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So I guess I'm OK at building shit


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Most of you saw the amazing vodka pong table I built (RIP, you're missed every day), now here is something a tab bit more difficult.


My roommate raps, and usually just records with a free standing mic in his room, but the other day he decided he wanted a booth. I told him to just pay for the supplies, buy me some food, and I'd get it done. We went to Home Depot, I cut all the wood to size, picked up a few tools we didn't have laying around, and headed back to the crib. I encountered a few design problems while assembling the thing, but in the end it all came out pretty good.


It's set up on a landing outside his bedroom door, with a winding staircase and not much room to move around to get pictures, but you'll get the idea


image0001-10.jpg The few of it from his room


image0002-17.jpg View from down the stairs


image0003-11.jpg Very basic inside








image0006-16.jpg And a bonus of me doing some mad hip-hop yelling


Not the most elaborate shit in the world, but it's structurally sound, works well, and I think pretty damn good for only the second thing I've ever built from scratch.


All in all, including my extravagant meal and a few tools, it still came out to less than $200 to build

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Well, I'm actually from RI so RISD is out of the question, they don't like home town heroes too much haha


That other shit looks kinda cool...who knows, maybe I've found a way to turn my life around and become a respectable member of society.


Prolly not though.

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i have an uncle who does "specialty contracting" type stuff.

i dont know all the details about it.

but he used to do custom stuff in upscale houses (tvs that would rise out of the floor. etc.)

he got very wealthy from that and using his money to make a few well placed investments.

consider getting good at something like that maybe.


that booth looks pretty cool.

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i wish you lived in my neck of the woods. i would pay you to build me a light table or light box.

yes, i'm thrifty.


webs, here's a free one from me to you.


*go to goodwill, salvation army, walmart, target, etc.

*find a small glass top end table.

*put small lamp beneath table.

*trace until your fingers bleed.


if you'd like to make it even more 'official', you can coat the bottom of the table in a 'frosted' contact paper, available just about anwhere.

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webs, here's a free one from me to you.


*go to goodwill, salvation army, walmart, target, etc.

*find a small glass top end table.

*put small lamp beneath table.

*trace until your fingers bleed.


if you'd like to make it even more 'official', you can coat the bottom of the table in a 'frosted' contact paper, available just about anwhere.



haha...yes! my cuzz was going to give me her glass kitchen table. i should just use that.

i found this online when i was searching for a do-it-yourself tut on making a light table.


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Looks pretty good, AyeBee.


Lightboxes are easy to make. Get some plans off of the internet, and find out what dimensions all the materials have to be cut to. Go to Home Depot and have them do all the cuts for you. Then go to a glass shop and get a piece of glass the size you want, and talk it home and slap it together with a drill.


For the light, just get a old lamp and remove the fixture. When you are geting your wood cut, tell them you need a hole routed in one of the side pieces that's about 1/4" bigger than the light socket. When you install it, wrap it in tape till it fits in the hole snug and use a little hot glue to seal the edges.

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If you actually need something cut to a specific size, I'd recommend NOT going to The Home Depot


I work there, and know for a fact damn near every cut I do is off by at LEAST a few eighths of an inch. Not only do we hafta do mad cuts all day and just get lazy, but we only have access to shitty rip saws with dull blades, hence the policy of not guaranteeing exact cuts. I mean, don't get me wrong, it can be done...I made all the cuts for that booth on a Home Depot saw, but I was doing it for myself so I went the extra mile and took all the proper steps to ensure accurate cuts. I don't do that for just any asshole that comes in and asks me to cut for him.

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Well, I'm actually from RI so RISD is out of the question, they don't like home town heroes too much haha


That other shit looks kinda cool...who knows, maybe I've found a way to turn my life around and become a respectable member of society.


Prolly not though.


I was looking at North Bennett Street School. The place is really nice. Not too expensive and the people that come out of there are very accomplished. If you want to move to Cali there is a place called College of the Redwoods that is one of the top schools for furniture.

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that works, but is a little clumsy and weird.



haha..yeah, i wouldn't do that though. i like the glass table with a lamp underneath better.

fuck spending money on shit you can get for free.


another wood project i had wanted to do but didn't...


a tree house


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Okay, per AB's advice...slip the Home Depot guy doing the cuts a ten and see if that helps. I think he's telling us the real deal though...those saws look pretty beat.


Otherwise, buy a angle and a jigsaw and do it yourself.

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Yeah, one said said "Bro Rapers" and one said "Challengers", plus we had a few corporate logos on that bitch haha...gotta show love for our sponsors and what not


I'm sure the outside of the booth is gunna end up getting painted at some point, there's too many cans in this house for it to NOT happen

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