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aiight... times up foo's... hopefully a few others will filter in over the next few days. lookin forward to peeping 'em. but someones gotta make a new list so that persons gotta be delagted.


cool to see any and all that through pics in the mix. but its only fair to the others for the person crowned this week to have completed all numbers on the list by the list's duedate.


unbiased pick. Sm.


came down for me between her and Stan. mecer came thru correct, just caught a little more of a vibe off the ladder. Sm completed the bonus where Stan did not. and i seen the effort a little more in going out and makin pics happen with the girl from vegas.


Sm is teh winner. Sm makes new list.



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1 -- Broken: Sunglass graveyard. Dates back to when I was 16.


2 -- Reflection


3 -- Happy- Its true...sometimes.


4 -- Filth: This isnt really all that filthy. But its been my task for the past

couple of weeks to put all this crap away. I am still working on it



Phil at the Nami walk








7 -- Rust


8 -- Music


9 -- Refurbished


10 - Sport: Best sport (maybe?) ever


11 - Motorized



12 - Drip(s)



13 - Irony - Same protest. By June 14th sacramento will close down a major amount

of MH clinics for the homeless due to our budget crisis. Her sign was referencing that

but I was looking at the moment I guess.



Bonerus - Underground: I had to. I had all these letters just sitting on my floor when I was cleaning.

I dunno if its really underground...but I never hear anyone say it but you gentleman from these parts.

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I'm pretty sure having highest post count in here don't mean you're running/judging this thread.



oooh, damn... mercer just set his bra on fire like it was 1960 all over again. lemme refresh your memory, and your fragile broken ego:



I will select an unbiased choice for who's next based on a few variables and in complete fairness.


Someone needs a trophy at the end of the ride and rather than putting everyone on the spot to pick favorites I think it should be whomever made the initial list to decide.


Wether that continues remains to be seen but at least while I'm sitting in the chair for this round that's how it'll be.


Stoked to see the flicks


posted on the 21st of april. tell ya what there mercette. Sm does the next thread. cause i said so. and i withdraw from this faggety thread once and for all.


i sonned yer ass like you was a fuckin urinal puck with me standing over top of you like yer dad with his cock out. you can niikon up yer pics all you want but when all you workin with is store bought straphome you aint never gonna compete with real niggaz. i dont need lenses and shutters to show you what the fuck is up.


i got more flavour than your cheque book could buy. and my two and out photohunts prove it.


i go down as the best there ever was, on two takes.


-peace. out. crowned. king.


and ps: two weeks and ill be holding photo classes, your invited. bring cash, and your girl. dont hold yer breath tho. my style aint for sale.

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I'd be interested in seeing some exif data on that heli shot as well.



Orientation of image: 1

File change date and time: 2010:04:30 17:25:14

Image input equipment manufacturer: Canon

Image input equipment model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS

Exposure time: 0.005

F number: 5.6

Exposure program: 4

ISO speed rating: 100

Shutter speed: 7.625

Aperture: 5

Exposure bias: 0

Metering mode: 5

Flash: 9

Lens focal length: 187

Focal plane X resolution: 4438.36

Focal plane Y resolution: 4445.97

Focal plane resolution unit: 2

Custom rendered: 0

Exposure mode: 0

White balance: 1

Scene capture type: 0

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oooh, damn... mercer just set his bra on fire like it was 1960 all over again. lemme refresh your memory, and your fragile broken ego:


posted on the 21st of april. tell ya what there mercette. Sm does the next thread. cause i said so. and i withdraw from this faggety thread once and for all.


i sonned yer ass like you was a fuckin urinal puck with me standing over top of you like yer dad with his cock out. you can niikon up yer pics all you want but when all you workin with is store bought straphome you aint never gonna compete with real niggaz. i dont need lenses and shutters to show you what the fuck is up.


i got more flavour than your cheque book could buy. and my two and out photohunts prove it.


i go down as the best there ever was, on two takes.


-peace. out. crowned. king.


and ps: two weeks and ill be holding photo classes, your invited. bring cash, and your girl. dont hold yer breath tho. my style aint for sale.



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how were they not my pictures, i like the fact that if its not "manual" then its not legit. if thats what your implying. which is kool by me, i can understand that would be cheating. and certainly i dont think any of my shots are manual. on the camera that i have theres a dial with 4 or 5 presets + av/tv/m and a couple others i think. when you use av/tv is that considered cheating asewell, im asdsuming so. which is fair. in the canon manual for the camera it lists all the preset functions in one section and then it lists theav/tv/maual etc in another section of its own. i assumed they were they were legit to use on the same playing field. section is entitled "advanced phot techniques". all those settings that random was able to pull from that pic i was not aware were able to be adjusted and whatnot. there certainly were pictures takin using the factory "portrait" function. especially for these photohunts if i come across a photo opportunity im not always in a situation to pull out the instruction manual so i had to.


anyways im starting to understand a little more of the do's and donts now i suppose of photo conduct. im assuming. and anyone hating on the pictures that i took are gay as fuck. you certainly could mention in passing they werent all done by a professional or used settings in manual. but they were cool pics. and im happy with them. and i didnt cheat at all, i just didnt know i was doing things wrong.


and anyone trying to say "your not even good" or hack my photos. yer a fuckin lame. and i trump all of you with flavour. this isnt about camera settings. i said that from the begining. this thread shouldnt be about technical shit, or a place to break shit down. it should be about creativity and interpretation. all that other stuff is legit, but only if the person wants it to be and should have no bearing.


tho, that being said. i do want to learn shit so critisism is good. i learned something just now.


so from now on. for me, ill go completely manual then. cool with me, and understandable. but its absolute comedy how you people just disected my pictures like that. and i can sure as shit tell you all those photos were not on preset "portrait" mode or whatever. wow, just. wow.


absolute. comedy.


and mercers comment that catapulted my drunken rant last night? you can eat a bag of dicks. you, are a fuckin lame for saying that. you can take yer littand its now my main concern to out photohunt you and yer boy jbrsh everytime.


i seriously im amazed at the hate you just cast on my pics. i kinged yer asses with my content. i shoulda just took em on my phone to really add salt to your wounds.


/yes im going to go back on saying im done with these yes im going to do this one and yes i will continue to do more. its how im gonna learn. again, jlearned something just now.

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RC's fingers working overtime these days.


I think i speak for most of us when i say that your submissions would be a lot more appreciated if you didn't write self indulging narcissistic novels after every comment people threw at you.


New list looks dope, good looking out SM!


B fish, I'm a fan, please don't stop posting!

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(off topic but sorta on rant) When we were in Reno.

We were all in the car and caligula

was telling a story.

While this was going on I was having my own

little conversation going in my head. Analyzing. Connecting

things in his story that I thought made sense.

Without thinking I told him he wouldn’t make a very pretty girl.

He told me I dont talk very much but when I do sometimes

the things I say are mean. haha.

A lot of times I forget about context when I speak.

I just poop out nonsense gabber and expect people

to understand why I say the things I do.

It gets me in trouble from time to time so I usually

opt for just not saying anything.

Which is a ok with me… I am too young and stupid

right now to be popping off at the gums anyway.

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Reality Check, you centered every subject like a noob and they were still some how off balance compositions.

You're lying to yourself if you think you're better than anyone else who just bought an SLR or think you're "killing it with maad flavor yo!".

Which subject did you son me? The out of focus shot of your methocycle charm bracelets washed out with flash?

I'm not really all that good yet and still learning myself but don't think you're on my level with or without my "store bought" camera.

Not sure how you got your camera, but I'm glad you're this happy with your photo's like you're dog was happy getting teh buttsex.

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I thought they weren't his photos because on the data said Cannon Rebel, but in one of his replies he said something about not needing lenses or shutters. Which makes absolutely no sense at all, but I figured he meant he just had a point and shoot camera.


Buuuut since he has an SLR he just made himself look even dumber. And COS, you really are on ignore so don't bother telling me you sonned me too.

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your alot better than me technicaly. you have an understanding of the camera and how it works n shit. its tough for me to learn things after reading it. so i have to take the manual with me. which is kool. next one im going all manual, its important for me to learn correctly and also keep it real. i didnt realize av/tv settings were taboo. i was under the impression you had to use those settings for certain effects. now i do, and it makes sense. figured just the auto presets were like that, which i still use for convience when needed.


i absolutely do not think im better than anyone in here with an slr. quite the opposite.


i said my flick content sonned you, and your buddies. and thats actual, factual. and it will be like that every week. comes natural to me. real wreckognize real. and son, i dont wreckognize you.


you display poor taste. i came to you with interest and advise on shit, with respect. you helped out with a few things which was koo. then you make a below the belt comment last night.


thats kool tho. i atypicaly ranted. now im ready to straight up one up you everytime for your disrespect you showed me, and my pics. i like it, gonna make me alot better n shit. so keep on casting shade on my pics and dissing my choices. only gonna make my shit more technicly solid.

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:lol: better wrekognize son.


Dude, it's just getting annoying checking this thread and every other post is you rambling.

Thought it showed very poor taste trying to judge and run this thread.

Didn't realize you proclaimed yourself the judge a while back, my bad.

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Reality your photos weren't bad, I actually liked them, but your annoying ass narcissistic rants about how you're "Killing everyone with flavor" ruined them completely. Just shut the fuck up already.

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i was talking to mercer, and his homeboy jbrsh that come at me like im an idiot and my shit sucks. ill say what i want to them.


i havnt started anything negative in this thread. del came at me, i said "take it to another thread" yer boy jbrsh came at, i had some fun with it then i stopped it and gave him props on his post. last night you came at me, which i took personal. put put effort into that shit, i dont need to compliments but i aint gonna stand for disrespect.


sall good tho br0. i wont comment in here anymore. ill just post pics.


done & done.

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