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ya'll niggas hating are killing me over here. what have you done with your life thats so important...or "thread worthy"..haha. you are hard pressed to find young kids being creative and having the energy and motivation to stay productive....all while stepping out of the box of what society and their peers expect from them. conformity is at an all time high these days. not to mention....young dudes of color pressured super hard by the peers of their community to be like everyone else. i say that from experience. if i had a dollar for every time i was called white boy for skateboarding or listening to punk rock ...or even not listening to the same hiphop as everyone else during the 80's and 90's, id be rich. oh wait...who am i fooling that shit still happens to me til this day.

bump the youth for not giving a fuck and doing what the want even if people think its different or wack or contrived. odd future/wolf gang restores my faith in the youth....along with kids....

end of rant.

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Nigga, I play real instruments. I'll make any of these bullshit beats by playing a real drum set for the entire length of the song, not programing four measures, then copy and paste in pro tools. Then I'll actually play a bass to lay down a bass track, not play it for a couple of measures on a keyboard, then copy and paste.


Give it up, you're out of your league here h0m3b0y, I'm an ACTUAL musician.


post some of your music and we'll have a comparison

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ya'll niggas hating are killing me over here. what have you done with your life thats so important...or "thread worthy"..haha. you are hard pressed to find young kids being creative and having the energy and motivation to stay productive....all while stepping out of the box of what society and their peers expect from them. conformity is at an all time high these days. not to mention....young dudes of color pressured super hard by the peers of their community to be like everyone else. i say that from experience. if i had a dollar for every time i was called white boy for skateboarding or listening to punk rock ...or even not listening to the same hiphop as everyone else during the 80's and 90's, id be rich. oh wait...who am i fooling that shit still happens to me til this day.

bump the youth for not giving a fuck and doing what the want even if people think its different or wack or contrived. odd future/wolf gang restores my faith in the youth....along with kids....

end of rant.


not only is conformitiy non-quantitive but i'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you and say that it is nowhere near an all time high. why don't you go outside for a while?

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not only is conformitiy non-quantitive but i'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you and say that it is nowhere near an all time high. why don't you go outside for a while?


i believe it is ...with the youth. ive worked with kids for a lot of my adult life...and i can tell you honestly that is the case for, at the very least, the metro-detroit area and the midwest as a whole. the easy access to info and imagery that the interweb provides has seemed to make kids these days a lot less creative and a lot less independently thinking.

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Not trying to dowlnload all of this... I have Bastard. What else is good?


whatever is playing at the end of this sounds dope

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Nigga, I play real instruments. I'll make any of these bullshit beats by playing a real drum set for the entire length of the song, not programing four measures, then copy and paste in pro tools. Then I'll actually play a bass to lay down a bass track, not play it for a couple of measures on a keyboard, then copy and paste.


Give it up, you're out of your league here h0m3b0y, I'm an ACTUAL musician.


you're an idiot. Tyler's played piano since he was 14. He's an ACTUAL musician too. now take your faggotry out of this thread

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