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The Eagles are fucking Gangstarr.


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Re: Eagles are fucking gangster.


Well, "African American" is a phrase used mainly in reference to blacks in the United States -- so I can understand a Jamaican not wanting to be called that.




The same as "Arab" is used to describe the race of people who are clearly of middle eastern decent, who aren't jews. :dunce:

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Cut holes in your pocket ass nigga.


Expose yourself to the drivethrough ass nigga.




It's always extra funny when somebody gets called out on some real life shit, and the only thing they can do to even attempt to save face is to resort to making some corny off the wall shit up.




"Why don't you just call me a doodie head?"

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ONCE AGAIN, to try and break it down for DAO


Horses and zebra are both members of the family Equidae. That family is sometimes called "the horse family", because it contains horses and all other RELATED animals, such as zebras, donkeys, etc. The only reason it is sometimes called "the horse family", is because most people are too stupid to understand what equidae is, and therefore another name makes it easier for such retards to try and grasp the concepts of taxonomy. It does not mean that every animal in that family is a horse, otherwise there would be no reason for them to be labeled seperately in the first place. How the fuck can you claim that a horse and a donkey (for example) are the same animal, when they don't even have the same number of chromosomes?


Most of that argument can also be applied to the family canidae/dogs/wolves to explain why they aren't the same animal


Basically, DAO is pulling some serious first grade fail right now

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Basically, DAO is pulling some serious first grade fail right now




Actually, I'm pretty sure that every second grade, third grade, and on and on to last year of college knows that a wolf is a fucking dog.

And that "canine" is another word for dog.

I know that you dropped out early due to not giving a shit about school, but for gods sake don't take these other pretentious, ignorant morons words as gold.

These niggas probably dropped out the same year as you and for the same reasons (no matter how much they lie and front).

Instead, try asking people in the real world.

people that you know who actually graduated highschool.

Or even middle school for that matter.

They'll all tell you that a wolf is a dog, "canine" is another word for the dog family, and that zebras are infact members of the horse family.... which means that they're fucking horses.

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Actually, I'm pretty sure that every second grade, third grade, and on and on to last year of college knows that a wolf is a fucking dog.

And that "canine" is another word for dog.

I know that you dropped out early due to not giving a shit about school, but for gods sake don't take these other pretentious, ignorant morons words as gold.

These niggas probably dropped out the same year as you and for the same reasons (no matter how much they lie and front).

Instead, try asking people in the real world.

people that you know who actually graduated highschool.

Or even middle school for that matter.

They'll all tell you that a wolf is a dog, "canine" is another word for the dog family, and that zebras are infact members of the horse family.... which means that they're fucking horses.



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I think if you went into a college and spoke to a biology proffeseor or a zooloigst and told them donkeys and zebras are horses and wolves are dogs they would correct you. They share common dna, but they are different and seperate animals.


Going by your logic humans are monkeys.

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Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Subfamily: Homininae

Tribe: Hominini

Subtribe: Panina

Genus: Pan


HUMANDomain: Eukarya

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Superclass: Tetrapoda

Class: Mammalia

Infraclass: Eutheria

Order: Primates

Suborder: Haplorrhini

Infraorder: Simiiformes

Parvorder: Catarrhini

Superfamily: Hominoidea

Family: Hominidae

Subfamily: Homininae

Tribe: Hominini

Genus: Homo

Species: H. sapiens

Subspecies: H. s. sapiens


See how they're the same, all the way to the family? Does that make them the same exact animal? No, of course not.


That's the same way that dogs/wolfs or horses/zebras can be very similay, but still not be the same because they're a different genus/species


Notice DAO completely ignored this.. I've seen him do this before...When someone posts something that truly proves he is wrong or calls him out, niggah doesnt say shit... I don't know why you guys don't call em out on it more often..He just wants to argue and ignore the fact that hes wrong..Like in another thread when he posted some dudes face and someone called him out sayin' that if someone posted HIS(DAO's) real face he would go on some rant bout dry snitchin and all this other bull shit and freak the fuck out on them... he completely ignored that comment and responded to all the others callin' them TPWF and Fuckin' Retards...done...

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wow. another classic and amazing thread of arguing.



i'm just gonna keep reading, and being thankful that i have endless things to do before i would ever be arguing about zebras, eagles, or whatever the fuck it is today on the internet.



but please, keep this up. its great reading.

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