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Survivalist, Self Sustainable Lifestyles or Whatevs....


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Originally posted by Stereotype V.001@Jul 19 2005, 05:46 AM

I don't live in Saudi Arabia, nor have I ever visited chop chop friday. Therefore, I can feel free to say whatever I want about Allah.


Ok, tough guy, you explain that one to him!


And don't worry, I understand the definiton of Allah, and I also know it is rooted in two other major religions. That doesn't mean I give a fuck.


If you knew the definition of Allah, you would show more respect. Knowledge of something requires that you act upon your knowledge, otherwise it is still ignorance, like a donkey carrying books on his back.

Don't worry I wasn't threatening you, I was just warning you , as fellow member of the human race that it isn't wise to talk any old way about the one who holds your life in his hand. By the way, why is it that just because by convictions are religious convictions I am "shoving them down peoples throats" when I state my opinion, but when you state your opinions from your apparently non religious convictions you are excersising your freedom of speech....why is that?


and as for your statement about the FBI , and words like Allah, Jihad, So on and so forth, The FBI know where I live, they know where I worship , they know who I know, they know a LOT about me , and the last time they came to visit me , I talked to them about the nature of Allah for 20-30 minutes before they got bored and left. They know I am not involved in any terrorist activities, But as I see it , the FBI need Islam too, so May Allah guide all of them, and you.



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Dawood, I can't really understand half of your post. That donkey comment really came out of left field. But if english isn't your first language, don't take that offensivly, because I'm sure you know more of my language than I do of yours.


I'm not too worried about your threat, don't worry. I know the FBI is doing their job, nor have I disclosed any personal info about myself on here. I also have a special friend named Charlene that keeps me company, and protects me from scary people.


In my opinion, you are definatly trying to impose your beliefs on everyone here. You bring up the same few points over and over, usually with the same overly-pious attitude that Salafia Zaharahmaha has. But you are right, there is that thing called freedom of speech, that allows me to be a jackass and say whatever I want. You share this right, assuming the FBI made a domestic visit and not one abroad.


In conclusion, God bless the FBI. Or Allah bless the FBI. Whatever.


Ameen(I'm just trying to fit in.)

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this is a graffiti site and i dont give a mother fuck about allah. you want to talk religion start your own thread. yo you get a shoe to the noggin fool just for trying to kick that shit here because no one cares. this isn`t islam.com so basically youre preaching on deaf ears. and no one holds my life in thier hands accept myself. smoke crack you`ll feel better.

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when I was talking about the one who holds your life in his hands I was talking about God, Allah, The creator, That is the one you shouldnt talk about. So did you create yourself Serum? Do you take your own soul when you die? serum? Anyway, maybe we should start our own thread sis salafi zahrah...Although I feel like being in this open talk arena it's like mixing the poison with the honey. Especially when the dogs start barking at the moon.


Stereotype, I'm sorry if i wasn't clear enough, the point I was trying to make with the donkey statement is that even if a donkey is carrying the encyclopedia brittanica on his back it can't benefit him at all because he can't understand it and thus he remains ignorant of all the knowledge in the book.

That is similar to the one who knows something but acts contrary to what he knows, so he remains ignorant "like a donkey with books on his back" ....And english is my first language its just that I am an artist so , Sometimes the right side of my brain just takes over, Its more fun that way!

Oh and I'm sorry if I sound overly pious, I'm not , its just that I know what the truth is, Sometimes i'm in line with it other times I fall short of it.


May Allah guide us first...and then them

Ameen (oh Lord answer our prayers)

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Stereotype---That's a great site. There are hundreds of survival sites, but I tend to place more credence in those that emphasize survival as a NORMAL LIFE STYLE. The stockpiling of a year's supply of food, stock rotation (always eat the oldest stuff first), defense in depth (What about water supply? What about medical supplies and prescription drugs? What about clothing, boots, winter coats-hats-gloves-snowpaks? What about transportation--bicycles, wagons, bike panniers, spare tires-tubes-chains-bearings?)


Gardening is becoming a lost art for millions of people.


Survival preparations should not be something out of the ordinary. We should all be preparing/prepared all the time, just to deal with normal life. Shit happens. Be Prepared.

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I picked up Extreme Simplicity: Homesteading in the City by Christopher and Dolores Lynn Nyerges. Looks interesting.

Some of the resources I have gleaned from this book:


The School of Self-Reliance: http://www.self-reliance.net


Chelsea Green Publishing: http://www.chelseagreen.com


Rodale Press


Alternate energy supplies and information: Solar Living Center http://www.realgoods.com


Home Power magazine.




I saw something in a newspaper about a sustainable food system in NYC that links small farmers with city dwellers:



Sounds like a pretty good idea.

Yeah make like a boy scout and "be prepared"....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think "roof gardening" in 5-gallon buckets is a pretty good idea. I knew some people in Chicago that were squatting in an abandoned building and who gardened a shitty, trash-filled vacant lot behind the building. They started out by hauling off all the trash and crap that people had thrown there, and then started"picking rocks"--throwing all rocks and concrete chunks to one edge of the property. They eventually used them to make pathways in the garden. Then they built sifter screens, and started shoveling the crappy, glass-and-trash filled dirt onto screens, where the junk was sifted out and thrown away.


The "clean dirt" was pretty contaminated with all kinds of crap, but when they mixed it with composted organic garbage and manure from horses and rabbits, it started getting better. They called this mixture "soil." It took them a couple of months just to get all the bullshit out of enough dirt to start growing stuff. They stacked up tires, filled them with "soil" and grew potatoes. All kinds of vegetables, carrots, corn, beans, squash. They planted four corn seeds, a squash seed and bean seeds all in the same hole. The corn came up first. Then the beans, and the beans climbed the cornstalk. Then the squash, and the squash shades the corn and bean base, and collects water and funnels it to the center.

It's kind of a neat system. The only real problem they had was rats, and people coming into the garden and taking the vegetables. I don't know what's wrong with people, they have such SHITTY boundaries. It's like, "Go build your OWN garden, asshole."

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by lennydykstra@Jul 7 2005, 01:47 PM

You're all fucking nuts


ohh and what's that story about the little animal running around saying the sky is falling?



well after the events of hurricane katrina: lack of food, clean water and other nessecities, I would say that unfortunately for the people of the gulf coast. The sky did fall....


and aside from the overwhelming talk on guns and religion(not knocking any of the two in either way but it seemed that the posts on the two subjects got a little excessive), some naysayers might want to give this issue a little more thought before accusing the individuals who thought it would be a good idea to "Be Prepared" as paraniod idiots...

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I think some folks are just scared since the saw the worst happen in NOLA and realized That Could Be Me.


And, GREAT! Why aren't most people prepared? Because you believe everything the TV and government tells you. When there's an impending disaster, and the government tells you to cover your ass, you have 24 hours to get out of town...and then, you find yourself on the ass end of a 300 mile long traffic jam...that's not preparedness, that's PANIC. The government isn't going to help you, YOU are responsible for your own ass in that situation.


Or, you can keep on watching MTV and saying, "God, Bush sucks...he's such a doofus..."


This information is here to help those who can think creatively, and judging from some of the responses, you'd never think there were natural disasters according to these folks...if you picked their brains, maybe nothing bad ever hapens, and life is grand for them.

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^yeah, that's truw we saw some shit go down in NOLA

it's funny too, how it just reinforced so many ideas about how guns are one of the most important things to have in a disaster.

how sad.


i agree, many of the responses have very little to do with disaster preparedness.

i am certainly not looking ot the govt for anything, much like i do not look to the police when i am the victim of a crime.


i don't have canned goods stockpiled in my home

but i have definitely survived on little to no food for a week or so.


if there was a large scale biological or chemical attack in my area, i would pretty much be S.O.L.


that doesn't bother me though

one of these days maybe i will get spare blankets and a biosuit

but for now i will continue to stockpile spray paint.

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"Some like to stockpile spray paint, some like to stockpile rounds of 7.62x51 NATO "


i like to stock pile both.


"I think some folks are just scared since the saw the worst happen in NOLA and realized That Could Be Me.


And, GREAT! Why aren't most people prepared? Because you believe everything the TV and government tells you. When there's an impending disaster, and the government tells you to cover your ass, you have 24 hours to get out of town...and then, you find yourself on the ass end of a 300 mile long traffic jam...that's not preparedness, that's PANIC. The government isn't going to help you, YOU are responsible for your own ass in that situation.


Or, you can keep on watching MTV and saying, "God, Bush sucks...he's such a doofus..."


This information is here to help those who can think creatively, and judging from some of the responses, you'd never think there were natural disasters according to these folks...if you picked their brains, maybe nothing bad ever hapens, and life is grand for them. "



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Alot of survivalism is geared towards the big system meltdown where long term survival is the goal, of course survival in the short term is just as important. And regionally specific survivalism is important as well.

Alot of ya'll may not like all the gun talk, but as situations deteriorate more and more and that fateful day when the cavalry doesn't come AT ALL, you may find yourself wishing you had a piece of cold steel to hug and sleep with at night.

Not to play down the importance of other things, such as potable water, buckets of seeds and canned goods, and shelter.

With Bush in office, system failure is inevitable. It's only a matter of time. Can we really survive another four years of HIM?

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Some of us HAVEN'T survived the last five years with him.


Let's see, Katrina comes to mind...the kids sent to Iraq, and the Iraqis who have "died for freedom", also...If you want to broaden the scope, 9-11 was indirectly linked to his policy...


Now he wants to play hardball with the Iranians and North Koreans...who have suffered from years of US trade embargoes, and have little left to lose.

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If i needed a weapon i would buy a Desert Eagle. I think 10 grand of ammo will do, but maybe at the time of destruction i will not have enuff money. Alright, 500 bullets will do. Man, life is tough. Every bullet must rip a heart.


Of course, this is after the destruction because, ya know, people will still be alive, and we are all bound to go stupid and insane.


I might as well build my very own bat cave. I'm talkin, ba-bam, titanium this, platinum that, man i got this bitch on lock.


or, during the time before "the end," i will look in nature for a safe hiding place. Maybe i can find a cave deep in mystery. I'll make sure to put my rescue kit down there because, you know, the cave will be sealed shut. I'll probably build a house real close to the cave, too. i might only get split seconds to live.

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Originally posted by villain@Jul 2 2005, 09:02 PM

When a New York Times Bestselling Author like Jared Diamond writes a book like Collapse about the rise and fall of advance civilizations, you tend to think there is a grave concern widespread among literate and informed americans about the sustainability of our way of life.


I've been into survivalism and studying it for most of my adult, teenage and adolescent life. Call it a hunch, paranoia, or obsession predicated upon the fact that my very existence is somehow intertwined with an apocalyptic scenario (long story). Anyways, after reading this fromthewilderness article on Petrocollapse and a scaricity of clean water, I figured it's about time that I create a thread on survivalism, so we can pool our knowledge on the subject in order to make our regression into the 19th century less painful. Why? Because I care about you assholes.


I've been seeing some interesting texts on Permaculture lately. Going green has always been the province of some of the further left people, but it's been gaining more and more creedence.

There are more ambitious alternative energy projects such as the Solar Tower of Power which can churn out the same amount of power as a reactor. But that is in austrailia, and we here in the U.S. will stay fucked with these cavemen in office. Fortunately though still living in a somewhat free society we can do more now individually with solar power than before. We are not, sadly, getting integrated solar roofing materiels here in the US. I have however seen solar power systems which can take your home entirely off the grid for 10,000 dollars. If it is integrated into the home as it's built it can add nothing to the costs. It's becoming ever more affordable.

Even so I don't feel comfortable with my own survivability as of yet. I still don't have my bunker/farm in the middle of nowhere, with the self contained energy system, with recycleable rain water etc. etc. When I have that, I will worry alot less. For now I will have to deal with getting fairly clean water from distillers like this:


Distillation removes most impurities.

I'm still going to stock up on guns and ammo.... but I'm going to make sure to sharpen my archery, since who knows how long those bullets will last.

Some essential skills to have would be knowing the wildlife in your area... how to make impromtu shelters... various ways to get, and clean water... probably knowing how to tan a hide would be good too... how to make soap... I will add some more detailed tutorials and resources later because this is a massive subject.


So until we have gigantic solar panels on the moon, or patching up our o-zone holes, this is something I think everyone should think about.


ive always been a bit of an outdoorsman...but most survivalists in australia are people who think they have to prepare for the immintent invasion by Indonesia ...i.e idiot fuckwits


on the knowing who to survive in nature tip, im into that... ive considered making a "natural enviroment of your city, photo thread" because i find that shit so interesting.

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Originally posted by symbols@Sep 20 2005, 06:37 AM

i'll just kill myself, after taking as many people as i can with me, of course





When I'm thinking of a firearm in matters of survivalism I'm thinking of hunting and self defense.

A bow would probably be more practical in the long, long run.

I'm not trying to turn this into a manly "who's got the bigger gun?" contest. Honestly....

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Nah...but are you familiar with our most popular dong in the 18"+ category, the Tesco Vee Dutch Hercules model...with double-articuated turboshaft and sling-a-ding ball action?


I'm listening to the Meatmen, sorry.


Here's a key home defense system-


Second story apartment, narrow hallway. Top of the stairs, is me with a 12-gauge pump action, loaded with 00 buckshot.


Fuck those dudes.

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I work with this dude sometimes who ALWAYS carries a leatherman and a small maglite. Sometimes people at work make fun of him, and he simply points out that when he was on a subway car that got stopped in the middle of a tunnel and lost power, or when there was the citywide blackout, he was suddenly the most popular guy in the room. Now I'm not a survivalist nut (nor am I calling anbody in this thread one) but I think that preparedness is a good idea in most situations. Shit happens, and we all know this. If you've spent a very little bit of time, money, and effort preparing for it, it sucks way less when it does happen.


If vandal squad ever raids my house, they're not gonna find shit that they could convict on, just a startling amount of spray paint. Fortunately, this hasn't been an issue yet, but if it becomes one, it will be well worth it.


I keep the trunk of my girl's car stocked with a basic tool kit, first aid kit, oil, fix-a-flat (I know its shit, but it has saved my ass in a pinch more than once), an emergency blanket, some food, and a case of bottled water. This has really paid off on numerous occasions.


And yeah, I keep some shit around the house just in case. A "bug out bag" I guess. Actually, one each for me and my girlfriend. I'm willing to sacrifice a little closet space (which is a pretty valuable asset around here) to know that if I ever need to leave FAST, I'll have money, food, water, first aid, clean clothes, and a flashlight.

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White Ox---


I'm not just trying to start shit, but Indonesia has an army, TNI, of 250,000 soldiers, plus a very, very large citizen's militia trained in waging guerrilla war.


Australia has an army, ADF (Australian Defense Forces) of FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND MEN. And like complete and total fucking idiots, the government of Australia has disarmed the civilian population.


Australia is VIRTUALLY EMPTY, and has a population of 20.4 million, and is an increasingly elderly population.


Indonesia is PACKED TOGETHER LIKE SARDINES, and has a population of 205.2 million, mostly under fifteen years old..


Your "nitwit" survivalists who fear invasion by Indonesia are not nitwits at all. Water runs down hill, fella. Australia is like the only 17-year-old blonde boy in prison. You people really need to open your eyes, unless you just WANT to be dominated by Indonesia. But if you want to remain a "European" nation, and not a country dominated by Muslim South Asians, you'd better start developing some national insight, building up the ADF and ARMING THE GODDAMNED CIVILIAN POPULATION. If you think that an Indonesian army of 250,000 cannot take Australia, or maybe part of Australia, you are dead fucking wrong. Right behind an invading army would be a massive wave of Indonesian colonists. Colonists trained in how to wage guerrilla warfare, and armed with obsolete Indonesian Army rifles.


I always tell people who scoff at survivalism "You lack imagination, and it may kill you." In this case, the unbelieveable liberal arrogance of the Australian government may lead to Australia's national demise. If anybody is a bunch of nitwits, it is the brain-dead socialists running Australia, not the Australian survivalists busy worrying about how to defend their national integrity.

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A vast chunk of Australia also happens to be desert, so unless the Indonesian militia men also happen to be experts at irrigation they might have some trouble. And Austalia's armed forces have vastly superior equipment compared to Indonesia. A few GPS equipped missiles can go a long way, and so does being allies with other nations who also seem to have a knack for military superiority.

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