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Anyone want to fake fight?

earl broclo ESQ

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does anyone else remember a kind of candy you could buy that came in a little coffin? inside you had like bright colored skulls, hip bones, femers, feet and they could all link together like a puzzle. Sorta like sweet tart consistancy.


yeah, still sell them as "Funny Bones" but they're sold in bags now like Skittles. Usually come out around Halloween candy buying season, should be out soon.


remember the 45 ACP candy bullet? Also like a sweet tart.

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we used to have this game called malakai master. we'd pick a homie's house or apartment bulilding for the arena.

the rules were.

1. get as many people together as you could.

2. wait till dark.

3. pick a weapon. (piece of rope, garden hose, wiffle ball bats with cloth and sand shoved into the end of it and taped on, buckets, sticks.....

4. run around the house 10 times hitting everyone you see.

5. no crying.

6. no quitting.


well that's it. there were a few trips to the emergency room that came outta this one and more than a few visits from the local pigs....

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I hated summer and would always revel in the teachers/ baby sitters distaste for winter. snowball fights got banned at our school because of a wicked "it's all fun and games 'til someone loses an eye" happening. I hated the kids that'd add ice or just huck a massive piece of ice. Instead of a fun snowball fight it's who's the first to bleed.

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for like a whole year in middle school we were broken into groups in my english class. whenever the teacher would leave the room all the seperated friends would stand and have all out war across the room with these joints.




shop class was like a weapon lab. kids would take wooden rods and sharpen them for crossbow bolts, make wooden frames and everything.. and our teacher had those big nasty rubber bands too, so you could get a few tacks and have yourself a street sweeper.. er, hallway sweeper.


i used to make weapons out of paperclips and rubber bands. drawing blood was the fun part.. stealing pencils or golf pencils (far superior) and sharpening the shit out of em... ahh haha good times

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Cops and robbers was the shit. Freeze tag, or basically any form of tag in the dark was the shit. Going to creeks with sticks string and some sort of food to catch crawdads. Water ballon fights during the summer. Throwing shit off of overpasses. I remember when I was about 12 I had this friend named Dennis. We had a bowling pin, and were hiding behind a four foot brick wall. A truck passed by and I chucked the pin. To my suprise the pin went right threw the trucks open window, and hit the guy in the face. He ran into the curb, and got out pissed off. I jetted, and thought my friend was going to tell on me because he got caught, but he never did. I was a little knucklehead. Oh yeah treehouses ftw! Some of the kids and I built one out of palettes you get from safeway or wherever else and covered the outside with soda, and beer boxes. We were stoked because adults didnt help, but the adults eventually tore it down because they deemed it unsafe. If it wasnt for adults shit would have been like lord of the flies.

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used to roll down hills on skateboards lying flat on our stomachs, going so fast down that joint, gotta skid your toes to slow down. some kids i knew fastenedtrucks and hardware to a plastic snow-sled and took that down the hill. once i rode it and the hardware pushed through the plastic and left me literally sledding down asphalt. plastic curls behind me and stuff.


my freinds little brother jake was pulling his other little brother in a wagon up the hill, jake was about 5 or 6 so he got to the top of the hill and goes "woah" flailing his arm up and letting go of the wagon, (with little josh still inside) JOSH HAULED ASS DOWN THE HILL AND FLIPPED DOWN A GRASS EMBANKMENT, WE WERE PROLLY 14 AT THE TIME AND TORE DOWN THE HILL AFTER JOSH ON OUR BIKES. we got to him and the wagon was on top of him, and keep in mind hes like a toddler, so we lift the wagon up and hes all glossy eyed and dazed. we're like "JOSH ARE YOU OKAY!?" hes like "oorgh what happend. im ok im ok. " shit was nasty dangerous. niga almost got his lil neck broke.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks Earl..



-nigger knockin...(or to be PC..ding dong ditch)..lol

-Kick the can.

-bandana fights...tie a knot in the middle of a bandana..and a little itty bitty knot at each end.wet each end.. GET WHIPPED.

-Toilet paper /soap/egg...houses round the block.


-cootie catchers.


High school days...


B B Bubblegumm...


anyone around you said a word that started with a "B"..you get to punch em till they said B B BUBBLEGUM 3 times.

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Rolling up paper and shooting them at each other with rubberbands, always fun till someone cried when they got popped in the face.



or when i was like 7, me and this other cat would play some resident evil type shit where we'd have stick guns and kill invisible zombies and shit. always fun when all the block niggas joined in.

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Holy shit, best thread ever.

i still have the weapons we made in middle school, we were on some james bond meets macgyver shit with these, we'd be shooting them across the room, they would stick into walls (and people's arms) and not fall out.


I kept my collection:






I remember we played with these every day, until someone got expelled for shooting someone who wasn't playing and getting caught.

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A little older but somewhat along the same line. Take gasoline and drop styrofoam into it, the foam will dissolve and the gas will thicken, before long you have a little home made napalm. Paint the inside of a old tire with the napalm, light and roll down a hill. Late middle school shenanigans.


Hollow out a light bulb and fill with black paint, tape the top shut and toss as high as you can on a building.

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Hmmm, I don't remember ever harming anyone with a paperpopper just scaring unsuspecting teachers. Maybe we are thinkin of different things




You ever slam back your milk carton then fold the top ^ lookin part down making a square? If you do that then smash your foot down on it sounds like a gun firing off especially in echoey school bathrooms hahah

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