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kicking out a herion custy


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so i had an open room in my apt. small and cheap. a friend of a friend needed a place to stay for 2 months (the same amount of time the room was to be open for). dude is kinda well off some how. but anyway he had a job the first week he moved in. then a string of storys about how he doesnt want to work for his job anymore. (i know he had a job we have mutual friends).


fast forward 1 and a half months. dude never leaves the crib always up all night watching tv. sleeping till 5pm. i suspect drugs. found his kit of drugs the other day.. hes supposted to leave may 31st. but yo hes mad disrespecting me and my crib by doing drugs here.. in my bathroom, leaving blood, using my dishes for his shit.


i have a nice place with nice stuff. im not home a lot. he hasnt stolen from me yet. but if i get salty with him about his problem im worried he will.


anyway im confronting him today telling him to leave by saturday. i got muscle to get him out if he refuses.


i want to feel bad for him but yo you have to help yourself if you want me to help you.


waste of fucking space and my time

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so i had an open room in my apt. small and cheap. a friend of a friend needed a place to stay for 2 months (the same amount of time the room was to be open for). dude is kinda well off some how. but anyway he had a job the first week he moved in. then a string of storys about how he doesnt want to work for his job anymore. (i know he had a job we have mutual friends).


fast forward 1 and a half months. dude never leaves the crib always up all night watching tv. sleeping till 5pm. i suspect drugs. found his kit of drugs the other day.. hes supposted to leave may 31st. but yo hes mad disrespecting me and my crib by doing drugs here.. in my bathroom, leaving blood, using my dishes for his shit.


i have a nice place with nice stuff. im not home a lot. he hasnt stolen from me yet. but if i get salty with him about his problem im worried he will.


anyway im confronting him today telling him to leave by saturday. i got muscle to get him out if he refuses.


i want to feel bad for him but yo you have to help yourself if you want me to help you.


waste of fucking space and my time


You're quite clearly crapping yourself over the prospect of confronting him.

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i told him one thing before renting:


i dont want people up all night doing drugs in my crib..


he did pay rent, but yo hes disrespecting my stuff.


im going to give him 50 bucks to move his shit. this is 9 days before he is supposed to leave anyway. i just want him the fuck out

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i told him one thing before renting:


i dont want people up all night doing drugs in my crib..


he did pay rent, but yo hes disrespecting my stuff.


im going to give him 50 bucks to move his shit. this is 9 days before he is supposed to leave anyway. i just want him the fuck out


You're fucking gonna pay him to move out??? Your trousers are veritably soiled with the stain of your fear.


You don't deserve to have your own gaffe.

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Well if you insist on this course of action, I'd like to offer my services to remove him from your property.


All I ask is for a round trip flight ticket, and use of his room for the remaining 9 days. Don't worry, I only drink and blow lines, so no blood involved.


No nosebleed?

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i could wait but i want him to know hes really fucking disrespecting me and fucking up..



of course my other option isnt saying shit and waiting it out.


but thats not really my style. 50 bucks aint shit.


in addition i may be out of town the 31st. and my other roommate has family visiting here that time as well.


im pretty positive hes only been shooting up the past 2 weeks or so. so its not like ive put up with it for very long.

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Well if you insist on this course of action, I'd like to offer my services to remove him from your property.


All I ask is for a round trip flight ticket, and use of his room for the remaining 9 days. Don't worry, I only drink and blow lines, so no blood involved.



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I mean, if he's paying you and not doing anything wrong, who cares if he's shooting dope in the room he rents?


Just tell him make sure he cleans up his blood, that's fuckin foul.


truth. you can't get in trouble for your roommate shooting smack in his rent paid room. nor should you care, aside from the blood.


if you got nice things, why have a roommate? sounds like you're living beyond your means to me.

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Don't pay him shit if you're concerned about him disrespecting your place...why reward that behavior?


Wait out the nine days, then when the agreed upon day comes, put your foot down firmly and let him know he fucked up by bringing his habit into your spot. Either he leaves with a "dishonorable discharge" or he doesn't and it's more than acceptable to get your goons involved.

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so i had an open room in my apt. small and cheap. a friend of a friend needed a place to stay for 2 months (the same amount of time the room was to be open for). dude is kinda well off some how. but anyway he had a job the first week he moved in. then a string of storys about how he doesnt want to work for his job anymore. (i know he had a job we have mutual friends).


fast forward 1 and a half months. dude never leaves the crib always up all night watching tv. sleeping till 5pm. i suspect drugs. found his kit of drugs the other day.. hes supposted to leave may 31st. but yo hes mad disrespecting me and my crib by doing drugs here.. in my bathroom, leaving blood, using my dishes for his shit.


i have a nice place with nice stuff. im not home a lot. he hasnt stolen from me yet. but if i get salty with him about his problem im worried he will.


anyway im confronting him today telling him to leave by saturday. i got muscle to get him out if he refuses.


i want to feel bad for him but yo you have to help yourself if you want me to help you.


waste of fucking space and my time




the excessive typos and use of "yo" makes this the most hip hop post ever.

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I mean, if he's paying you and not doing anything wrong, who cares if he's shooting dope in the room he rents?


Just tell him make sure he cleans up his blood, that's fuckin foul.



bleeding on shit is gross.

other than that if hes paying his share and not being a dick let him do what he wants to do. are you his life coach?

id be pretty alright living with someone on heroin as long as they didnt start stealing shit and bringing over sketchy gross motherfuckers.

do what you gotta do i guess.

if someone brought "muscle" to make me try and leave somewhere id probably come back and smash out all the windowws and set the shit on fire.


dont be an asshole about it. you might think its fucked up and wrong that he shoots dope or some shit but he still lives there.

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Yeah come to think, if you get pissed then pay him you also run the risk of him coming back with a 50 bag of horse and shooting it while standing over your pillow.


This guy's right - If you pay Junkie-Bollox to fuck off then he's probably just gonna milk you for the rest of your life as an easy source of money. You really are coming over as a lily-livered, timorous wee beastie who can't handle the running of a flat & therefore should probably consider re-tying the ties to yer mother's apron strings.

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You guys would actually be cool with someone that lived with you and doing heroin? That's fucked up. I see enough junkies on a daily basis and the thought of that shit disgusts me. If I ever rented my extra room to someone that thought that was cool I would immediately kick them out. That stuff brings too much extra trouble along with it.

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