Motorist Law."

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38 dead? That is terrible that people have lost their lives to a storm. But let's be serious here, we lost 35 lives in the Queensland floods - and it's possibly the most sparsely populated country on earth here in Aus. It just rained a lot and got windy, people need to switch off the TV.


Also, we didn't count hero's like this falling off their roof.




Stay safe America!

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I just got power back like 30 minutes ago, I'm sitting in the air conditioning with all the lights on...12oz in one tab, a bunch of shit in others. iTunes and Netflix are on deck.













In other words, it's not even a slight departure from a regular boring weeknight.

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it completely depends on the area.


lots of places predicted to get awful weather only got a heavy rainstorm. (1)


other places, like vermont, got totally fucked (6-8) and weren't exactly warned, 'they' thought it wold stay further east.

1 being rainy and 10 being total annihilation


i'd say it's better people over-prepared, bc i've seen what under-preparation does, and it's fucking catastrophic. unless people SAW new orleans, i know, you saw pictures, but it was worse than you might imagine.


anyway yes, it was over-hyped in general, but the media does that with fucking everything now. kim fucking kardashian is a big deal. we live in a society of dumbasses.

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the way i see it... the storm was so big, and was so close to NYC, that there probably was a really good change of it hitting it real hard and fucking mad shit up. how ever there will always be people like my mother who say "fuck it, we're keeping the restaurant open no matter what (it's in zone 2 in downtown manhattan btw," and lo and behold, there was flooding around there, her place was spared and filled with people for the whole two days while everyone else closed and stayed home..

anyway, these are from my dad



note the mini in the driveway



and thats how high the water got in jersey. apparently a town over got like 5 feet or something.

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