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Time Travel to Be Unlocked Later This Year

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Russian Scientists Claim Secrets of Time Travel to Be Unlocked Later This Year\








Some Russian mathematicians claim that when the atom-smashing machine at the European Particle Physics Centre near Geneva opens for business at the end of April, one of the results of wee particles being smashed together at insane speeds could be a rip in the fabric of time itself, allowing for tiny particles to jump in time. If we figure out how to hold open said rip, maybe, just maybe, we could go back or forward in time. Finally, a way to make it so that bully at school is never born! Although look out, he might be destined to be a general in the upcoming robots vs. humans war and wiping him out of existence might doom humanity for ever. Or not, you never can tell with these things. In any case, once we figure out the simple process of ripping the fabric of space open we could presumably then shrink the technology down enough to fit it into an impractical car and have a series of wacky adventures that turn out well for everybody in the end. I can't wait!

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Guest shai_hulud



If you can understand this, it's pretty close to time travel, in a sense.





Modern interpretation: Quantum field theory and causality


The property of causality is a fundamental principle of theoretical particle physics; tachyons, if they existed, would not violate causality, even if they interacted with ordinary (time-like) matter[3]. Causality would be violated if a particle could send information into its own past, forming a so-called causal loop, leading to logical paradoxes such as the grandfather paradox. Tachyons are prevented from violating causality by the Feinberg reinterpretation principle[3] which states that a negative-energy tachyon sent back in time in an attempt to violate causality can always be reinterpreted as a positive-energy tachyon travelling forward in time. This is because observers cannot distinguish between the emission and absorption of tachyons. For a tachyon there is no distinction between the processes of emission and absorption, since there always exists a sub-light velocity reference frame shift that alters the temporal direction of the tachyon's world-line, which is not true for bradyons or photons. The attempt to detect a tachyon from the future (and violate causality) actually creates the same tachyon and sends it forward in time (which is causal). A tachyon detector will seem to register tachyons in every possible detection model; in reality the tachyon "detector" is spontaneously emitting tachyons. The effect of the reinterpretation principle on any tachyon "detector" is that any incoming tachyonic message would be lost against the tachyon background noise, which is an inevitable accompaniment of the uncontrollable emission. The counter intuitive conclusion is that tachyons (if they existed) could be used to transmit energy-momentum, but they can't be used for communication. Thus there is no need to fall back on some quantum field theory form of the Novikov self-consistency principle to preserve causality.

Other avenues of speculation involve parallel universes. One can imagine a scenario in which sending energy or information back in time causes history to diverge into two distinct tracks, one in which events reflect the altered information and one in which they do not.

In the theory of general relativity, it is possible to construct spacetimes in which particles travel faster than the speed of light, relative to a distant observer. One example is the Alcubierre metric, another is of traversable wormholes. However, these are not tachyons in the above sense, as they do not exceed the speed of light locally.

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Guest shai_hulud

Well, from what I can tell, tachyons are faster than light particles that can travel either forward or backward in time depending on their "charge".


It's been proposed to use them as a means of communication, but there's too much background noise due to the energy fields.


There's also a theory that if this were somehow put into practice, there would be multiple time tracks- ones where the future influenced the past in different ways, and the one constant time track that wasn't influenced at all.


Somehow I think this is what the Russians are banking on, but it's probably not going to work. If it does, then I'll say, "Oh. My bad," and hope for the best.

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I doubt this has been said...


BUT, traveling forward in time has already been done. Valeri Polyakov was in space for such a long time and traveling at such a high rate of speed he has actually traveled forward in time for a little less than a second...


I remember this sweet thing about thinking about time travel as a tennis ball boucning on time of a space ship... The faster the ship was going the longer it took to hit it's arc and come back down... But it's hard to explain in words...


Anyway, yeah... McFLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i've watched a few tv things that give me a slight idea as to what is being said. string theory shows, European Particle Physics Centre stuff and whatnot. not that i can actually describe what they say...


one thing from the string theory show describing parallel universe's being "membrane" width's apart, and as membranes/"strings" are always vibrating or moving thus causing a collision which one particular collision causing the big bang.


time travel would be very significant, yet on such a minute and theoretical level. amazing none the less.

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I remember reading somwhere that if time travel were to become real, it would only be possible to travel forward, and not backwards. Therefore you'd be stuck where you went. I don't know the logistics of this theory, I just thought I'd share.




Is that possible, to time travel? ... I think people can do that!

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I remember reading somwhere that if time travel were to become real, it would only be possible to travel forward, and not backwards. Therefore you'd be stuck where you went. I don't know the logistics of this theory, I just thought I'd share.



there were some scientists that created a powerful magnetic field, powerful enough to slow time. which is what gravity on earth does.... it's all relative, though..

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