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Dumbest hypothetical question I have ever been asked.

earl broclo ESQ

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so my girlfriend and i are watching TV. i'm bored and lounging on 12oz, and she's watching "true life--working in the sex industry" on MTV. so there is this dude who says he's "straight" but does gay porn for the paycheck. so my girl asked "would you do gay porn if someone offered you $10,000?" To which I said "No, fucking way." so then she asks if she was dying and the only way i could save her was to do gay porn, would i do it? so i just started laughing. so i just said "that's just fucking stupid. a doctor isn't going to turn to me and say 'i'm sorry mr. broclo, but your girlfriend is going to die unless you fuck this male nurse and let us film it for national distribution, oh yeah, and you have to let him suck your dick as well."


so i told her "no" and she laughed, thank god. "you'd let me die?" she asked. so i told her she's being stupid and to shut up.


she's still going off about this shit. now she's asking me if i'd do it for $100,000 dollars and to save her life."


so i just said "no" and now she's asking me if i'd do it if it was a beautiful transvestite. so i said "no."


jesus christ, she won't shut up. i'm typing this as she's talking. she just asked if i'd do it if it was a glory hole, and all i can see is a puckered starfish.


oh man.


fucking broads!


so what would you all say to your girl if she put this question on you? i'm lucky my girlfriend has a good sense of humor and is laughing. but you know some chicks are fucking crazy and would use this shit as ammo.

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tell her youd see her you will miss her and play that pdiddy song "missing you" at her funeral.


i heard something about this. also on the radio they brought it up last week and they said that most the guys in the porn industry had to start off in the gay side.

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she just asked if i'd do it if it was a glory hole, and all i can see is a puckered starfish.




anyway to answer your question,

ive been asked this before by females

and my answer is always a big "NO"....

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Ask her if she wants to have a threesome with some hot best friend of hers.


If she says no, lay the guilt on her...nice and thick.


If she says yes, well...I don't know, thank me? Pics?


edit- Not that I want to see you in the nude or anything...strictly for documentation purposes.

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The girl has never asked me this but friends of mine are always throwing it around and coming up with ridiculous conditions.


"For a million, I'd totally fuck a dude if I didn't know it was a dude." That made a whole lot of sense.

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i would seriously consider being a pitcher for 1,000,000


this shit would never happen, but hypothetically speaking, i'm with you on the contemplation. a million bucks is enough money to allow me to do whatever i want in life. i could have kids, and spoil them. and everytime they asked for money, i'd say "you know what i did for this money, do you! yeah, your dad had to fuck a guy in the ass to make your life so easy. so when you don't want to do your homework to get ahead, think of what i had to do. now get in your room and do your fucking algerbra homework, i have to go drink away the memory in my 200 gallon hot tub!"


for a one time million dollar pitching fee? i don't know, i'd seriously contemplate that. i'd just close my eyes, and sing "benny and the jets" really loud while i'm doing it. but i wouldn't sing the elton john version, because that's mighty gay. i'd sing the biz markie version.

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