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MTV's Jersey Shore

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Uhh for real

my family didn't come here until the 40s and I'm only second generation American

but I'm white like a motherfucker. It's just some ignorant shit Italians try and pull to further distinguish themselves.


If you are European, you are white. You look white - you are white. Looking Italian gets you all the privalege any white person would get.

Italy is just as much Europe as anywhere else


let me clear up what i was saying earlier.....my boy who is italian doesnt deny he is white....he just identifies with his italian heritage more than the WASPy characteristics american society view as being white.


kim...by the way....i know people who are halfricans that look white...and they dont consider themselves white. i know halfricans who look arab...and they dont consider themselves arab because thats how they look. shit...i look puerto rican...doesnt mean i have a puerto rican flag hanging from rearview mirror.


however....we agree that looking "italian" does get you all the privaleges as any other white person.








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yeah that was basically my point. people from whatever heritage / background are always trying to say they arent "white" but being white isnt how YOU see yourself, its how society in general sees you and what they apply to themselves. Even if you dont think your white, you are, because society is going to see you that way and give you all the benefit.




Its just always got on my nerves when people say "im not white, Im Irish" or whatever else. Thats like saying "Im not a mammal, im a whale"


Irish is a type of white, whale is a type of mammal... unless its a wolf or a dog or something.

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The only reason people say that shit about Sicily is because they saw True Romance. I doubt any of them have looked into a history book and checked to see if this is an actual fact (though it may be). If idiots want to bank their race or ethnicity on not being corny WASP's because some guys from the middle east reproduced with their ancestors they are fools. Culture and upbringing play a large role in all this shit and the simple fact that some Arab fucked someone you were distantly related to doesn't mean that they bred out your entire lineage and culture. Last i checked, Sicily was not Muslim.


I agree with whoever said that people who say this are trying to latch on to whatever romanticized thoughts they have of organized crime after Only Built For Cuban Linx came out.




uhhhhh...not to bring up old shit...




...arnt the moors africans? 100% not from the middle east. i know they are of part arab decent....but the moors where black africans.

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I dont think DAO would bother to hate on the jews and italians.


The simple fact is. You're a butthurt nigger. The fact you went out of your way to mention someone nega propping you shows youre faggot. If you didnt give a shit, you wouldnt have even bothered to play it off on some "LOL THANKS FOR THE NEGA PROP. IM VERY-NOT MAD ABOUT IT." You got your feelings hurt over the internet. It happens all the time to cry baby bitches like you. Just accept it and move on. You're dereailing a perfectly good hate-thread on some lame heritage, jew dieing shit (which equally hilarious).


You mad. Cry about it.

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Listen, I'm just here to help. I havent really bothered to follow your 2-3 page discussions on jews and itialins and whatever lame shit you find interesting, because only a butthurt homo really gives that much of a shit.


Im here to bring closure. Lets talk about your feelings. You're very upset. If you would like, I could come over, hold you, rub your back. We could go to the gym maybe, you could let off a little steam, we could hit up the punching bags. I could take a picture of Hitlers (or Mussolini) face onto one of them if you want.

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take the millionaire living in jersey.... transplant them to manhattan and they instantly become a thousandaire



LOL!! OBVIOUSLY, you dont know to many millionaires in New Jersey. Here's and example of my friend Pete's family who were millionaires in NJ and moved to NYC. Dudes father decided he wanted to live in the city, he had a family of 6. What did his pops do?? Buy 4 apartments, 2 adjacent on 1 floor and 2 directly below the top two. Dude had the 4 apartments renovated into 1 huge ass apartment/penthouse in Manhattan.


Dude is far from a thousandaire, also considering his yacht is dock in NYC too.


:D :D :D Stupid Amounts of Money :D :D :D

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im very proud of your boy and his dad, send them my regards.



now back to these leather skinned bags









the fact that it is now common place to make that face in every single pic, which involves pursing the lips and sometimes tilting the head, is also proof that there will always be tribal back tattoos, tanning salons open all summer and blowjobs given in untzing club bathrooms from montauk to seaside.

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nyc and guidos have reached an understanding, they stay close to their roots, much like bees to a hive they only have power at the nest, but my dude, some places are over run, if you know where the source is then you know where they hang, so its just a matter of not going to that area unless you want to make a clown night of it. the music taste alone is enough to keep 95% of the population away.


its like if i went to a club on eastern pkwy, thats an all caribean neighborhood, in brooklyn, i know whats there i know what to expect, but i can get a reggae fix almost anywhere. the same reason i wouldnt set foot in staten island and wouldnt dream of doing the jersey shore. think of it like avoiding something radioactive, it has a fallout zone.

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I accidentally spent the night in Perth-Amboy after driving to philly from the berkshires in the 03 blizard, and even though we almost died a couple times due to the weather I def shoulda kept it moving...



thats the only time I ever spent the night in Jerz, and I intend to keep it that way

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oh gawd. THEE WORST

bay ridge, whitestone, howard beach, bensonhurst, bayside, etc.


here ill make it simple


grey burnt sienna/cinnamon, slate/iris blues and mustard






also throw caution to:



festival green, soldier grey, indian spice/pumpkin and some khaki






im sure others can cosign or add.

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