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Snakes on a plate

Harvey Wallbanger

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From consumerist.com:


"I was at Friday's for dinner last night and as I am wont to do I ordered a side of vegetables instead of the fries that came with my Jack Daniels Chicken Sandwich.


I picked at the broccoli and string beans a little but focused on the sandwich first. After the sandwich was done, I dug into the veggies in earnest.


I wasn't too alarmed when I came across a gray mass under the broccoli. Many restaurants include mushrooms in their veggie selection. It was when I noticed the green spots, and then the mouth that I became alarmed.


It was a decomposed reptile head.


Roughly the size of my thumb from center knuckle to nail. The eye sockets were rotted and black, bits of spine and tendons were hanging out of the neck, and the skull plate was showing through the missing skin on the forehead.


I took a couple of pics with my cell camera, but they don't do it justice. Here are the pics.


When I told the waiter he thought I was joking until I pulled my hand from over the top of the thing. At which point he started to gag. And of course the manager was apologetic and paid for our entire meal.


I worked in a restaurant, but the most I ever had to see behind the scenes was hair or maybe an insect in the salad bar stuff. This was a whole other level."



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It didn't happen to me, it's just a story I saw on Consumerist. Apparently they had the thing checked out at a lab, and they claim it was not cooked with the food-- someone put it in there. It's not clear if it was the customer or an employee, but someone is going to be fucked.



In any case, that shit is fucking gross.

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hahaha nice try kids!

they were dumb enough to try it at a fridays.


the premeditation that must've been involved here is cracking me the fuck UP.


and note to self:

when pulling scam on restaurant, properly cook said undesired animal part.

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