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Swindle you gotta stop hating on AFL and cricket. Very un-Australian behaviour. I know your not into that shit but it's far from the gayest shit in the world.


I've never understood the national pride that seems to be widespread in the USA. Like the hands on the heart while singing the national anthem and shit like that. I've seen footage of people tearing up at rodeos while singing it. Fucking hilarious.


In Australia you'd be hard pressed to find one person that takes the national anthem seriously other than maybe sporting people at the olympics.


Just to add a question. Are you Americans really into religion? It's portrayed that way in the media over here.

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I don't even know the words to the British national anthem, and frankly couldnt give a shit if the royal family was killed off.


I find the whole pledging allegiance to the flag and shit like that bizarre, but its a different culture haha


To Australians, do you always throw another shrimp on the Barbeque? And does anyone actually wear those hats with corks?

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Yep there's US airbases in Central Japan (Honshu) and on Okinawa. Add Guam too where the heavy bombers are (B-52s & B-2s). Not to mention Korea. If China were to attack US bases in Japan & South Korea, that would probably draw those two countries in the war against China.


That said, I'd say the US wouldn't want a fight with China, because the US likes to pick easy battles it seems. Not since WW2 has the US went at it with a true power. The US could win against China because of reasons you listed but it wouldn't be easy. And a full-on occupation would be a mistake given their size in area & population.




Thank you.




We can't find Bin Laden or beat the Taliban or win a war in Iraq that we started...





But we SURE as hell can take China out.









LOL come on Christo F.......come on. Those numbers don't mean anything at this point - our economy is wrecked on top of it.






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Fuck up troll boy (spitfire), this topic is going to crossfire, where intellectuals chattingly stroke their beards whilst sitting in arm chairs and puffing on pipes.


Vs Channel 0, where closet pervs leer and stroke their dicks while sitting in their computer chair hoping to be puffing someone's pickle.



Glad I got my edumucation, guess I need to grows me a beard.

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Decy- We cook prawns on the bbq (they aren't called shrimp out here). But it's kind of rare. Maybe on a special occasion like christmas. Aussie bbq's GENERALLY consist of sausages chops steaks chicken skewers and chicken wings.


Way out in rural areas you might find people wearing the corkscrew hats.


Pornbooth- Cheers for that. Religion is kind of rare out here. I mean there are people that are into it and all but it isn't very widespread. In fact I think I've only met 4-5 religious people in my life and that includes parents of friends. This might also be because I went to a public school though.

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Just to add a question. Are you Americans really into religion? It's portrayed that way in the media over here.


Haven't attended church since I was 13. I would say religion is probably more prevalent here though. Especially in the South & Midwest, and rural areas. Very evangelical there. The more liberal areas along the West Coast & Northeast are not as religious. It's particularly strong amongst blacks even in "liberal" areas and large cities. For whites it's generally among rural and/or Southern/Middle Americans that are heavy in to religion.


But it confuses me why Europeans are shocked at the amount of religious zealots in the US. Do they not exist over there? What is the Vatican? And all those churches & cathedrals that are still active?


This reminds me of the famous Bible-thumping "Banana Man" and anti-evolutionist, he sounds Australian:


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we do have religious people here, but I would say they are in the minority nowadays, or they believe in a god but aren't church goers as such, the numbers of people attending churches has dropped considerably. I don't know any younger people that are religious. Most church goers are pensioners and I swear they go just because it gets them out the house and it is more of a social thing than anything else.


We have people that stand and preach in town centres and stuff like that and they literally get heckled and laughed at and basically viewed as insane people who have lost their grasp on reality. My wife has a friend who is catholic and even this woman's husband laughs at her religious beliefs, not in a mean way more in a 'a dear, here she goes again' type of way.


I think Americans seem more proud of their religion than over here, people don't tend to talk about it because they will get a barrage of people taking apart the bible etc pointing out flaws in religious arguements. People over here don't talk about their religious beliefs in the say way Americans seem to.


The Vatican is a hard one to judge, mainly due to it being the centre of the Catholic religion for the world.

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I'm not sure about the Catholic countries, but I have a feeling that Italians for example just go through ceremonies and support pope like they support a football club or watch a soap opera on TV. On their 'free time' they fuck each others' wives and use condoms and other 'immoral' things the Pope frowns upon.


I suppose in most Euro countries the left/social democratic parties have, over the years managed to reduce the church influence on politics and other areas.

I guess Europeans' biggest issue with American zealots is the thing with school education regressing back to the book of genesis and denying evolution etc.

I personally don't believe it's all that wide spread in the states as the media makes it seem...

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Well the public school system and universities in the US teach evolution... although I've heard of some evangelicals trying to petition schools to teach Creationism. We actually have a few Congressmen that do not believe in evolution. Sad. I think they're all Republican. Or maybe it's just political, and they just make this up to appeal to their Christian base.

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there is a large muslim community where I live, but the difference between them and Christians is that they don't preach it at people, they keep their religion to themselves.


It is the Christian thing of pushing their beliefs on other people that marks them out as targets. You don't get muslims knocking on your door trying to convert you, you don't have muslims stood in the town centre preaching to people or handing out stupid leaflets to people.


I am not religious in the slightest, and there is nothing that would make me religious, short of god coming down from whereever it lives and showing me some awesome powers and even then I would probably be quite derisive towards it.


I know there is a lot of anti Islamic feelings, mainly due to everyone thinking they are terrorists or whatever but I have no problem with them because they keep to themselves and everyone is entitled to their beliefs just don't try and force it on me or talk to me about it.


Also, I have read before that if an American is trying to get voted into senate or whatever and they admit to not being religious they would lose huge numbers of votes, that to me is just plain stupid, I would vote for someone who was religious but only on the basis that they would not allow their religious beliefs overwhelm their political decisions, but more than likely I would not vote for someone if I knew they were actively religious.

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Also, I have read before that if an American is trying to get voted into senate or whatever and they admit to not being religious they would lose huge numbers of votes, that to me is just plain stupid, I would vote for someone who was religious but only on the basis that they would not allow their religious beliefs overwhelm their political decisions, but more than likely I would not vote for someone if I knew they were actively religious.



That is true.


I get the feeling some of these politicians aren't even really religious but just say they are just so they'd be spared of the condemnation. Obama & McCain both seem non-religious from what I gather, but they both had to talk about their time in the church & whatnot.

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Swindle you gotta stop hating on AFL and cricket. Very un-Australian behaviour. I know your not into that shit but it's far from the gayest shit in the world.


I've never understood the national pride that seems to be widespread in the USA. Like the hands on the heart while singing the national anthem and shit like that. I've seen footage of people tearing up at rodeos while singing it. Fucking hilarious.


In Australia you'd be hard pressed to find one person that takes the national anthem seriously other than maybe sporting people at the olympics.


Just to add a question. Are you Americans really into religion? It's portrayed that way in the media over here.


i don;t mind AFL. cricket gives me the shits but.,m

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But it confuses me why Europeans are shocked at the amount of religious zealots in the US. Do they not exist over there? What is the Vatican? And all those churches & cathedrals that are still active?


To simplify it hugely, when we think of very religious people at home we visualize:





compared to in the US:






Blame TV, internets etc.

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because real devoted football fans over here are fucking mental/idiots, I use to not mind football to much but the sheer devotion some guys have to their teams, and real hard core deeprooted hate for certain teams is crazy, I don't follow it or watch it at all anymore.


The UK used to be worse I think, but some other countries are now much crazier. Galatasary (I'm sure that is spelt wrong) have insane fans

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To simplify it hugely, when we think of very religious people at home we visualize:





compared to in the US:






Blame TV, internets etc.


Wow, you Euros are brainwashed. Those crazy activists do exist but make up a very small minority. I never even see them except on the news/tv. The norm is what you posted up top.


Except churches tend to have pews, not a bunch of tables of only old people playing Bridge or Bingo.

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Wow, you Euros are brainwashed. Those crazy activists do exist but make up a very small minority. I never even see them except on the news/tv. The norm is what you posted up top.


Except churches tend to have pews, not a bunch of tables of only old people playing Bridge or Bingo.


That wasn't really a serious reply, I just fancied posting those idiots. Also churches have pews here as well, that was just the first photo I saw with a lot of elderly people in it.


I'm sure the majority of people in Europe realise that for the most part religion in America is very similar to here, based around families and their congregation. It's just that you take things to new levels. Here we might have large cathedrals but they're just relics really, whereas we see footage of these super churches you've got with crowds of thousands watching some preacher slapping people to cure them etc and think 'this shit is popular over there, look at the size of that place'.


There's tonnes of TV channels on satellite television showing that stuff around the clock so it comes across as being pretty popular, whether or not that's the case outside of a few particular location I don't know.


I think it's just a difference between ways of expressing faith, with Europeans being more reserved in general.

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That wasn't really a serious reply, I just fancied posting those idiots. Also churches have pews here as well, that was just the first photo I saw with a lot of elderly people in it.


I'm sure the majority of people in Europe realise that for the most part religion in America is very similar to here, based around families and their congregation. It's just that you take things to new levels. Here we might have large cathedrals but they're just relics really, whereas we see footage of these super churches you've got with crowds of thousands watching some preacher slapping people to cure them etc and think 'this shit is popular over there, look at the size of that place'.


There's tonnes of TV channels on satellite television showing that stuff around the clock so it comes across as being pretty popular, whether or not that's the case outside of a few particular location I don't know.


I think it's just a difference between ways of expressing faith, with Europeans being more reserved in general.



Yeah I figured that was the case; the cathedrals over there are just historical structures that are still in use. And yeah in the US they're always building modern "super churches" that are the sizes of indoor stadiums. There's a church in my city called the "Faith Dome" which looks like a sports arena.



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