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Last Statements of Executed Offenders


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....so where im from there is no such thing as the death penalty.

this movie."To young to die" got me inspired to start searching about it... and i came across these sites... they are pretty interesting,well morbidly interesting,


death row

executed offenders



BE a pen pal to a death row


some crazy bitches


ive spent hours on these sites, maybe i need to get myself a pen pal!


also is it still so that they can execute miners from the age of 15 in texas? is this the only state?



anyways post up some other things....


some of these statements have been pretty chilling, and you dont know what to believe, i used to be all for the death penalty but now, i dont know what to think, now i think im against it... i suppose it all depends how full on it is...


well here are just a few quick last statements,


Uh, I don't know, Um, I don't know what to say. I don't know. (pauses) I didn't know anybody was there. Howdy.



"What I want people to know is that they call me a cold-blooded killer when I shot a man that shot me first. The only thing that convicted me was that I am a Mexican and that he was a police officer."



Yes, Ain't no way fo' fo', I Love all yall.




I would like to say that Capital self defense is not Capital Murder.


I would like to make a statement to my wife and family, thank you for your support. I love you Roxanne, Kaye. Thank you Saint Gabriel's Church. Sylvia I appreciate you and thank you.


All right Warden.


(After the official last statement ended, he said I love you Mom.)



"You all brought me here to be executed, not to make a speech. That’s it."



"Profanity directed towards staff."


Yes, nothing I can say can change the past. I am asking for forgiveness. Saying sorry is not going to change anything. I hope one day you can find peace. I am sorry for all of the pain that I have caused you for all those years. There is nothing else I can say, that can help you.


Mija, I love you. Sis, Cynthia, and Sandy, keep on going and it will be O.K. I am sorry to put you through this as well. I can't change the past. I hope you find peace and know that I love you. I am sorry. I am sorry and I can't change it.



Mr. Bryant, I have wronged you and your family and for that I am truly sorry. I forgive and I have been forgiven. Death is but a brief moments slumber and a short journey home. I'll see you when you get there. I am done, Warden.



I want the victim's family to know that I didn't commit this crime. I didn't kill your loved one. Sharon Wilson, y'all convicted an innocent man and you know it. There are some lawyers hired that is gonna prove that, and I hope you can live with it. To my family and loved ones, I love you. Thank you for supporting me. Y'all stay strong. Warden, take me home.



The act I committed to put me here was not just heinous, it was senseless. But the person that committed that act is no longer here - I am.


I'm not going to struggle physically against any restraints. I'm not going to shout, use profanity or make idle threats. Understand though that I'm not only upset, but I'm saddened by what is happening here tonight. I'm not only saddened, but disappointed that a system that is supposed to protect and uphold what is just and right can be so much like me when I made the same shameful mistake.


If someone tried to dispose of everyone here for participating in this killing, I'd scream a resounding, "No." I'd tell them to give them all the gift that they would not give me...and that's to give them all a second chance.


I'm sorry that I am here. I'm sorry that you're all here. I'm sorry that John Luttig died. And I'm sorry that it was something in me that caused all of this to happen to begin with.


Tonight we tell the world that there are no second chances in the eyes of justice...Tonight, we tell our children that in some instances, in some cases, killing is right.


This conflict hurts us all, there are no SIDES. The people who support this proceeding think this is justice. The people that think that I should live think that is justice. As difficult as it ma seem, this is a clash of ideals, with both parties committed to what they feel is right. But who's wrong if in the end we're all victims?


In my heart, I have to believe that there is a peaceful compromise to our ideals. I don't mind if there are none for me, as long as there are for those who are yet to come. There are a lot of men like me on death row - good men - who fell to the same misguided emotions, but may not have recovered as I have.


Give those men a chance to do what's right. Give them a chance to undo their wrongs. A lot of them want to fix the mess they stated, but don't know ho. The problem is not in that people aren't willing to help them find out, but in the system telling them it won't matter anyway. No one wins tonight. No one gets closure. No one walks away victorious.



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"I want the victim's family to know that I didn't commit this crime. I didn't kill your loved one. Sharon Wilson, y'all convicted an innocent man and you know it. There are some lawyers hired that is gonna prove that, and I hope you can live with it. To my family and loved ones, I love you. Thank you for supporting me. Y'all stay strong. Warden, take me home."


I liked this one because in some cases innocent men and woman are convicted and even executed. Its sad but true.

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dang this is intensel.


never been a supporter of the death penalty just cus there are homies that are innocent that get executed..even it be less than 1% of em...my gf once said to err on the side of life..


ppl should not have the power to collectively decide to kill a nigga..thats essentially the same thing as murder.

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my view on it is that NO ONE, no matter your religion, belief, or scientific study can guarantee what the afterlife is like.

for all we know, its a fuckin paradise for all men and women regardless of their actions in this life. if someone commits a horrible crime/murder, should we take his/her life and send them on a journey that we really know nothing about?

im more about eye for an eye- if torture and pain was involved in the killing, bring it on in conviction, and letting the convicted live in misery for the rest of his/her natural life, having to think everyday about what they did.

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dang this is intensel.


never been a supporter of the death penalty just cus there are homies that are innocent that get executed..even it be less than 1% of em...my gf once said to err on the side of life..


ppl should not have the power to collectively decide to kill a nigga..thats essentially the same thing as murder.


that last part is retarded. people cloud their own beliefs by throwing around words like "murder"



like nigga please

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