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I'm pretty sure i got fired tonight


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not from my real job, since I've been on disability for the last 4 months, but from my bouncing gig


So anyways...I got into an argument with some kid, threw him out, and I figured that was that. Few hours later we close and I'm outside trying to get everyone to their car, the kid and a few of his boys are outside waiting. The little faggot starts popping shit, I try to go after him, and all my co-workers get between us and prevent me from hitting him cuz they always like to ruin my fun (they all think I'm fuckin nuts and just love to fight, which is only partially true). So at this point fights start breaking out everywhere, cuz that's just how it is when we close...there's at least 5 separate, pretty big fights going on and everyones distracted so I take this opportunity to run up on the kid and catch him with a few shots, drop him, then rub his face in the cement


I figure that's the end of it now and go along on my job, breaking up other fights and pushing the crowd further and further from the club...a block or 2 away who is there poppin shit, same fuckin kid. I start heading towards him and I can hear my boss yelling at me to stop, but fuck that nonsense. I get up to him and he starts talkin bout how he's gunna catch me somewhere, fuck me up blah blah, so I just let him keep talkin til he pokes me in the chest, at which point I slam him into a car. After that 2 of his boys start talkin more shit, so I go after them and I'm again pulled away from them cuz everyone I work with is apparently scared of confrontation with the big bad minorities. They're aways mad quick to choke out a Gotti fag who gets lippy, but as soon as it's a darkie muthafuckas are all about peaceful resolutions and shit.


After we get back inside my boss and the head bouncer pull me aside and start givin me some long gay speech about how "We can't be out here fighting in the streets like it's ___ ____ (the hood I'm from), it just doesn't work like that". After I explained that the kid put his hands on me first and I won't take that from anyone they said some more gay shit and I basically told em the whole job was retarded. I finished cleaning, got my money, then went and looked at the schedule for next week and surprise surprise, my name was whited out.


Noone said anything to me, so I'm not sure if I'm actually fired or just gettin punished for a week, but either way i think I'm not gunna go back. Fuck a place where faggots are gunna let muthafuckas put their hands on you just cuz "we're professionals". Suck a dick, no homo.


This thread is mad long for no reason, but typing it has officially made me tired enough to sleep so yeah. Read it, or don't...whatever bro-ski.

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"We can't be out here fighting in the streets like it's ___ ____ (the hood I'm from), it just doesn't work like that".


I hate assholes who say shit like that. Lying straight to your face. A lot of owners/managers like the notoriety of a violent bouncer. W/e, a bouncing gig should be pretty easy get, and now you got a whole new crowd of people waiting to get hustled.


Period goes inside the quotes, btw.

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you said "gotti fag" --fucking classic. 10 years ago, i used to work with a group of DJ's in providence. a couple guys had a gig behind the atomic grill. i can't remember what the bar was called though. it was a fucking meathead bar, full of fucking gotti fags and bucket retards. i saw so much stupid shit there, but one night i'll never forget. we're all sitting in the backroom, playing records, while everyone is up in the front room dancing to lame progressive house. there was nobody back there, except us and the bartender. so all of a sudden we see these two chicks helping this one chick down the stairs. they've both got this hooker's arms over their shoulders, and she's completely assed out. so they plop her down on the couch, and her head just falls between her legs close enough to almost hit the floor. this chick was gone, and i'm pretty sure it was GHB. anyways, this chick put a ton of work into herself that night, hooker hair, hooker tits, hooker outfit, and hooker face. only to go to the club, get fucked up, pass out, and shit her pants. literally shit her pants. my buddy went over to see if she was ok, came back laughing saying "bitch shit her pants! oh man bitch shit her pants!"


i love providence.

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drunks will be drunks...but it takes 2 to tanggle...im pretty sure your boss is pissed you ran across the street to beat up some guy yelling at you, it would be one thing if he came across the street to you and picked a fight.


in the end the drunk across the street wins the fight, cus now your jobless

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I think I got punched in the forehead last night.


I also believe I managed to get kicked out of the most down and out bar in the world.

Some dude was drinking a pitcher of beer as if it were a pint.

I asked to take a photo with him.

We get to talking.

He sits at our booth.

We listen to people sing karoke really well.

He challenges me to a pitcher drinking race.

I accept his challenge.

I finished mine.

Drank some of his.

Started spitting a ton.

Then went and destroyed the bathroom with a vomit session that was totally brutal.


Sneakz refused to buy me more beer.

It was probably the smartest thing he has done since I've been here.

I was annihilated.

That never keeps me from drinking more.


I am quite surprised he didn't have a bus ticket in hand when I woke up this morning.

Telling me to get the fuk out of here and never talk to him again.

Dude has patience.


Master of Disaster.

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this was going back 2 years, i remember i went to babylon once for some girls birthday or whatever and everyone ended up getting into a fight with a group of "dark's" and the bouncers tazzed all the white people involved, even girls, and threw them out and the others got to stay.

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