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I've got a week to clean my system out of DRUGS.


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i bought one of these like 8 years ago. best purchase ever. i've used it 5 times for various jobs and other things. and tons of friends have used it. just gotta have at least a few concentrated viles saved for those "oh shit!" days. i don't trust those over priced drinks, and drinking water seems like bullshit since THC is stored in fat cells. i know water can work, but i still would rather have a sure thing.

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Guys, read what I wrote above. Drinking water will not do shit for you, the lab will reject it based on color and the fact that almost all of the sample will be water, it's a very obvious sign that someone is tampering w/ their urine. I've not only had to pass these before, but I previously worked a job where these were administered and I had to check w/ labs over results. You can find all this info online if you dispute what I'm saying. Your experiences might be different, but dude said this is court ordered so I wouldn't fuck around.

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I spent 20$ on one of those nasty detox drinks from the smoke shop and proceeded to down the bitch in my car. It was horrid. Antifreeze green with the consistency of syrup. I almost lost my lunch trying to drink that shit. I then proceeded to the dr.'s office only to find they wanted a chunk of my hair. Bitches.

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Guys, read what I wrote above. Drinking water will not do shit for you, the lab will reject it based on color and the fact that almost all of the sample will be water, it's a very obvious sign that someone is tampering w/ their urine. I've not only had to pass these before, but I previously worked a job where these were administered and I had to check w/ labs over results. You can find all this info online if you dispute what I'm saying. Your experiences might be different, but dude said this is court ordered so I wouldn't fuck around.


i drink lots of water on the regular and always have clear or semi clear piss

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How frequently did you smoke up until this?



What is your height and body weight, are you in good shape or kind of pudged out?



These can be factors, the higher your metabolism and the less fat tissue the faster it'll clear.



Keep in mind too, and this is important that some courts are now using the ethyl gluconoride test for alcohol, which looks for a metabolite rather than the actual alcohol and can detect if you've had anything to drink within the past 3-5 days instead of 24 hours like the standard tests used to. The other dangerous one is xanax or any of the other benzos. If you've been eating those on a regular basis they can take 4-6 weeks to clear. If this is a hair test, you're pretty much fucked. Alcohol can be found in hair for 90 days now as well.


You're better off if they're giving you a piss-in-a-cup and see the results right away type test than a lab test. When I was on probation I had a few prescriptions to keep me from wanting anything else. A really strong, large dosage benzo for sleep, 30mg of Amphetamine a day, and an antidepressant. The first cup test I took while I was on Amphetamine, and had taken the benzo 12 hours before. I always drink a lot of water and take multivitamins. The drug test didn't show positive for the benzo but showed the amphetamine. I actually remarked to my probation officer that this was strange as I had taken it the night before.


Later to prove that I was a good boy and get my sentence modified, I had to take a lab test. That test detected all the drugs I was taking as prescriptions including the non-abusable ones, some pseudofed I had taken the day before for a runny nose, and caffeine from the coke I drank before I came in. If they send away to a lab for GC/MS you'd better pray, they'll find ANYTHING in there.

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with me, im 200 lbs, drink alot of water, and work out, and 2 weeks is always sufficient time to clean out without the use of anything.fiber and creatine are good for cleansing if you are pressed for time. i usually take psyllium husk pills, and cranberry pills just to be on the safe side.


that 7-day shit from gnc certifiably does not work. and i dont trust those drinks you get from head shops.


soup, you should be fine though. drink lots of water, eat yo fiber, and go for a few jogs and you should be straight

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There's some sort of natural jelly that my friends swear by. apparently you can buy a packet of it at the grocery store, mix it in with some gatorade or something of the likes, drink it either a few hours beforehand or the night beforehand (the details are escaping me), and you're good to go. I'd call bullshit on it, but i know 4 people who have all used it with success and were heavy weed smokers.


But, you should be fine just drinking a good amount of water. 2 weeks is plenty of time to clear out your system.


indeed. "fruit pectin" is a preservative for jams and jellies etc. I had court ordered ua's and this is what I used , granted I was not on the smoke errday all day plan, b ut it worked for me and it's cheap, easily found at any super market.

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Fuck a cleansing drink.


You need to buy some fake piss from a head shop. Get the ones that come with a temp strip on the side so you know the temp of the piss. They usually come with a little hand warmer so you can bring the temp up...

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yeah, the hair tests are accurate to the percentage of all substances that you have in your system, as well as the history of what you've taken (marijuana, coke, e, heroin) in your lifetime, or it could just be years. there's no getting around that. the thing is it's dumb expensive for them to even do that, and for it to be used regular everyday testing it would just cost too much money. ive been tested in some "rehab" facilities, and then i get the bill for the type of piss test they use,(the one with that shows the levels/percentage of how much of whatever drug you have in your system). and its $300.00 just to do the lab work.

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the certo jelly method works cus it blocks the thc metabolites from entering into your urine. ive heard that it can do damage to your liver however. i usually just quit smoking 2 weeks before i meet with my p.o. and have never tested positive. in fact, i consider myself a heavy smoker and have passed tests after only being clean six days. thc has a half life of six hours in the body and it usually takes and average of six half lives to clear any drug from your system, problem being that thc binds to fat cells and if your a fat motherfucker it can take a hella long time to clear. friends of mine have quit for 45 days and still dropped dirty cus theyre fat and they have more lipids for the thc to bind to. long story short, you should be cool, but dont trust drinks or dilution methods. only clean urine will ensure that you wont drop dirty.

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as probly stated before just drink lots and lots of liquids mainly water and juices apple and crannberry but mostly water thats your best and more than likely your surest bet it may not work but hey its the most effective

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i dont know about chemicals but as for weed and thc, that bentonite is sure fire. citro put me in jail, masks can be detected, bentonite is 100%. i had to piss every week, i would stop smoking two days before take that shit then piss and smoke right after i left probation. then repeat. i never had any dirtys. drinking water just masks thc, unless your a lil 100 pound fucker then that shit might work. but i have fat for the thc ti stick too.....

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