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i dont know man. i think you would be wasted on australia. your sense of humour makes us laugh coz we understand you're hood and shit but to the average fuckwit over here you're just some american dude.


i'm sure you could get some girls down here just coz of the accent.


i always find it funny when rappers come over here. like Snoop or Cube or even the fucking Cool Kids. the culture shock is amusing to watch.

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you can come to my house, i heard i throw killer parties.





























































































































































































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this dero cunt used to live near me. he's been robbed in my city many times. and i fucked the girl that sold him his trademark 'glasses'



fun fact




i can imagine him being around ratty as fuck white girls (//no racist) frontin the dirty fake babe hoodies from springy



not cool doc not cool at all

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i can imagine him being around ratty as fuck white girls (//no racist) frontin the dirty fake babe hoodies from springy



not cool doc not cool at all


this him EXACTLY. ever since his 5 minutes of fame he's pulled some decent girls though. last i heard he had a girlfriend with her own place.


but yeah he's your typical hang at the station begging for money, goon drinkin,g fake bape hoodie wearing, bent scungy fake new era hat having scum rat.

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That's pretty true I've never met a Dominican before, there's pretty much no south americans here and Americans for that matter I know a couple of Americans (maybe 3 or 4) but yeah that's about all I've seen in my 23 years of living here.

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fuck, wherever you go there you are, you huge now mero? you be huge here


and you won't know who's talkin shit on us until you see fo yoself, you'll find dominicans and real kooris and redneck fucks and fresh paint and whatever else you want



where the bloody hell are ya? <- our multimillion dollar advertising campaign

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If there is Chileans here I am sure there is Dominicans.


You should come over, you would have a laugh at how there is no real 'Australian' identity anymore as it just seems there is just different races that all hang in their own little circles. It is rather funny actually to me, but fucked at the same time.

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How is it for Chinese pople there- are they hated on or discriminated against? I heard there's enough of a Chinese population to have a Chinatown somewhere in Australia.


theres a chinatown in melbourne. and springvale may as well be called little vietnam.

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its the same in sydney. The china town here is big and takes up some prime real estate. A little bit out south west there is a suburb called cabramatta which is a vietnamese community. It used to be the place to pick up smack ola.


In general there is a lot of asians here, that causes tension for some. But no more than in any european country.I've noticed Australians are very comfortable making racist remarks which I think is pretty shit really.


When I first got back here I was drinking with all these stupid lesbian skaters and they wouldnt shut up about some Indian guy they saw on the train. I figure they just liked not being p.c. so I said something delicate about lemons and these bitches went stone cold for a second. Biggoted faggots?


Anyway, it just seldom leads to actual violence (/hellwithyoraceriot) We all get Pho and Laksa's so no one is really complaining.

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