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starving children vs. upscale dining???

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When we were in Vegas last week there were Japanese restaurants in every resort, so it's not just common in "trendy" Vancouver. Even the buffets offered sushi and none offered burgers.

The fact that you think all sushi is raw fish shows your ignorance on the subject. You keep digging your hole, your knowledge of food is so ghetto.


You're just jealous that some of us on 12oz spend more on good food than what your car is worth.


My suggestion to you would be to shut the fuck up until you've atleast tried sushi.

It's a shame that you're a dad because your "regular american fat diet" will be passed onto your kids who will eventually be just as fat as you. Live on the edge chubby, surprisingly sushi is actually good for you.


You were in fucking VEGAS. Of course it was mad yuppie restaurants everywhere you dumb fuck.

If you even read what the fuck I said in this thread you'd see that I said "almost all sushi is raw fish".

I've had sushi you dumb fuck. I used to work in a fucking Japanese restaurant for a minute back in the day, and I can only think of one sushi dish that they'd drop in the fryer. The rest of the shit was all tiny slices of raw fish draped over a tiny ball of sticky rice with a dab of wasabi next to it.

And yes, it was only yuppie faggots that would frequent that shit.

YOU'RE the one who keeps digging your hole. YOU keep putting yourself on blast you fucking yuppie.

All that food that I mentioned that you tried to play off as fat trailerpark food is REGULAR FOOD THAT EVERYBODY EATS ON A REGULAR BASIS you dumb fuck.

You just called like 99.9% of everybody on here "fat American trailer trash". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You're obviously a typical obese american if you think eating pizza and burgers on a regular basis is healthy. I bet those yuppy fucks in the sushi place you worked at will out live your chubby clogged artery family.


Yes, If 99.9% of 12oz is eating burgers and pizza on the regular then yes they are all fat too.

Japanese restaurants are everywhere, therefore making it regular food now not just for yuppies. If you got a job at a sushi place some could argue you're a hypocrite yuppy too.

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84 japanese restaurants in Philly would seem to equate to common to me, or is everyone in Philly rich yuppie tpwfs and thats why you moved to a city with only 38 listed Japanese restaurants in the yellowpages?



I seriously doubt that there's 85 Japanese restraunts in Philly. I can only think of maybe a handfull tops off the top of the head.

And I've also never in my life seen sushi in a grocery store. Then again I don't shop at Wholefoods or wherever it is that you yuppies shop at.


Only yuppies and japs eat sushi on a regular basis.

Which one are you?

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You're obviously a typical obese american if you think eating pizza and burgers on a regular basis is healthy. I bet those yuppy fucks in the sushi place you worked at will out live your chubby clogged artery family.


Yes, If 99.9% of 12oz is eating burgers and pizza on the regular then yes they are all fat too.

Japanese restaurants are everywhere, therefore making it regular food now not just for yuppies. If you got a job at a sushi place some could argue you're a hypocrite yuppy too.





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I seriously doubt that there's 85 Japanese restraunts in Philly. I can only think of maybe a handfull tops off the top of the head.

And I've also never in my life seen sushi in a grocery store. Then again I don't shop at Wholefoods or wherever it is that you yuppies shop at.


Only yuppies and japs eat sushi on a regular basis.

Which one are you?


They used to sell sushi at Publix in Miami..but then again Miami aint your average town


But DAO is right, go to any grocery store in Texas and all they sell at the deli is sammiches, fried chicken, greens, and mac n cheese.


Sushi definitely aint regular food, it depends on where you are if it is part of the local diet. But sushi is making its way...I think that even the "ghetto mall" in Austin had a sushi place, not good sushi but it was there

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I've never been in a Wholefoods in my life. i generally shop at rainbow or cub, and damn near every one i've ever been to, regardless of where it was at, had pre packaged sushi near where they have fish and seafood. Sure, Aldi's or something like that most likely isn't going to have sushi, but the big chain grocery stores often do.


Also, maybe some of the restuarants listed there aren't strictly Japanese, but they probably all serve some japanese food if they're listed under japanese restaurants in the yellow pages. i think i'm going to trust the yellow pages over what restaurants you can think of off the top of your head.


And i never said i eat it on a regular basis, infact i very rarely do, but i don't eat spaghetti on a regular basis either. Doesn't mean it isn't regular or normal.

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Also god damn those pants are tight


How would feel comfortable in those seriously?


Not only comfortable as in fit but comfortable in your mind as in your out rockin in those things like it's nothing and people wouldn't be giving you sideways glances and sniggering at you.

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Oh dude, you got me good with the same picture you just used 10 minutes ago but switched the text in your word bubble.


i have sushi a couple times a year, know how to use google to point out the fact that there are lots of Japanese spots in Philly and have never claimed to be a healthy eater. I was at a Chinese Buffet earlier this week, and you know who i saw getting sushi there? Some hispanic dudes, a couple middle aged white guys, a black woman, and no tight pants wearing faggots anywhere in the restaurant. Whoa! who'd believe that people actually try food from outside of their little bubble!

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i consider sushi to be relatively regular food. i eat it about once a week sometimes more. and i certainly ain't no fuckin yuppie. yo geez you're just gonna have to realize that some people are raised a certain way. closed mindedness stems from the parents. it's not really dao's fault that he thinks the way he does. i got friends that think the same way cause that's how they were raised. food is just food to some people and to others like myself it's an experience. i don't eat fast food anymore cause it's disgusting. i still eat burgers and pasta and pizza and anything else one might think of as "regular" but generally only if i make it myself. but i do like to get down on some fine/elegant dinning. maybe it' because i aspire to own my own restaurant later on down the road which i would most def. be the executive chef of. and to have a title such as that i can't be closed minded at all or i feel my restaurant would definitely fail. just my two cents.

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I've seen sushi at a 7-11.

My family lives in the poor section of Austin...they have sushi at the H.E.B.

There are sushi joints in mini-malls.


I think it's become fairly easily accessible to most areas.

I'm guessing middle America has yet to catch on to this, but that doesn't mean that sushi is still considered to be "super strange" or "exotic" eating for most people, it just means that middle America is slow to catch on to trends.

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Re: saving starving children vs. being a giant douchebag???


no you dumbass. he was going to get the poon either way. he just randomly asked me to go, which i didnt expect. so i was like.....should i go? its totally out of the norm for me to do something like this.


we're been kinda dating and taking it slow. thats all. the dinner is separate


oh and $240 is not a grand btw.


So why'd you ask again?


Here's my theory. You want to go, you feel bad, and you want someone to justify you spending a large amount of money for overrated food. You recognize that the money being spent on you can help others, but you are being selfish and are too afraid to ask him to put it to a good cause.



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I'm gonna have to agree with Weapon on this one. Making your dude wait for the pussy is playing games.

Especially if you've been known to get down with other niggas off the bat.

And your example of making yourself wait too when you really want the D just proves that you're playing games. If anything, I'll lose respect for a chick if she tries to play that shit. It's usually a red flag that she's either a prude, or she likes to play games.


I'd always just give up and stop callin a bitch when they pull that crap.

Life's too short to waste your time playing games or waiting on some prude who wants some kind of love connection before you even get a test drive.



But you do you though, I'm just sayin.




i am neither a prude nor a game player.

it's easy to fuck someone. it's a lot harder to respect them.

plus he's not my dude. he's just my friend that maybe someday, like, months or years from now, maybe could be my dude, but i'm in no rush and neither is he.

can't you just like hanging out with someone? can't you honestly enjoy spending time with them without bumrushing their genitals?

because the way i think of it is, life's too short to not be friends with someone who you have a real connection with just because you're not fucking them.

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They used to sell sushi at Publix in Miami..but then again Miami aint your average town


But DAO is right, go to any grocery store in Texas and all they sell at the deli is sammiches, fried chicken, greens, and mac n cheese.


Sushi definitely aint regular food, it depends on where you are if it is part of the local diet. But sushi is making its way...I think that even the "ghetto mall" in Austin had a sushi place, not good sushi but it was there






They have sushi in about 1/3rd all grocery stores here

Pretty much any krogers that has a decent seafood section has them





And DAO knows Philly loves sushi! The first time I ever ate sushi underground was at the concourse in downtown Philly. I was like they got sushi in the subway?

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