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White people are the only people that can drink.


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I told my boy one night that he could have the last of our vodka (probably Karkov), but he had to drink it all in one sip and had to mix it with something we had in house. I think it ended up being a giant glass of vodka and Diet Coke, but either way he immediately puked it right back up, and I grabbed a perfect action shot of it.


About a year later, for his going away party, we got it blown up to poster size...so good

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I told my boy one night that he could have the last of our vodka (probably Karkov), but he had to drink it all in one sip and had to mix it with something we had in house. I think it ended up being a giant glass of vodka and Diet Coke, but either way he immediately puked it right back up, and I grabbed a perfect action shot of it.


About a year later, for his going away party, we got it blown up to poster size...so good


lets see this picture.

i love watching people vomit.

and not in some creepy perv way.

it just makes me laugh a lot.

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Look. There are differences between whites and blacks. Talking about them doesn't make you a closet racist. While I am racist to some degree, I am pretty up front about it. Here's three things that I know about other races.


Black girls smell bad when you fuck them no matter how hot they are.

Black people don't know how to not get someone pregnant.

Black people are way more fun to gamble with than white people.


Mexicans like to talk shit about white people in spanish - even if they know the white person can speak spanish.

Mexicans have knife fights more than any other race.

Mexicans live with a bunch of other mexicans and have sex on the roof of their building instead of in their rooms.


White people are by and large soft and not to betted on in a fight.

White people will have an abortion no questions asked.

White girls smell pretty good when you have sex with them.


Native 'mericans travel in packs of three, one female one male because for some reason the females get more money from the government than the males, and thus can support the tribe for longer.

Native 'mericans are the most dangerous people to drink with.

All other races hate/fear Native 'mericans when they are drunk.


Asians are always talking shit about you in their native tongue.

Asian people from America are ashamed of their heritage and don't like sleeping with each other.

Asian people from Asia are totally insane and for some reason get a pass on eating the weirdest shit on earth.


Hasidic Jewish people are dangerously bad landlords.

Hasidic Jewish people are the reason why the rest of the jews get a bad name.

Hasidic Jewish people should really just fuck off.


As far as middle east/indian people - all i can say is that their women are usually hairier than you want them to be, and by and large pretty ugly.


And I will and have said this and more to the face of anyone who cared to generalize me as a white stereotype. Which is where this whole thread came from.

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Each page I felt dejavu


"Whites are pretty good at it man, I mean yea we pee on our friend's younger sister but..."


"Idk man, asians can drink sake and shogunale with straws"


"This German dewd was pretty surprised with how much I can drink yea"




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