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Me and some of my boys will be in Brooklyn in June, staying with some of my buddies family up there, never been before either.



Im also looking at going to Ireland sometime this summer, any advice is welcomed.

Best time to go, counties/cities to visit, things to do, good beer/bad beer, cost etc etc.

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Ireland, go to Galway on the West Coast it's a great place to party.


Lahinch is a quiet surfing town in County Cork, would be fun in the summer. I was there in the middle of winter and we still managed to have a good time but it was a ghost town.



There's a couple of good pubs right in the little downtown area of Lahinch.

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I was last there in 2008/2009 and the euro was killing the US dollar so that changed things but the exchange rate seems to be better now. Pints are 2-4 Euros, the further you get out of the city the cheaper. I was with my brothers and we basically lived on Guinness, Paddy Irish whiskey and kebab on our last trip. Our money was spent on hotels, train and bus tickets.


I'd say don't get stuck spending too much time in Dublin, I think you can do most of the touristy stuff in Dublin in two days. Definitely head to Galway, Lahinch is close to the Cliffs of Moher that was cool to see. It's beautiful up north in County Donegal and I've heard Belfast is safe these days, I'd go there.


The water will be freezing all year long but they have a surf shop in Lahinch that probably rents wetsuits.

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The advice is really appreciated.


Definately looking into this and saving up already.

Never surfed before, itd be kinda comical to say my first time was in Ireland.


I do drink alot so good looks on the beer info, and yeah I had looked into Belfast as well.

Dublin isnt of interest to me really, im more into other areas such as you've mentioned.

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^the dollar has been getting stronger at least, it's not where it once was, but it's still not a great rate

also, ireland is pretty much an island, and shit is always more expensive on an island.


this thread should pop off a lot more since i'm traveling cross country to portlandia in september. i unlike kir(completely and utterly) have a permanent destination but no real time frame...


in search of vast, cool, or interesting routes/blogs about routes/sites having to do with etc, etc......props issued to any solid directional advice.[/color][/b]


i drove cross country and it was a random route, decided along the way.

my mission was to see as many national parks as i could. it had started with a trip to the South Dakota Badlands but just went nuts after that.. we went to Yellowstone, Yosemite, saw Mt Rushmore and Devil's Tower (which was awesome) as well as Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park and some other places..

my major pieces of advice:

be prepared to get pulled over. once i got across the Mississippi it was like an east coast plate announced "i have shit in the trunk" ...the cops weren't awful. dealt with them in nevada and oklahoma


take the byways, NOT highways. i've done cross country travel by car before, and this time it was so much more fun and interesting because i didn't take major roads that basically show you billboards, walmarts, and strip malls.

if you are into national parks, get a pass (it's about $80) and go to a whole bunch.. they are amazing

if not, try to stake out some cool places to see, like the huge UP yard in nebraska or the geographic center of the country..


i took my dogs and stayed in la quintas, motel 6 or stopped at rest stops. all were fine ..8,383 miles in 12 days.. $630 in gas.

i did a ton of research for the trip and cool diners and roadside attractions are not as common as i thought they'd be.

we ate in a cool drive-in in la crosse, WI .. i found a good pizza spot in minneapolis, good breakfast food in Lexington, KY, nice muffins in Kalispell, MT.. gotta stop whenever shit looks cool. ... per my man, we also saw a lot of short-line RRs


Any of you chunts ever been to Cambodia?

I gots my ticket, also thinking of ducking into Laos or Vietnam if time permits.

Any tips, anything I should know?

Specifically good/bad food to know about?

Can police shoot at you if they catch you painting?

etc etc


my homie has been to southeast asia so many times, he got a wife there

he loves it. he went to laos and cambodia and told me crazy stories anout pizza with marijuana and young prostitutes.

can't really issue advice except to say you'll probably have a great time

the painting thing seems pretty chill in thailand, not like you are going to get shot.

i think it's just a more dicey situation in general in cambodia and (not so much but still) laos

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if anyone still checks this


going to Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Rio


tips, suggestions, will my DSLR get ripped out of my hands by a gun-toting favela dweller


If you are going to Sao Paulo for real I can hook you up with some pretty legit writers out there that are definitely some of the coolest people I've met. ISE, Binho, Graphis, etc. Take you to Cidade de Deus and paint wherever the fuck you want. Best tip I can give for South America is look poor. No jewelry or nice clothes. I was with seven other people who were each robbed or stolen from at least once in 3 weeks, so don't leave your luggage in a cab or on the sidewalk, even while you're talking to the bellboy or whoever the fuck ever, just keep your hands on everything. If you see someone on the train or bus that looks cool, talk to them. I found chances are they'll tell you where a party is or where the legit spots are to eat, what to avoid. I had a dude get so excited I was American and into graffiti that he drove me around the city showing me spots and gave me a place to stay for a couple nights. Other than that go to Canoa Branca if you're in Rio and enjoy total paradise for pennies on the "real".

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  • 1 month later...

Who's been to Hong Kong and the Philippines?


Going to HK for about 5 days then 3 weeks in the Philippines. Looking at Manila and then the island of Palawan for 3 weeks exploring Puerto Princesa to El Nido, not sure if Coron or Sabang are worth checking out...?


Vietnam after that, Ho Chi Min and mui ne beach.....

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  • 2 months later...

I would not be going to Greece right now.


Personally, I havent been.

But I have two friends who have been in the last year and they said it was awful.

People were stealing clothes off of others and she said after dark they couldnt go out.


If you go be careful, maby the situation has improved by now.

They said the food was awesome though, what part of the city will you be staying?

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i'm going because plane tickets are actually affordable, because the place is in crisis

as soon as they're on their feet again, plane tickets will go up 50%


hence, the trip now.


i'm staying 3 different places.

i know there is more crime there now, but coming from such a dangerous city i'll be fine

i was just in brazil, the place did not come close to living up to it's shady rep..

people that come from nice places are more sketched by drug addicts and prostitutes than someone who thinks of that stuff as normal for any city.


i also read up a lot from people who'd been recently on tripadvisor.

while some people mentioned a mugging, no one was describing what your friends were, like not being able to go out after dark.. i think they were in a horrible area or maybe just scared.

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hmm, LUGR my post seems to have disappeared


i paid about 750. after watching fares for about a decade, no shit. they are always around 1250 except since the crisis. even this winter they are back up around 1k.

you can still find some in the 8 hundos.



there are a few pics of favelas from a distance in my sudamerica photothread.

but i did not venture into any favelas per se. we were only there for a few days.





reykjavik is a cool place.

dunno if there is a must see site there or in frankfurter... never been actually.. for some reason germany doesn't pull me in. it is a nice country tho

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anyone been to India?

favorite places?



India -went there feb 2012


Amazing place want to go back


Mumbai, Udaipur, Agra, Varanasi,Kolkata, Darjeeling, Goa.


I really liked the "Hindu" part of India as opposed to the more southern bits where the christian faith had more of an influence such as Goa.


I only had three weeks so I missed alot. I will go back there again for sure


A lot of people give Mumbai a bad rap but I thought it was pretty cool.

was fun painting there. trains are awesome fun to ride big ol clunky metal things with no glass in windows.


Rajastahn was very cool think deserts camels turbans all the indian stereotypes

Udaipur was nice

Jaipur was pretty nice but I had a bit of a "too many people" freakout.


Agra was Taj Mahal but if you go there try and get to Fatepuhr Sikri which isn't far from it.

I wont say anything but I was really surprised when our driver dropped us off there.

Pollution in Uttar Pradesh is fucking nuts!!


Take the trains overnight 2a 3a class(sleeper is pretty dodgy despite the name)


Varanasi was fucking sick walking the ghats past the burning bodies pretty spiritual if you like that bizzo. Ganga Ma (Mother Ganges) is the focus.


Kolkata was cool but loads (by indian standards) of beggars


Darjeeling up in the himalayas was nice but yuo could miss it unless you're keen to hit up Nepal/himalayas


Goa was all fat Russians and Israelis - beaches were long beer was cheap at the beachside bars and the pace is really relaxed. somehow I didn't want that by the end.


photothread will come one day

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Check this video...it's a skate video but should give you a decent visual of what to expect...


"Where do we Land?" (Full Length) Converse China trip to Mongolia


The Converse China skateboard team ventured up north to give their neighbor, Mongolia, a week long visit! Besides filming skateboarding in Ulaanbaatar, the troupe journeyed through the chilly Gobi Desert via camels, stayed in traditional yurts and experienced some unwelcoming as well as sketchy situations while trying to just film some maneuvers on rough terrain.

"Where do we land?" features the skateboarding of Keng Qu, Thrasher, Xu Ying, Blackie, Dan Leung and Xiao Xing.

Directed, filmed & edited by Patrik Wallner.

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