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my little brother is gay..


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i have a gay brother, aint no thing. my dad def wigged out at first. i remember my mom using the word "devastated" to describe my father's reaction. i dunno why he was surprised, dude listened to fucking JEWEL for gods sake when we were growing up.


finding out he is teh gayz def knocked out any homophobia i had in me at a young age. if i see somebody being a dick to another person because of their sexual orientation, they get slapped (/nh). im not some hero or anything, i just do what i hope somebody would if some prick was hassling my brother...


jugz, hopefully your bro lives in a decent sized city, small towns can still be pretty ruthless. my brother got jumped by 3 dudes he never met before, i had a lesbian homegirl get beat the fuck up by two super homophobic GUYS just a few weeks ago, and one of my mom's gay friends got his ass beat at a bar a few months ago because he mouthed off to a guy that told him faggots couldnt kick it in that spot. hopefully your bro can fight if hes young.


ps: if youre lucky, your brother will abhor femmy guys, so you never have to kick it with any obnoxious flamer types. thank god my bro is into normal gay folk that dont act like 12 year old girls.

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Weather people were beat up, picked on, or had a perfect life growing up, they still choose to be gay. Mother fuckers are born gay, people don't just say "Hey man, I'm gonna start suckin dicks" its like a birth defect.


yeah my post wasnt a serious one bro..no need for mr morality to lecture me. lol.

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BLU always coming through with an appropriate youtube clip


I've got a gay uncle and my mum's best friend is gay.

he would likely snap all of you in two.

kickboxer, boxer, trained in krav maga and 2nd dan in aikido.

not a gay dude you want to talk shit to, i've seen what happens when he drinks and some ass comes up and talks smack.

it ain't pretty.



Jugz, just let you're little brother know that it doesn't change the fact that you two are family.

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kickboxer, boxer, trained in krav maga and 2nd dan in aikido.

he still gay doe

I bet I could knock him down in two moves. Call him gay then kick him in balls.


And as a disclaimer. These posts do not reflect the poster's opinions.
















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I had a gay cousin who died of AIDS and a gay uncle who is a ex heroin addict and suprisingly never got it, but that side of the fam grew up catholic so I think that statistically ups the chances


Everyone with a big enough family tree has a few fruits hanging off it

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my uncle was gay

he lived in SF in the 80s and got HIV and then AIDS

he died awhile back

i loved him and he was a fun guy, none of that crapola mattered.


Sorry, symbols.


One of my best friends is gay, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him.

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