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Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (NSFW)

twinky the kid

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Unless the dude actually died, there are no charges that could be filed 25 years after the fact.



I find it hard to believe that you can shoot, assault, or rob a bank and go in to hiding and be cool after 25 years as long as no one died.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


cuz nobody has said it yet...





im sure homeboy was talking mad shit like most retarded people that claim to be kung-fu boobs.


needless to say they put him in his place.:D

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


^ I was pretty sure there was a statue of limitations on everything except murder pretty much


It goes by the severity of the crime. Misdemeanors are generally thrown out after the statute of limitations. What occured on tape can easily be interpreted as a felony and possibly attempted murder.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


It goes by the severity of the crime. Misdemeanors are generally thrown out after the statute of limitations. What occured on tape can easily be interpreted as a felony and possibly attempted murder.


""depends upon the kind of murder attempted. If it was willful, deliberate, and premeditated attempted murder, then the maximum sentence is life. (Pen C sec. 664, subd. (a).) There is no statute of limitations for any offense carrying a life sentence. (Pen C sec. 799.) If it was any other attempted murder, then the maximum sentence is nine years. (Pen. C sec. 664(a).) The statute of limitations for offenses punishable by imprisonment for eight years or more is six years. (Pen C sec. 800.""

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


After some investigating:




For a Marine Sgt. and a Black Belt that shit was FAIL even if he did kill the guy and if that guy was just some crazy nigga he faked that shit good or maybe jesus did show him a thing or two...

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


From what I just read, statute of limitations are on a state-by-state basis. And doesn't always apply to everything except murder. For example, 14 US states have statutes on rape.


of course everything varies state by state, I just googled it real quick a posted it for a reference (it could be wrong)...

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


From his YouTube page (which was deleted):


Jesus Taught Me



April 01, 2009



This dummy was in my shopping center while I was on a Bodyguard Job in Washington, DC.

This guy was in the Pizza Hut eating pizza off the plates of others and the Pizza Hut Manager ran him out with a pistol.

Later the very same day, police officers were called to remove him from a nearby pharmacy after having been caught reaching into customer's purses.


A short time after that, he visited a Napa Auto Parts store next to my Karate Dojo and told the management he planned on teaching in that Dojo and that Jesus taught him. The Napa guys told him he was confused (their polite way of warning the man against such action), but not wanting to miss a show, they told the man they would close early just to watch and that he must not know the owner, which is nobody to play with..


Needless to say, the police pulled him out of the dumpster behind my Karate Dojo where he was neatly placed. Semper Fi to all my Marine brothers. The karate student in the white is also a Marine Sgt. and a brand new Black Belt.

Never get stupid with a Marine, you could get jacked up and have your clock stopped.



Category: Sports


Bobby Joe Blythe Dojo Martial Arts Shindokan Karate Self Defense Combat Fighting Virginia Crazy Jesus


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ize1277 (5 days ago) Show Hide


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that dude snapped; looks to me like somebody lost control


bobbyjoeblythe007 (5 days ago) Show Hide

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If it would have took longer, I would have dropped both. This upset me it took so look. I was very disappointed with my guy and he paid for a week after that. That video will be coming up soon. That video will have the name....Fight for Life. That one will be good.


ua26695 (2 months ago) Show Hide


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He was told not to go to another ones DOJO. PERIOD!


bobbyjoeblythe007 (2 months ago) Show Hide

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He was advised not to do what he had said he was going to do.....PERIOD. And that was to not go into THAT DOJO. That DOJO isn't like any other DOJO. This Dojo raised it's own Bodyguards for a Company in Northern Virginia. This Sensei just so happens to be the Director of the Service.


ua26695 (2 months ago) Show Hide


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Bad decision, I would say.


ee1264 (3 months ago) Show Hide


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I can see accepting a challenge from someone who comes into your dojo, but you had prior knowledge that this person was mentally disturbed. Also letting your student stomp on the guy at the end was purely negligent. Finally you didn't call the police or EMTs. Hope you have your insurance paid up.


Oluwadan (3 months ago) Show Hide


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This is a brutal and unnecessary act of ego. This man was obviously mentally ill and should come back and sue you ass. He has obviously now got enough video evidence. Stamping on a persons head is not reasonable force and this type of behaviour is not acceptable from a 'martial artist'. Placing it on public view brings shme to the martial arts community.


bobbyjoeblythe007 (3 months ago) Show Hide

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Last I heard, he was in Salem, VA in the Mental Lockup there. Go figure!!! Earlier that day, the police ran him out of the Drug Store and later a Pizza Manager pulled a pistol on him. I was on a Bodyguard job that day and when I showed up, he came in later while I was teaching. The cops pulled him out of the Dumpster behind the dojo.



greenhorn311 (3 months ago) Show Hide


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Hum that was ...... hum .....Im speachless


What happend afterward he lived?


Did he happend to come back with a lawer?


bobbyjoeblythe007 (3 months ago) Show Hide

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He was confused and YES, there is a GOD.


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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


From what I just read, statute of limitations are on a state-by-state basis. And doesn't always apply to everything except murder. For example, 14 US states have statutes on rape.


There's no statute of limitations on felony assault in TN

and this would never be attempted murder - he clearly stopped after dude was out cold - he could have kept stomping his head in while he was snoring



This is how REAL martial arts goes down, not that bullshit yuppie put your 10 year old in self defence class

shit is gayed out for yuppies who can't go to work with black eyes

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Also you pussies talking about "is he dead zomg" havnt been in/ seen enough street fights obviously

people get hit with bricks and pipes and survive, a couple of knees and a direct on point heel stomp ain't killin anyone sept some frail seniors


also if your snoring, your prolly gonna be ok. I'm sure he had a light concussion, and they should have called EMT, but the real bad knockouts are the ones with no response and involuntary spasms

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


That snoring seems to be due to the blood blocking his nasal cavities, not so much cause he's simply passed out.


And I'm still questioning why the hell a pointy head alien pops in briefly from the right at 1:45.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I think that blood came from his head, I didn't see him crack a bloody nose

could be wrong tho



I have seen people get knocked out and start snoring a couple times tho

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Also you pussies talking about "is he dead zomg" havnt been in/ seen enough street fights obviously


This much is true...I still think it's fucked up but you can hear the dude breathing/wheezing whatever pretty clearly at the end...

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