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Woah - Eating Pussy Can Give You Cancer


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HPV increasingly causes oral cancer in men






ATLANTA - The sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women is poised to become one of the leading causes of oral cancer in men, according to a new study.


The HPV virus now causes as many cancers of the upper throat as tobacco and alcohol, probably due both to an increase in oral sex and the decline in smoking, researchers say.


The only available vaccine against HPV, made by Merck & Co., is currently given only to girls and young women. But Merck plans this year to ask government permission to offer the shot to boys.


Experts say a primary reason for male vaccinations would be to prevent men from spreading the virus and help reduce the nearly 12,000 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in U.S. women each year. But the new study should add to the argument that there may be a direct benefit for men, too.


"We need to start having a discussion about those cancers other than cervical cancer that may be affected in a positive way by the vaccine," said study co-author Dr. Maura Gillison of Johns Hopkins University.


The study was published Friday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.



Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women. It also can cause genital warts, penile and anal cancer — risks for males that generally don't get the same attention as cervical cancer.


Previous research by Gillison and others established HPV as a primary cause of the estimated 5,600 cancers that occur each year in the tonsils, lower tongue and upper throat. It's also been known that the virus' role in such cancers has been rising.


The new study looked at more than 30 years of National Cancer Institute data on oral cancers. Researchers categorized about 46,000 cases, using a formula to divide them into those caused by HPV and those not connected to the virus.


They concluded the incidence rates for HPV-related oral cancers rose steadily in men from 1973 to 2004, becoming about as common as those from tobacco and alcohol.


The good news is that survival rates for the cancer are also increasing. That's because tumors caused by HPV respond better to chemotherapy and radiation, Gillison said.


"If current trends continue, within the next 10 years there may be more oral cancers in the United States caused by HPV than tobacco or alcohol," Gillison said.






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its depressing because you cant go down on random chicks?




For me to go down on a bitch I gotta be fucking with her for like 6 months, on some know her whole resume shit...


This is like the best news ever...



gal - "cmon baby , just go down a little, Ill get you back"

me - "do you have any protection for 'down there?'"

gal - "huh?!?"

me - "well current studies show that theres an increased risk of oral cancer with unprotected oral sex. Ifs for our own intrests"

gal - "What protection do they make for eating pussy?"

me - "Fuck if I know, but I got a magnum right here. Bend over bitch"



step your game up kiddies, its a mans world

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