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An Air France aircraft carrying 215 people has disappeared off the radar


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But the strange thing is that the airbus is a very modern plane and has built in fail safe features to protect against lightning strikes. If an engine gets struck ( which i think is what is usually happens) it somehow compensates for it and the plane is ok



This plane in particular was delivered in '04 or '05, so it was brand new with under 20,000 flight hours.


Newer planes are built with many composites now, and that may conduct electricity differently.


Who knows, there is a ton speculation going on at this point. A lot of official information is being withheld from the public, supposedly. It is possible that we'll never know what happened unless the in-flight voice recorder and flight data recorder are recovered from very deep water.

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"In light of an Air Comet pilot's report to Air France, Airbus and the Spanish civil aviation authority that, during a Monday flight from Lima to Lisbon "Suddenly, we saw in the distance a strong and intense flash of white light, which followed a descending and vertical trajectory and which broke up in six seconds", the Cosmic Variance blog team on the Discover Magazine website muses on the question "What is the probability that, for all flights in history, one or more could have been downed by a meteor?". Taking into account total flight hours and the rate of meteoric activity with the requisite mass to impact on Earth (approximately 3,000 a day), some quick math suggests there may be one in twenty odds of a plane being brought down in the period from 1989 to 2009. Intriguingly, in the aftermath of TWA flight 800's crash in 1996, the New York Times published a letter by Columbia professors Charles Hailey (physics) and David Helfand (astronomy), in which they stated the odds of a meteor-airplane collision for aviation history up to that point: one in ten.


slashdot article

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In 2002 a group of french submarines ingeniors have been killed in a bomb attack in pakistan and this was attributed to al qaida.


A few days ago the real story started to emerge. In fact it seems that it was a retaliation operation from the pakistan government in order to punish the France for stopping paying occult commission for the submarines contract. After that the France is suspected to have killed one pakistani responsible.


There is always a lot of mystery around french linked catastroph.


Lots of interests Air France, Airbus,Thales, relations with Brazil less than one month before the Bourget meeting.

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Maybe bad timing but:


A Blonde is watching the news with her husband when the newscaster says “Over 200 Brazilian people die in an airplane crash.”


The blonde starts crying to her husband, sobbing uncontrollably and says “That's horrible, how could this happen?”.


Concerned, he says, “Yes dear, it is sad, there was a storm and sometimes this happens.”


After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, “How many is a Brazilian?”


this made me lol......:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry....


if I were to go down in a plane, id hope that it was by meteor, for some reason I feel that that would be the only acceptable way to go down with all our advances and shit....

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