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⚠️ GAME: True or False


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false. strictly dickly.


tpbm like anime


im not crazy about them but i like them.i watch bleach and deathnote all the time tho.deathnote was the shit imo


False. I saw some shit a LONG time ago that i liked, and i watch The Boondocks, but that's not really anime....


tpbm is racist, even if it's just a little bit. Like when you see somebody do something really ignorant like ghost-riding their whip and you think, "man, that guys a....."


you would think growing up around the people i did.but no im not.my mom is sorta. she likes to use the word niggabitch/bitchnigga alot.but i cant tell if she's racist or not.she says some racist stuff and yet her best friends are black and mexican,she dated a japanese guy for quite a while, her nephew is black and her daughter married some puerto rican guy,who she loves.also her dads indian or something.so its weird.


true. a little bit, but it's funny as hell seeing people fulfill their stereotypes..


tpbm has called a hispanic person a beaner to their face before


why the fuck would i call them a beaner? thats just childish.spic works just as well..hahaha.jkjk.





tpbm has a thing for asians.

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false. they don't shave.


tpbm got laid today.






Tpbm wants to be away from where they are.


definitely.take me to texas


true, I'm stuck in a fuckin hospital for 2 weeks....


tpbm is of mixed descent


true.irish/welsh/scottish on dads blackdutch/nativeamerican on moms

true, irish and italian


tpbm is ready for baseball to start


false.fuck baseball

false don't follow baseball

TPBM is hugely unconcerned about the winter Olympics


definitely true. did you know that there is a such thing as womens hockey? equally as awful as watching womans basketball,if not more so..



tbpm is mexican or some other type of brown people i cant think of..

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