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The Ruins of Detroit


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Most people here take vacation in Florida or the Carribean. I hope to take a vacation to Detroit some day. Economic Hiroshima.


B4 I figured how to capture videos off youtube I actually paid the owner of these vids, CAMOSILVER, to send me a copy on DVD.


crazy how ghetto detroit is must be a fuckin graff haven with so much rundown,abandoned, buildings, houses to paint:D


No joke. :(



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for those of you that don't live in detroit, this thread is cool and all, but aint nothing cool about the city I was born and raised in, and still currently fuck off in all day. it's the shittiest, grimiest place in america. with that said, I got mad flicks of detroit. the notable ones today are an example of what most neighborhoods look like. for every house that is not gutted and abondoned, there is 4 next to it that it is. also pictured, michigan and trumball, home of the old tiger stadium. the sunset flick is not great, but just another random factory that is no longer. and the packard plant flick dont do it justice either, but the whole 6th floor is collapsed. enjoy, peace.










east building of the packard plant.


sunset over southwest.


michigan and trumball, home of the old tiger stadium, not just a big empty lot.


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im trying to go architectural salvaging in Detroit.


you been here? good luck. aint shit worth salvaging here. scrappers got every building on lock. it would be cheaper to knock everything down than it would to try and save shit. welcome to asbestos city!

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recently the scrappers have been destroying the

packard, they caved in another two roofs i think

and they will never tear down the packard, shit

will cost millions upon millions its so huge.

smart thing to do would be to let the scrappers

take everything possible and let them dissemble

it over the next few year

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