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Korea...the forgotten war, anyways enough of the bickering. FBI put out a statement today that linked ol' Pistol Pete to Muslim radicals.


Tragic I think, this only fuels the fire for more racism and hatred towards a type of people.



The FBI and CIA were well aware this guy was "trying to contact al qaeda" for quite some time

and did nothing about it.

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The FBI and CIA were well aware this guy was "trying to contact al qaeda" for quite some time

and did nothing about it.


What are they supposed to do? Remember when I told you about Intelligence Oversight and the collection of American Citizens...the CIA their hands were tied, but the FBI...well, they suck at intelligence gathering, they have only been doing it for a few years.

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So South Korea was saved, but we got pushed out of North Korea and it ended in a cease fire.

Sounds like a stale mate to me.


My great uncle was a Marine in Korea, and even he said that it ended in a stale mate.


I've heard Korean War vets (US) claim victory. And I've read North Koreans claiming that war was their victory.


I heard your great uncle argued with North Korean & Chinese soldiers at the 38th parallel, and they struck back using facts & logic, and then he struck back with red text which brought the communists to the negotiating table. Can you confirm this?

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What are they supposed to do? Remember when I told you about Intelligence Oversight and the collection of American Citizens...the CIA their hands were tied, but the FBI...well, they suck at intelligence gathering, they have only been doing it for a few years.



Yeah, point taken. I know the CIA is supposed to have very limited powers when it comes to intelligence gathering on our soil, but they could have turned it over via the new information sharing initiatives (stingy glory claiming faggots) to an agency that could have done something about it.


I'm so disheartened by the way our intelligence agencies work. Fuck, the FBI cooked the bomb for the terrorists in '93 and let that shit go off. How stupid can they be?

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I've heard Korean War vets (US) claim victory. And I've read North Koreans claiming that war was their victory.


I heard your great uncle argued with North Korean & Chinese soldiers at the 38th parallel, and they struck back using facts & logic, and then he struck back with red text which brought the communists to the negotiating table. Can you confirm this?


LOLLLLL:lol: :lol:

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Yeah, point taken. I know the CIA is supposed to have very limited powers when it comes to intelligence gathering on our soil, but they could have turned it over via the new information sharing initiatives (stingy glory claiming faggots) to an agency that could have done something about it.


I'm so disheartened by the way our intelligence agencies work. Fuck, the FBI cooked the bomb for the terrorists in '93 and let that shit go off. How stupid can they be?


Dude...if you worked in some of the place i have, you would be amazed at how we even get some of the people we do. Alot of information horders and dewy do nothings

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Dude...if you worked in some of the place i have, you would be amazed at how we even get some of the people we do. Alot of information horders and dewy do nothings



A really good example of that is Sybil Edmunds and her recent disclosure of what she was court ordered to shut up about. (the CIA was working with OBL up until 9/11/01)


Can you imagine listening to intercepts of communications between the CIA and the bad brown people and being told to shut up about it?

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Officials: U.S. Army Told of Hasan's Contacts with al Qaeda



“Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI), the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said that he requested the CIA and other intelligence agencies brief the committee on what was known, if anything, about Hasan by the U.S. intelligence community, only to be refused,” reports ABC News.

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Korea, Persian Gulf War, Kosovo/Serbia. Second Iraq War, in both phases. Saddam's military/government was decimated (victory) as was Al Qaeda In Iraq and the insurgency were hit hard & are longer a real threat (victory). Yes, there are still car bombings but it has dropped considerably.


korea??? no. you declared a truce, hardly what you'd call a victory.


kosovo/serbia?? you dropped some bombs after most of the civilians had already been slaughtered.


iraq??? gulf war 1, militarily america kicked ass, but what did you accomplish? you got a couple of kfc's into kuwait. left saddam in power for another 13 years, then attacked without provocation and turned iraq into a terrorist mecca. you know those 'insurgents' are just biding their time waiting for you to leave? al-qaeda in iraq didn't even exist until you went there. answer me this.....why would a military dictator who supressses islam welcome a group who want to create an islamic state headed by imams? he wouldn't and he didn't. yes he supported palestinian suicide bombers, but so do i. fuck israel.


i'm not arguing that america has a weak military. i'm saying that they never achieve their goals in the theatre of war. time after time you find yourself in a quagmire surrounded by people who don't like you and resent the fact that you got involved in their affairs. :D

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korea??? no. you declared a truce, hardly what you'd call a victory.


kosovo/serbia?? you dropped some bombs after most of the civilians had already been slaughtered.


iraq??? gulf war 1, militarily america kicked ass, but what did you accomplish? you got a couple of kfc's into kuwait. left saddam in power for another 13 years, then attacked without provocation and turned iraq into a terrorist mecca. you know those 'insurgents' are just biding their time waiting for you to leave? al-qaeda in iraq didn't even exist until you went there. answer me this.....why would a military dictator who supressses islam welcome a group who want to create an islamic state headed by imams? he wouldn't and he didn't. yes he supported palestinian suicide bombers, but so do i. fuck israel.


i'm not arguing that america has a weak military. i'm saying that they never achieve their goals in the theatre of war. time after time you find yourself in a quagmire surrounded by people who don't like you and resent the fact that you got involved in their affairs. :D


Victory is defined by objectives that are met.


Korea - main objective was to stop North Korea from taking over the South.


Gulf War 1 - goal was never to remove Saddam, but to drive him out of Kuwait.


Yes I know AQI didn't exist. And the fact is I'm against the 2nd Iraq War. It was illegal.

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You guys forget that in every war...military objectives where met so that is a victory, but....


As so far as Vietnam, and now this Iraq war, it was the problem of the policy makers. The United States Military is not a peacekeeping force; it’s not trained to be a police or humanitarian force (ahem, UN). And that is where the decision makers failed. Instead of sending the best well oiled fighters, they should have sent policy makers, peace dealers and well....DIPLOMATS! (More so themselves) That is why insurgencies and peace actions don’t go well...and it’s not just the United States that has failed on that, ask the French, The Russians, and even the British, they have all made the same mistakes even before we did.


Pvt GI Joe does not know the way of the pen...only the way of the gun.

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really they should have just kept their noses out of Iraq completely, there is no reason for them to be there, just because they didn't like who was running the country gives them no rights to invade it, personally if i was iraqi I would be fighting against the British and Americans as they are an occupying enemy that invaded the country for no real reason (or i should say completely fabricated reasons)


They are completely failing in Afghanistan as well, surely the aim was to catch Osama and so far they have failed miserably as well at that whilst giving Al-Q a whole generation of annoyed muslims to recruit to fight against the coalition forces.


After 9/11 America should have reflected as to why the towers were hit, maybe they should have looked at their foreign policy and (like the British) kept their noses out of the affairs of other countries and the middle east as a whole.


I didn't agree with Saddam I also didn't agree with the Taliban but we had no right as countries to do what we did.

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really they should have just kept their noses out of Iraq completely, there is no reason for them to be there, just because they didn't like who was running the country gives them no rights to invade it, personally if i was iraqi I would be fighting against the British and Americans as they are an occupying enemy that invaded the country for no real reason (or i should say completely fabricated reasons)


They are completely failing in Afghanistan as well, surely the aim was to catch Osama and so far they have failed miserably as well at that whilst giving Al-Q a whole generation of annoyed muslims to recruit to fight against the coalition forces.


After 9/11 America should have reflected as to why the towers were hit, maybe they should have looked at their foreign policy and (like the British) kept their noses out of the affairs of other countries and the middle east as a whole.


I didn't agree with Saddam I also didn't agree with the Taliban but we had no right as countries to do what we did.



Recall these things about Iraq:


1. Saddam was placed there by us, for us. He was an elite assassin trained by the CIA.


2. It wasn't because Saddam was disliked, he was no longer useful.


3. Afghanistan, as our dear leaders have stated many times, is not the objective and really never was. He's not even blamed for 9/11 by our intelligence agencies. Check fbi.gov and see if 9/11 is listed on his dosier.


4. The opium trade has exploded and our troops are guarding the poppy fields.

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lol guarding the poppy fields, more like profiting from them.


I was talking to a friend who is very active in the drug trade and he basically said that the vast majority of heroin coming into the country is through the military.


As for the comments about Saddam, it still doesn't justify us invading the country illegally. I agree with George Bush being charged with war crimes along with Tony Blair

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Recall these things about Iraq:


1. Saddam was placed there by us, for us. He was an elite assassin trained by the CIA.


2. It wasn't because Saddam was disliked, he was no longer useful.


3. OBL, as our dear leaders have stated many times, is not the objective and really never was. He's not even blamed for 9/11 by our intelligence agencies. Check fbi.gov and see if 9/11 is listed on his dosier.


4. The opium trade has exploded and our troops are guarding the poppy fields.



edited. Theraflu got my head all fucked up and I wrote "Afghanistan" instead of Osama Bin Laden.

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kosovo/serbia?? you dropped some bombs after most of the civilians had already been slaughtered.


iraq??? gulf war 1, militarily america kicked ass, but what did you accomplish? you got a couple of kfc's into kuwait. left saddam in power for another 13 years, then attacked without provocation and turned iraq into a terrorist mecca. you know those 'insurgents' are just biding their time waiting for you to leave? al-qaeda in iraq didn't even exist until you went there. answer me this.....why would a military dictator who supressses islam welcome a group who want to create an islamic state headed by imams? he wouldn't and he didn't. yes he supported palestinian suicide bombers, but so do i. fuck israel.


i'm not arguing that america has a weak military. i'm saying that they never achieve their goals in the theatre of war. time after time you find yourself in a quagmire surrounded by people who don't like you and resent the fact that you got involved in their affairs. :D





You asked what wars we had won since 1945.

You just admitted that we won those wars while trying to somehow explain how they didn't count.

You fail.

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the whole korea thing is weird though cos it was america going to far into north korea that caused china to join in. if they had of stopped at the 38th parrallel initially the whole war would have been over in a week.




That's why I agree that Korea was a stale mate.

If we were only there to save South Korea from the North invading, then we wouldn't have tried to take over North Korea too.

We won in South Korea, but lost in North Korea.

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