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Life After Highschool


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I dropped out of high school, spent the next 3 or so years doin whatever...stealing painting partying. I then knocked a chick up and had to get a job. After working in an antique store for a year i managed to get a job with my mums company. i have now had 2 payrises since i have been here and am holding a nice steady job. I fuckin hate it though. If i didnt have a kid i would be on the other side of the world right now. But i would also be a very immature and irresponsible person.


I dunno swindle. i say travel is the best thing for anyone to do. Get a shitty job and travel as much as you can/want. you have mad years ahead of you and you should try and do some shit like travel etc. before resonsibility creaps up on you. you will soon figure out what you want to do with yourself. dont be thinking that you need Uni or anythign to get places in life, you just have to be really passionate and work hard at what you want.

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^ i would have dropped out at high school at year 10 but for some reason i stuck around and this year there really wasnt enough time to paint (at least what i call enough time)


the more i think about it the more i just want to wing it and leave and go to another country and try (and probably fail) to 'make it happen' just so that i can say that i have.


once school and final exams are over (mid november) me and some friends are driving to the other side of the country on an alcohol fueled road trip similar to spring break. in a way this will be like a practice run on winging it and hoping for the best with no money in our pockets.

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It's only been 4 years for me, in that time iv'e made a fuck load of bad choices and done alot of things i regret iv'e also done alot of awesome shit and made huge life changes. I did my fair share of bludging of my folks aand girl friends, i studied a bit. Now i have a semi high paying job that i dont overly hate. I have my own place and im saving for a huge trip, only a few more g's to go.


Just mature in your own way, it took me a while but im happy with life now, my mates and family ,quiting smoking, selling paintings and finding a new bird are the things in my life now. Do your own thing, you seem like an alright dude. Have fun and stack paper.

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damn...it's been 10 YEARS since I graduated high school



I bartend for a living. In New York City. I drink at work. I meet tons of women, I work with waitress babes at the restaurants I bartend at, and when I serve at dive bars there are always a lot of options towards the end of the night when I choose who gets to stay after last call.


Follow the path I took, maybe you'll be happy. Then again, like Smart warned us 2 pages ago, maybe you'll just form a coke habit and get too wasted.

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Since when do people meet women on the job?


clean pools

hand to god this actually works


i've never followed through on it but i've had the opportunity


it helps to mildly attractive, but not necessary as plenty of the women whose pools i used to clean were loaded as fuck by 10 a.m


god bless drunk, bored middle aged women

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clean pools

hand to god this actually works


i've never followed through on it but i've had the opportunity


it helps to mildly attractive, but not necessary as plenty of the women whose pools i used to clean were loaded as fuck by 10 a.m


god bless drunk, bored middle aged women


This was how Adam Sandler's character in 'Airheads' got laid

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i graduated h/s in 08 when i was 16... and sicne then i've been chilling hard, blazing, girls video games. the way i see it, no matter how old you are you're still gonna be doing the same thing. im 18 now was doing the same shit was when i was 16. my room mates 22 and all these kids i meet now just play video games, smoke pot drink blah blah blah. i planned on going to college but that fell through hard as i hated school. now i live nyc for the past 2 months. i'm probably gonna start community college next semester.. wooo

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I went to college even though I wasn't really into it. Wasted some time by not really taking it seriously until the fourth or fifth year.


If you go to school, do it smart and use the opportunity to move somewhere cool. Then try to get into some program that will allow you to travel to another country for a semester. Get a radio show, or find out what kind of other shit they have that you can take advantage of-- big fancy printers, cameras, etc.


If you don't go to school, figure out some way to get a student ID and hold onto that shit forever... that thing will save you thousands of dollars over the course of your life.


And either way, fuck as many chicks as possible.

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