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Russian Navy UFO Information Declassified??

Gnarly Sheen

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Y'all hear anything else about this? My dude hit me up telling me about it, but i don't believe it for many reasons.

1. The reports were released through Russian government.

2. It has not been reported by any credible sources.

& 3. It's always hard to believe shit like this when it surfaces anyhow, so automatically i dismiss it.


Seemed interesting enough...


Here are some non credible sources





& of course



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this shit is for real. if it aint, i'd kill myself and post pictures on 12oz. thats how real and unstaged it is.


Nah, but for real. one day i think this shit will really be brought to light. back in the day niggas thought if the public knew it would cause mass hysteria and shit. but nowadays noone gives a fuck if they saw an ostrich in a spaceship come out of obamas ass. theyd be talking more about when madonna dies.

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Wired was bought out by Conde Nast a while ago. They're usually on point far as tech news and trends, though it seems like they've been trying to branch out somewhat.


And the Russian military/government knows as much as the US regarding UFOs and the paranormal, though in all likelihood they're not going to talk about the really crazy stuff they found out. In some areas (PK and ESP research) they had their shit together, far beyond the US.

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1- that russian forest club is on a totally new level.


2- my boy is in the navy and swears he has seen huge, bright objects come out of the water and fly away quickfast.


3- there is just as much evidence for ufo stuff as there is for jesus, so call me crazy but I lean more towards thinking of the possibility that there are other beings beaming around the earth, etc.

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Jesus as far as being a historical figure, or as being the son of God who performed miracles? The first one I can believe, the second one is a stretch.


And yes, I definitely think that UFOs exist. I can't come up with an explanation for the mystery surrounding them, but based on numbers and statistical probability it only makes sense that there's other life in our galaxy.

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I also think it's highly improbable that there isn't other life. It's very egotistical of specialized scientists and average humans to denounce its likelihood.




If any of you are interested in the prospects of other life you should read up on the priniciples of Hugh Everett's Parallel Universe theorems. Fantastic shit.


But this picture is LOL


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i think its almost assured that there is life on other planets since they found those microbacteria fossils on mars


that being said, dont you think an advanced race who mastered interstellar travel and all the technological superiority that goes with that would have no problem either making themselves VERY known no matter what sort of govt cover up there is...or they would be able to completely mask their behaviors from any method of detection we posess.


aliens are like the religion for the 21st century - like jesus they DO probably exist / did exist , but also like jesus all the fairy tale bullshit surrounding them is completely retarded.

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Have you ever read a russian newspaper before? They've haven't reported on anything factual in 50 years. I seriously doubt a declassification of UFO sightings is gonna be the exception to the rule. UFOs FTW regardless.

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1- that russian forest club is on a totally new level.


2- my boy is in the navy and swears he has seen huge, bright objects come out of the water and fly away quickfast.


3- there is just as much evidence for ufo stuff as there is for jesus, so call me crazy but I lean more towards thinking of the possibility that there are other beings beaming around the earth, etc.




didn't you know that jesus had the russian forest ravers bury a ufo under the european pyramid?


cosmic hierarchy of beings = russian forest ravers.

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What was that one plane called....I think it was the Aurora Project? If you didn't know what you were looking at when you saw one of those you'd probably think it was a UFO.


I really wish I had a link to some of the Soviet ESP studies. The US military barely scratched the surface with it during the Cold War...whereas the Russians had a pretty advanced program in place which not only proved PK/ESP existed but started developing military applications for it.

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