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Last night was awesome. /yes3waybrawl


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Guest shai_hulud


That's always a good sign. AB, feeling no pain.


How's your head, DAO? Fuck taking a shot to the forehead. I got kicked in the forehead by my friend once when we got into a drunken brawl and had a bootprint to show for it. I had long hair so that covered it up, but damn. Rang my fucking bell.


I broke his hand by grabbing his arm and slamming through a plaster wall about twenty times. That chilled him out.


I don't like fighting. Shit scares me. I don't like losing control of my temper like that.


It's cool that you stood up for the lady, though. Sorry about your friend. RIP.

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I got in a 3 on 1 fight hanging out at some college bar. I was being a drunk dick spitting on the walls and knocking shit over in the back room and in general being a drunk dickhead with my boys. As I was leaving I knocked a stool over and 3 frat bros thought I was trying to dip on my tab and decided to play hero and followed me out. I dont really remember what was said, because I was liquored the fuck up, but the one in front kept pushing me so I jawed him and threw him into one of his boys and jumped on the third guy and mashed him out. My boy and his girl pulled me off, because it was in the middle of the street with a gas station thasts a known cop hangout just at the end of the block and I had a warrant at the time, so I ran off. I cant say I beat all their asses, but I can say it was funny as hell because I was ghost before they even realizedf what happened

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ima get into a fight this weekend. last time i fought...


a month back i think. this nigga was talking mad shit on my skating and all that bullshit and he did even skate. i came at him with the KRS-one-ish logic and basically told him to shut the fuck up. so he was like "what you say to me nigga?" and i said SHUT THE FUCK UP!




then as i was ducking i came in with the 2 piece to his ribs and he pushed off my and backed up. then he came in again (/no homo) with a left and a right, so i did kind of a matrix swing around, grabbed him from behind holding him up by his stomach(/no homo) and oomphed his lil punk ass. he did the illest body flop ever on to his face. his face hit the ground. his nose was bleedin, his phone which was in his left pocket broke... shit was funny. then i jawed him for good measure and walked away.


*his body sounded like he jumped off the roof of a house into a lil kiddie pool.

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that's a crazy ass story. i feel you on the finding an alley part. /nohomo


about 2 years ago me and a few of my friends we're at a car show and my boy's girl runs a daquiri shop so we decided to go kick it over there for some more drinks and shit after the show. after we get there and get some drinks in, 2 of my friends, pretty good ones at that, started arguing over some dumb shit that my boy felt he got played on and they went to shoving in the parking lot. one of them was about to turn himself in to the feds 2 weeks later to serve a 4 year term and the other kid knew that, so he said "dude you're better off in fucking prison." after i heard that i was like "say dude, don't even fucking play like that 'cause that's just gonna make me fuck you up for talking that shit." needless to say once my boy heard that he went into beast mode level nine trying to knock dudes head off while i'm inbetween these 2 fuckers. so i'm like "hold the fuck up, yall aren't gunna fight on the corner of 2 streets so both we all can wind up in jail, take it to the loading dock behind the building." they both start walking over there and once one of them made the turn to go into the dock the other one just kept walking and i assume walked home. i didn't talk to him for like a year almost after that but we have since reconciled.


shots anyone?

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How did i miss this thread.


Never fought a friend except when getting jumped on my birthday or jumping a friend or 2 on theres. I had a couple of boys who worked together and they would alwyas talk shit and end up on payday fighting each other for there checks. They stopped last one ended up in a gun getting pulled.


What i hate is when friends fight friends and you got to drop a friends friend that steps out of line.

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Worst odd sof a fight i"ve eve rbene in was like literally 15 on 2, and my other boy was my young dude, smallllll muthafucka, kid's like 5'6 120 lbs


We beat the FUCK outta the kids too, thatw as the sad part haha...buncha real big fuckin Bro's, all got stomped the fuck out in the middle of the strete in front of all their btiches, good times

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Yeah cosign the group fight thing never one on one ill square up but end up getting cracked in the back and move in circles.


I think its easier to fight against a mob with a couple of boys because most the time they are scared to get engaged and unless you go down you can fight for awhile. But once your on the ground everyone gets balls.

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Fighting over drunken yapping is queer.


Once drunk I tried to start a fight with some german speaking dudes.

I did all the fists up, rolling sleeves shit but dudes just ignored me.

Can't remember what I said exactly, but I had to use all my imagination and social/political/historical knowledge to make them angry and swing at me.


too bad I wasn't ready at all, just stood there to get punched in the side of my head couple of times.

I was so drunk that in the morning I thought there was three of them when there was only 2.

My friend who saved me told me later how stupid I had been.

I mean... I'm the skinny short kid who never fought before, starting a fight with two german dudes I never met

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Worst odd sof a fight i"ve eve rbene in was like literally 15 on 2,


worst odds I faced were 5 on 1.



A fam of huge ghetto black dudes trying to rob me. I got my ass handed to me, royally. I still have parts of one of my teeth stuck in the middle of my lower lip.



I took one of them out, but it really didnt matter, I had a concussion and dam near shattered my orbital socket.

and it whent a lil sumthin like this


So yeah, Im not too scared of a one on one after that shit, even tho im just a little buck fifty dude

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the last fight i tried to get in was with two douchebags who were acting up at a house show. i got one shot off and went for the other guy before it was broken up. general consensus was that they should have gotten their asses beaten and tossed out on the road but i still felt like an asshole afterwards.


im pretty much down with never having to fight anyone again in my life.

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no graffeeteez?


me no likely.


where do you work where your boss doesnt give a shit? thats kinda cool actually.



***White Al Green- looking back, was it worth it to fight?*****


a similar thing happened to me, except the fight was picked with some dudes i didnt even know down at this chill spot where i was flicking/painting....it was like 3 neighborhood dudes and their two youngbols riding mongooses against these two dude who look liked they jumped out of an american eagle catalog.....they just ran up on these dudes and started beating them, wanting cash. I threw my shit over a fence and was gonna run, but i felt like an asshole hearing these dudes crying and screaming help as an empty 40oz was smashed on his shoulder.....so-


i helped those dudes get over this fence and we all hid out together for an hour or two as those punks circled the block on their bikes, but that day came as a cheap lesson....the one american eagle dude broke his nose and jaw after being kicked in the face repeatedly-i only got a rolled ankle, bloody nose and bruises...and i have no doubt that once the neighborhood dudes were done with the american eagle boys, they would have come for me.....getting stabbed really wasnt on my agenda that year.


so i always wonder if i were in the american eagle dudes places, would i give up my wallet?

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I'll never give up anything that belongs to me...even if it's only a dollar, it's my fuckin dollar, fuck you.


I got robbed once, for an O of mids back in the day, but it was cuz I was young and stupid. Made a deal in the projects with some dudes I didn't know, and handed it over before they gave me the money...I was the expecting the money, which is what usually follows, but I instead got a gun in my face

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***White Al Green- looking back, was it worth it to fight?*****[/b]


a similar thing happened to me, except the fight was picked with some dudes i didnt even know down at this chill spot where i was flicking/painting....it was like 3 neighborhood dudes and their two youngbols riding mongooses against these two dude who look liked they jumped out of an american eagle catalog.....they just ran up on these dudes and started beating them, wanting cash. I threw my shit over a fence and was gonna run, but i felt like an asshole hearing these dudes crying and screaming help as an empty 40oz was smashed on his shoulder.....so-


i helped those dudes get over this fence and we all hid out together for an hour or two as those punks circled the block on their bikes, but that day came as a cheap lesson....the one american eagle dude broke his nose and jaw after being kicked in the face repeatedly-i only got a rolled ankle, bloody nose and bruises...and i have no doubt that once the neighborhood dudes were done with the american eagle boys, they would have come for me.....getting stabbed really wasnt on my agenda that year.


so i always wonder if i were in the american eagle dudes places, would i give up my wallet?




Am I the only one who's confused by this story?


I mean, I read it twice and still can't get a clear picture of what exactly was going on.


Not dissing you, but could you clarify a little better?

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