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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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ipa night. inversion + more dogfish.


haven't had a real IPA in months and it's infuriating. all the ones im able to order in at work are around 5 percent, which undermines the entire premise of why IPA's came to be. they're marketing their piss weak pale ales is IPA's because most people dont know better...cunts.


on another note, just tried a Dab original (GER), got a St Sebastiaan dark ale cooling down, a bottle of The Macallan 10 and some awes Chilean cab sauv. going to be a good night.

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Srsly? No on Ommegang??


Try their saison again ...then tell me how you feel.




i responded to this once, but guess it didn't go through.


Yeah, i had a few of theres that just didn't seem worth the hype. I thought well of their chocolate, can't remember if I tried the saison, so I'll give it another go.


I'll let you know the result.


Until then, I think I'm gonna sip on this tonight:


Nogne Imperial Stout



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Drinking this right now. Pretty unsual, listed as Belgian Strong Pale ale but it has a bit of a sweet, lactic brett taste in there. Also reasonably low (for the style) on carbonation, vaguely reminds me of what it would taste like if you cobined a tripel with a flanders red. Worth a shot, I picked it up in Brooklyn this past weekend.

On the Nogne-O note, I tried one last week, I was quite drunk already and I'm having trouble recalling which it was but I'm pretty sure it was the God Jul. And I remember that it was disgusting and tasted like burnt rubber/bandaid. I'll give them another shot, though.

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I was very disappointed by the Tumbler, took me a week and a half to force down a 12'er.



everyones pallets different. i thought it was one of the better non micro brewed seasonal brown ales i've had but i'm mainly a dark beer drinker whos slowly getting into ipas and other lighter beers, its a nice little cross over for me atleast.

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I have not had a beer since I was in New York about a month ago. Before that, probably another month. No idea why, but I just hadn't had a desire to drink at all. Today at work I decided some good beer would be nice for the weekend, so I hunted down a well rated liquor store online and stopped by on my way home.


This place has a slick selection. Most of Stone's beers, DFH, bunch of Mikkeller, and a whole slew of other good/harder to find shit. I decided to go with two of my favorites and try two new ones that I've heard good things about.








New ones:






Never had anything from either Nogne or Mikkeller, so I'm psyched to say the least. I'll be cracking the Mikkeller in a few, but wanted to let it chill for a few minutes since I'm a leisurely stout drinker and like to get a taste of it cold before it settles down to room temp. I'm also psyched on Old Rasputin, because I haven't had it in about a year, due to it being nowhere to be found in Denver. And Ruination never fails to satisfy.




Edit: The Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast. FUUUUCK. Delicious. I've only made it through the mountain of head and had two cool sips and it's fantastic. I have a feeling the flavors are going to open up really well once it warms up to room temperature. I could honestly eat a bowl of the head from this beer with a spoon too, it's that tasty/thick /NH.


Double Edit: I forgot to mention that the owner of the store was cool as hell. Apparently he is always there, and his fatass bulldog just cruises around the shop. The dog was laying down smack dab infront of the door when I walked in. I had a decent chat with the guy about Mikkeller too and he informed me that I really missed out on the last batch of Beer Geek Brunch Weasel that they had a few weeks ago. I also just realized Mikkeller and Nogne are done at the same brewery? I think by different folks though? Thanks BeerAdvocate.

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Post beer review:


Based off of this one, Mikkeller certainly lives up to the hype. Definitely the best breakfast stout I've had, and I might venture as to say the best oatmeal stout I've had. With a lot of darker/heavier beers, you end up with one flavor taking over, and they did a great job of getting a perfect balance of oatmeal and coffee, without it being hard to drink. No one flavor overpowers the others, and every sip you get distinct coffee, oatmeal and malt flavors that all stand out on their own but blend down to a really solid beer. Heavy enough that you know you're drinking a pitch black stout, but the 7.5% ABV wasn't killing any of the flavors with alcohol taste. I was also impressed with the fact that it tasted just as good at all temps. I took my time with it, so I got cold, cool, luke warm and the room temp that most stout fans are going to push for, and it was good the whole way through. Definitely get the most distinct mix of flavors at the room temp, which is to be expected. Some stouts can get a bit too heavy at room temp though, and they did a good job keeping it very drinkable throughout.


Overall, serious thumbs up. I will be trying more of Mikkeller's beers and will be picking this up again as well. I encourage all you stout fans to give it a whirl if it's available in your area. It wasn't terribly expensive either, only running me $9 for a bomber, so that's another plus. If you're looking to hammer down a beer, look elsewhere. If you're trying to sip something casually, like you should with a bomber of any good stout, this one is worth your time. There is a smoked version too, that I'll probably pick up next time. The guy at the store told me it was a real "bacon beer" though, and I sometimes struggle to enjoy those, but I think the smoked flavor added to this beer could be killer.


If you were looking for a beeradvocate style breakdown...go to beeradvocate.

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