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I don't know if I'm considered an insomniac, because I don't get 8 hours of sleep like I used to -- I get between 6-7, which to many is good enough. And a few days ago I got like 7 1/2 hours. But still fall short of that 8.


2 years ago I would've considered myself an insomniac since I went a couple months getting like 4 hours a night.

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it basically comes down to laying in bed for hours and even tho you are fucking tired as fuck you still cant fall asleep and when you finally do you wake up a few hours later. dont get me wrong theo by how it sounds you could have it.


different strokes




for different folks

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You try meditation before sleep? Helps clear your mind.


Other things -- warm bath/shower, reading a book in bed, listening to soft music (Jazz, that Indian yoga type shit, etc.)...



Yeah, and some self hypnosis. My mind never settles.


/flashbacks oner.

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Yeah, and some self hypnosis. My mind never settles.


/flashbacks oner.


Yeah man I don't understand it.... I'm not trying to be funny or sarcastic in what I'm about to say, but it sounds like it may run deeper... given that you've tried all those things and it still doesn't work...


I know you think on a different level than most people here... meaning your view of the world. The whole thing about shadow governments controlling world events, feeling like you're being "watched" or "followed" and having to look over your shoulder every minute, holographic synthetic universes like the Matrix -- I figure if I held the same views as you, and truly believed all that stuff, I'd have a difficult time sleeping at night too.


If that's the case, maybe you should seek some cognitive behavioral therapy with a sleep therapist... that may help. I could be wrong though.

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Yeah man I don't understand it.... I'm not trying to be funny or sarcastic in what I'm about to say, but it sounds like it may run deeper... given that you've tried all those things and it still doesn't work...


I know you think on a different level than most people here... meaning your view of the world. The whole thing about shadow governments controlling world events, feeling like you're being "watched" or "followed" and having to look over your shoulder every minute, holographic synthetic universes like the Matrix -- I figure if I held the same views as you, and truly believed all that stuff, I'd have a difficult time sleeping at night too.


If that's the case, maybe you should seek some cognitive behavioral therapy with a sleep therapist... that may help. I could be wrong though.




Haven't you figured out that I'm not really like that?


Nope. I'm not followed. Not a blip on the radar. Not an agency who would waste their time

on me.


Holographic reality is a neat theory. Theoretical physics piques my interest. Nothing more, nothing less.


Behavioral therapy doesn't interest me.




Also: sex doesn't help, either.

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i could never fall asleep growing up not outta stress or fear or worry. but because my brains moves so fast and i felt like id miss something if i fell asleep haha. its mental, but alot of times. my best thinking is done when im asleep.


like, for example if im pondering a conclusion to a situation in life that i havnt decided on yet and am still balancing out the options. the second i will open my eyes the following morning before i can even focus my mind is so clear, so sure about the decion that had to be made and why its fucking freakish.


iv taken sleep aids for years now. no side effects at all. never had to bump my dose. cant sleep without em, again. brain just works in overdrive and its tough to turn off. but thats just the thing, i dont want to turn it off slow it down or put a pinch on the motion. its my edge and without it ill end up a fuckin sheep like the rest.


fuck that shit, i refuse.

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when i used to use dope i would get wiiicked night tremors like whoa.


not good. straight jacket type shit:)


so fucking vivid. indescribable. the colors. the details. the sheer fucking horror no joke. they were my own personal like hell. i would know when id get one to, like during the day. fucked up i know. but its true. id get this weird dull pain on my forhead in the same area. and there was another symptom too but cant remember anymore.


everytime id be with a bitch id tell them "IF YOU EVER FEEL MY LEG MOVING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WAKE ME THE FUCK UP"


cause that was me half concious unable to speak while they were going on trying to kick myself awake.


i remember one where i was looking down at myself but hovering above my bed. that was a real basic one tho. there are others that had so much detail it was not human. it was an ability to see unwreckognized by people.


they were wild, i just turned my light on LOLOL

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My insomnia is miserable. I can get 1 or 2 hours of sleep multiple nights in a row, and the next night if i even bother to get in bed before 4 or 5, i still generally don't fall asleep until 7 or 8. I've tried 3 different sleeping pills and none of them did shit, excluding ambien making me trip and putting myself in situations where i ended up blacking out on my feet, but continued doing whatever it was that i was doing in the first place.


Thankfully/unfortunately, i'm mostly unemployed at the moment so i'm still getting the sleep my body needs by sleeping through way too much of the day, but it's definitely not a healthy way to be going about everything. And i'm going to be fucked once again one of these days when i get another daytime 8-4/9-5 type job.


The extra kicker is that my insomnia makes my chronic headaches worse, which in turn makes it harder for me to sleep, and so on and so forth. Now i have allergies fucking everything up even more too. Neeeeeed pillllllllls. Coming up on 5 months with no painkillers and no relief from the headaches i have day in, day out.

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congradulations on your shitty life chupac, may your words be of triumphant motivation for everyone else to do any and everything they can to be nothing like you or your pitiful existance.


make a statement and hang yourself while your family and friends still have interest in seeing you alive.


maybe then people will care.

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Yes, because insomnia and headaches are things i chose to have and they totally mean my whole life sucks.


Oh wait, nah, my life is pretty good. You're the 30something year old who has made 75+ rambling ass, mentally retarded posts in the past 24 hours. I don't think you have any room to talk about someone else having a pitiful existence.

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What about a support group?


But seriously, I'm one too. Mine isn't slow-sleep insomnia, like some here have mentioned (you get sleep every night, but reduced hours thereof), but acute insomnia. I'm usually awake for days at a time (the record being 9) without any external stimuli. I've tried a great many drugs for this, both voluntarily and involuntarily, including ProSom, Dalmane, Doral, Trazadone, Seraquil, Halcion, Ambien, Sonota, Restoril, Xanax, Rozerem, Edluar, Elavil, Thorazine and many others I can't recall (drugs will do that to you). None of them had any appreciable affects other than general lethargy except Xanax (6mg), which caused me to have concious blackouts, and Ativan (4mg) which didn't help me sleep, but made me not fucking care. From a pharmacological stand-point, you are probably out of luck, but should try to con some Ativan if you can.



You're likely just going to have to deal with this, though. The best advice I can give you is try to stay hydrated and use the time to your advantage. I tend to read at night, which is convenient if I do actually get sleepy

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I feel like i look exactly like the ffffuuuuuuuu face all thetime. I love to sleep to its one of my most enjoyable times in life.


insomnia is killing me.


Done all of this. Still do. Nothing works.


Yeah, and some self hypnosis. My mind never settles.


/flashbacks oner.




i had chronic insomnia for over 3 years, chronic. when i was dating this girl which i moved in with, there were literally entire weeks where i slept 2hours to absolutely no hours a night and then went straight to work, sometimes awake for almost 3 solid days, weekends included.

your face fucking BURNS and your brain feels like its melting and thats on a good day. i felt like my face was aging prematurely, when people said "damn man you look tired" this is all i thought.




i attribute it to me being a little on the soft side, long story longer. i started dating this chick, and in the beginning i cheated on her, and she forgave me and took me back. so i did 101 things i did not want to do (move in etc) bc i was grateful she took me back, and thats where my insomnia stemmed from.




i've tried pills (ambien lunesta adderall or ativan dont even remember)

i've tried hypnosis

i've tried cognitive behavioral therapy 5th ave dr for $250 an hour not coved by my insurance

i've tried melatonin

i've tried acupuncture, also not covered, $150 a clip.


none of it works.


i literally did everything i could and when i found no answer it got even worse bc i started panicking even more bc i thought it was hopeless and that type of anxiety multiplies your fear and is just another huge nail in the coffin. i thought i was going to die.


then you read all you can about it and see there is little to no real conclusive medical research even though its devoted to finding a cause or a cure, no one for certain knows the reasons and there is no real black and white answer MORE NAILS.




the cure to insomnia is within you.

you have to hit rock bottom so to speak like a junkie or an alcoholic (at least i found) and then pick yourself up and believe there is a cure. believe it within your mind, and you are not helpless anymore once you believe this its defeated. yes thats right trick yourself. everything always works the fuck out.

seriously its never as bad as you think and it can always get better, look at it like a challenge, turn any positive into a negative, take something good from any situation.


it changed my life for the better 100%


my exact cure.

half mental-half breathing. its best to get into a breathing pattern, just like meditation. THAT FUCKING EASY. i used Mr. Miyagi as my example. dead ass. slow deep breaths /nh and think of a phrase you can say over and over in your head to be in sync with the breathing. something positive, will clear all the shit out of your head. all those stupid problems will be there tomorrow whether you are awake or if you pass the fuck out, so just let it go and pass the fuck out, and deal with it the next day.

none of those problems are ever that bad, life always goes on, hindsight tells us this, time and time again


the reasoning to the cure is in its simplicity. the more that sleep/insomnia is given attention to (looking at clocks, being SCARED of a bed) the more complex it gets. i never thought i would get through it. i fantasized about planned painless suicides i was in such a state of pure anxiety and mental disarray. all for absolutely nothing. i can actually laugh at it now.


PM me anything, i feel like i typed too much already, a cure exists, im proof, and i never thought i would conquer it, but now that i did ill help anyone who needs.




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every time I try to sleep, I have this reacurring nightmare that I am making a thread on 12oz.

I find a funny subject and begin to start the thread, when all of a sudden these posts by

COS start flooding in. I try to reply to one, but theres another one, and another






and now I'm drowning!, sinking in a digital flood of comments. I hit refresh page, but it just adds to the barrage of COS verbal-diarrhea! I MASH THE KEYBOARD VIOLENTLY!!!!!!!!!!


Then I am shaken.

Stirred awake out of my umad experience, I look around to discover that I have

yet again peed on my girlfriend.

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real talk if you've got insomnia go play FFXI online...


you will either become so enthralled by that game that you play until your very core forces you to black out (happened way too many times to me)


or you will become so overwhelmed by the boredom of looking for a group at the beach, let alone finding a white mage, you will keel over and wake up the next day completely energized.

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