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1 you have to work for major media




That's fucking hilarious Casek.

The only news media who's mad at Obama is Fox news and other assorted Rush Limbaugh rightwing loons.

If you took your head out of your ass and payed attention to what's going on in the real world, you'd have a fucking clue.

Instead, you're lost in your own world of wackjob rightwing propaganda.

Next thing you know, you're going to be talking about how Bush and Cheney really weren't that bad and that they were true "liberty lovers" and everyone else is a "liberty hater". :lol:

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That's fucking hilarious Casek.

The only news media who's mad at Obama is Fox news and other assorted Rush Limbaugh rightwing loons.

If you took your head out of your ass and payed attention to what's going on in the real world, you'd have a fucking clue.

Instead, you're lost in your own world of wackjob rightwing propaganda.

Next thing you know, you're going to be talking about how Bush and Cheney really weren't that bad and that they were true "liberty lovers" and everyone else is a "liberty hater". :lol:



no dude, bush and cheney were the greatest. i'm finally seeing the light, man.

best presidents ever. EVAR!


man, torturing brown people is where it's at. ask rachel bilson. that chick is one down bitch when it comes to torturing brown folk.


fuck, i wish i had voted for bush both times.


now i have to wait on sean hannity/anne coulter ticket. they know what america needs.


shit, man. black president is only good for one thing: discounts at KFC.


p.s.: why do you hate america?

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HAHA yeah i posted that in my "barack obama is an idiot" thread.. and the responses i got was "he's a regular dude, so what if he laughed", or "you're a fuckin idiot".


The American people are/were to blind to see past the bullshit.. Obama's genius "hope" and "change" is all people need to hear to believe they're making the only logical decision for whats best for America-being Barack.I mean fuck, everyone was looking for something,anything after Bush's popularity had reached an all time low. Everyone just fell for his inspiring "hope" and "change" run on teleprompt speeches.Instead of people actually caring enough to look to see what Obama is really about,They just believe whats told or shown on all the liberal news stations.I'm sure the majority of people didn't know Barack associated/s with known terrorists, and has gone to a church his whole life where the rev. Wright talked about United States being the enemy, and how the United States has kept the black man down..Everyone including all the liberal new's stations only show the sugar coated bullshit with Barack. Plus,Instead of any interviews or confrences giving him any type of question that he might have to think on, or maybe hard for him to answer. Like what he plans to do with the economy,national debt, unemployement.They ask him stupid shit like whats his dogs name, or how are the plants coming in the back yard, or how does it feel to be the first African-American president. the only reason no one ask's him any type of real question is becuase he might be put on the spot to say how he actually feels, which he's afraid to say the wrong thing becuase he doesn't want to offend anyone..playing both sides. He's wants to be everyone's friend.Im sorry either your all in or nothing. im sick of this trying to keep everyone happy, apolgizing to other countries for the state this country is in.

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