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Hippies Scale Golden Gate Bridge to Post "Free Tibet" Banners


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Martin Luther King Jr. was part of a movement and he changed the way black people were treated forever.

The Founding Fathers were part of a movement and started a new country that is the most powerful in the world today.

Abraham Lincoln was part of a movement and freed thousands of slaves.


You need to stop acting like a teenager thats pissed off at the world because his mom took away his xbox. If everyone in the world had an additude like yours the world would go to shit.

I was talkin' bout recent movements, dumb movements, movements that been trying to move somethin' since 1987...And I aint talkin bout 2 Live Crew cause they actually moved somethin'....Sorry for posting my opinion, I thought that's what you do in a forum.


And to set the record straight, I'm not mad about this...Never once did I type in all caps or use exclamation marks or call anyone a hippie...I still don't give a fuck about what's going on in Tibet, so what? Pwn me with your knowledge and self righteousness if it makes you feel better.


I'm going for a run in my shoes that were made in a sweatshop. :lol:

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Shucks. Whatever, if I miss all ill hit is hippie hipsters ready to die for a country they've never stepped foot in.


dude, i barely give a shit about china and their fucked up "government".

i just wanna see that damn torch go out.


damn torch.

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I know you fools SAY you don't care about tibet but here's what you should remember.


China is on the brink of a civil war, so civil rights activists (like the president of France) are boycotting the olympics till china gets its shit together. The olympic torch is currently making its course around the globe. Everywhere it goes it's nonstop protestors.


Noone's asking you to personally do anything, just be knowledgeable of the changing world around you and understand what's going on.


Although many protests have failed (Vietnam, for instance) civil rights protests, especially in America, have seen undeniable success. Other protests like American corporations protesting trade with Saudi Arabia during the 70's, also resulted in giving Saudi women the vote. Other small protests like the 90's seattle riots drew attention to the impoverished coffee bean worker. Now there's tons of coffee shops which only sell Fair Trade coffee, which in turn helps stabilize a pretty fucked up region of south america. China is a capitalistic country whose success depends on retaining fair trade agreements with corporations as well as the international consumer. If the consumer wants tibet free, Tibet might be freed in your life time. It's gay to think of us all as consumers but welcome to 2008.

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So, I think that the statement was bold. The message was genuine and the effort was amazing. Kids wish they could get up like this. Anywhoo...


Speaking of free speech, I was gonna post something... I can't, because I apparently dont have access, I've never started my own topic. I'd finally like too... But umm..

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