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⚠️ GAME: True or False


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false.never seen it.




tpbm is a vegan.not because he or she is health conscious but because he or she doesnt want to eat anything with a face...or something along those lines.i always hear vegans bitching about not wanting to eat anything with a face.idk what their bitching about tho.its like "i cut it off what more do you want?"

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most definitely.shit was busted up from the day it was given too me.would go on shuffle when i dont want it too(im tlaking about an ipod)..but i got an older version of the ipod from a friend and that shit was resilient as fuck.i dropped it in the toilet twice and it fell down the stairs.nothing.



lost it while jumping a fence:( dog ate it.



tpbm watches lifetime.and enjoys it.

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false. two really awesome ones though..


one german shepard that stood like 28 inches. fucking HUGE


tpbm had a really long night last night. then slept all day, and is now going to probably have another long night.

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