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************************ hella sikk tattz thread?

Fist 666

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I'm not usually a fan of coffins as a design element, but this looks really awesome in my opinion.

Its almost not even a coffin, just a coffin shaped area of negative space or something.

Like looking through a coffin shaped hole in your arm and seeing a sailing ship.

A little too dark, but for now it looks really really good.

(coming from a guy who only has heavy black tattoos).



Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah


-Future old man covered in black and greyish blobs oner

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hah yea most def thats a pink thong.. ive been really lucky got tattooed by both marius and jimmy, think imma give them more space to make awesome..

i think these ones from ryan cooper thompson are really neat:



again sorry for the ridiculous sizes, im new to this posting thing, and i dont have photoshop...

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......................jimmy duvall............



I had not heard of this gentleman until your post.

We need more posts of quality content.

Props have been issued.






When I woke up yesterday, I had a third of my right butt cheek tattooed.

When I woke up today, I had about four fifths of my right butt cheek tattooed.


Just thought I'd share.


Didn't hurt as bad as I'd expected it to.

Then again, we steered somewhat clear of the brown eye.


~Coolest Starry Bra of 2011~

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does it tickle?


It actually did a little bit on the underside curve-if that makes any sense.


I half wanted to rip a huge fart in my buddies face, and half didn't,

for fear of what he might do with an electric needle that close to my junk.


I wasn't planning on having my ass tattooed last night,

and afterwards was kicking myself when it came time to ride my bike home/across town.

Although, thinking about it now, it was probably better than if had I driven (clutch).



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so yall are completely comprised of hipsters and japanese huh?

and why is everyone so quick to get thier ass tatted? fuck that shit, yall arent yakuza.

go ahead and hate, im not trollin though. genuine concern


I don't get it. Especially the "genuine concern" part. I'm not hating, but it definitely seems like you're trolling.

Are you saying that Yakuza and Hipsters are the only people who are heavily tattooed?



On that note, check out this hipster:



Aside from the flower nipple, this is pretty close to look I'm going for.

This mixed with some Duncan X-Liam/Sparkes-ish type stuff.


If that makes me a hipster, so be it.

Sometimes I wonder if hipster is even a dirty word, considering how broadly its used.



After i got my ass tattooed i went to a movie......that wasn't the best decision i ever made.

The 8 hr drive to florida a week later wasn't exactly great either. Screw sitting down.


While you were being tattooed, did you experience any involuntary cheek clenching?

I did, it sucked. At first I was worried it would fuck up the end result (even though its the easyest tattoo to hide away and forget about,) but my buddy pulled it off no sweat.


Alright, I'll stop talking about getting my ass tattooed.................until I get the other cheek done.

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so yall are completely comprised of hipsters and japanese huh? and why is everyone so quick to get thier ass tatted? fuck that shit, yall arent yakuza. go ahead and hate, im not trollin though. genuine concern


so you would prefer photorealism and gay new school swallows with big doey eyes?

you so dumb.

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The let it ride tattoo makes me mad I didn't come up with it first


Its well done, but not really my taste.

I feel like modern day imagery done in a traditional tattoo style is pretty hit or miss.

Sometimes it comes off as cheesy, or worse, a joke.

Although when it works, its awesome.

My 2 cents.


I must've had too much caffine today, I'm struggling to not power post like a mother fucker every thought that comes to my mind.

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so you would prefer photorealism and gay new school swallows with big doey eyes?

you so dumb.


Anyone have that traditional style Larry David tattoo?

Thats kinda what I meant on the topic of contemporary subjects done in traditional style and not really pulling it off.

Although-in the same vein as fist 666-I don't know if I like the alternative.......



































:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:





I think thats a mongoose.

Even more awesome in my eyes.

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