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Bros ICING Bros.


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I don't really understand how anyone wins in this "game"


You're either paying for smirnoff ice, or you're drinking it. Seems like a total lose-lose situation to me. Also, if someone started demanding i drink a smirnoff ice, i'm just going to laugh at them for paying for that shit and walk away. If i want to play a prank on someone, i'm definitely going to get them better than this and not spend any money in the process.

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Yo i think this shit is fucking hilarious... but smirnoff ice is fucking nasty as fuck a BETTER version would be with JOOSE!! because


1) Joose is equally nasty or maybe even nastier

2)Joose gets you mad mc hammer'ed

3) YOU"VE BEEN JOOOOOOOOOSED!!! Sounds way cooler



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i thought this was about bro on bro homicides



this does seem stupid though. i imagine people jumping out at me with a smirnoff going HAHA YOU GOT ICED and me going "oh, you got me. i have to drink this? for free? well you sure showed me :rolleyes: "

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and you keep buying it, and buying it, and buying it.


quite ingenious really, theve found a way to sell there product to the ones whom do not drink it.


fucking genious.


how the fuck you gonna top that? you cant... there blinding a market that does not belong to them to buy there product. they just kinged the game.








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i just learned of this nonsense.


i didn't realize that men actually drank this stuff.

fucking disappointing. frat kids in my hometown just drink shitty coors or keystone, pretty sure they'd get beat up if they drank this shit. fucking gay.

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I'm not saying I do this kind of stuff, but it seems like most of you aren't really understanding the humor involved. Yeah, smirnoff ice is gay, that's the fucking point. Nobody likes to drink this shit, that's the fucking point. There would be nothing fun or funny about this if you were hiding Duvel everywhere and forcing your friends to chug that shit on one knee.

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Some dude I know got iced on the Williamsburg bridge, about 2 weeks ago. We suspect it was a marketing rep cuz that was before this shameless shit started catching on. The guy was just chilling there with a bunch of them waiting for people! A girl who I bartend with brings a six pack of these things to work and has been icing br0s at the bar. My facepalm rate is sky high.

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I'm not saying I do this kind of stuff, but it seems like most of you aren't really understanding the humor involved. Yeah, smirnoff ice is gay, that's the fucking point. Nobody likes to drink this shit, that's the fucking point. There would be nothing fun or funny about this if you were hiding Duvel everywhere and forcing your friends to chug that shit on one knee.


thats not humor.

you have to buy this shitty shit in order to make people drink it.

why would i pay for that stuff? why would i push money into a market that already takes too much shelf space away from decent drinks?


and fuck sharing duvel. if you want duvel, buy your own.


now if they were giving out cases of this shit just to get it off the shelves of my local liquor stores and off the market, by all means, i'll play this faggy game.

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Had to comment on this. Spent my memorial day weekend watching my friends who work in finance (total bros by the book) "Icing" each other left and right. When they approached me and were like "Dude you just got iced!", I calmly responded with "Dude, go fuck yourself." At this point, I became the "party pooper" and/or stick in the mud, but that's cool, because they always expect that response from me. From my angle, this is how I read it:


Many dudes that are into this are, or were, in fraternities ( apparently frats down south are where this prank/game/homoerotic-sport originated). That being said, a lot of guys in frats don't have much going on upstairs, so when they're frat boyfriend is really into a new song or trend, you can expect that shit to spread like wildfire within their community, instantly becoming popular with no questions asked. Thus the idea that saying "no" to being iced is beyond breaking the "bro" code. Saying "no" to this shit within a circle that embraces and condones the practice is like saying the earth is round to the king that believes it is flat. Easier to go with the flow than to be thought of as a "free thinker."


I enjoy drinking. I love beer, and being of German heritage, I have a respect for beer, therefore I rarely chug it. I have no respect for Smirnoff Ice, have never bought it and don't plan to, and this whole idea to me wreaks of desperation for validation and inclusion. I mean, shit, isn't that what fraternities are?

Also, it's been noted that people have been spotted "Icing" at Goldman Sachs in NY, as well as at other financial institutions in Texas, etc., If you wonder why our financial situation has gone to shit, just remember that the guys controlling the money are these fuckfaces, itching to get out of the office so they can go make their boy "take a knee" and down some Lime Twist or whatever.


Fuck this shit, fuck peer pressure, and fuck alcohol for bitches that taste like Sprite. What's next? Hot Zima injections? End of rant.

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