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I got some ironlak the other day and it was $7 or something had some graff on the side. Are all ironlaks gunna have pretty pictures? Cause I don't care about the pictures keep them cheap. Have another sale at crocker outlets again. Australia.


You probably got a "Limited Edition Artist Series" can. They have (2 series i think?) of limited edition cans, and the can is designed by a certain artist. For example: Pose's Sushi, Askew's Olivia, and Tues Afterburn (picture below and names in order). so the answer is no, all ironlak cans will not be like that. I used Oinkart to buy my Ironlak, personal preference, but i'd check it out. Hope that helps



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I know some of you might come down on me for this, and Im not saying its not cool and all to collect these. Collect whatever you want. But I just dont feel a need to pay more for a can of spray paint just because its got someones mass produced graff on it. You dont get charged more for a box of Wheaties because so and so is on the front. Fuck whats next? UPS Cereal with marshmallow caps and frosted fr8s.

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I know some of you might come down on me for this, and Im not saying its not cool and all to collect these. Collect whatever you want. But I just dont feel a need to pay more for a can of spray paint just because its got someones mass produced graff on it. You dont get charged more for a box of Wheaties because so and so is on the front. Fuck whats next? UPS Cereal with marshmallow caps and frosted fr8s.

i just copyrighted this idea, thanks

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Fuck whats next? UPS Cereal with marshmallow caps and frosted fr8s.[/color]


agreed and cosigned, you can get those colors sans artwork and for th same price as a normal ironlak can...


was tryin out smoulder today, thickest white/offwhite i've ever used, i'm gunna run thru caps real quick, same with potion... blackout is damn near perfect tho...

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Rustofills is right. dont support this super capitalist bullshit. LETS ALL JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON AND COMMERCIALIZE GRAFFITI.


the writers on those cans deserve recognition for getting up and being dope. but paying 7 bucks for a can is just feeding into something none of us need. if you wanna donate to your favorite writer then buy a canvas of theirs and get something meaningful rather than a can of paint that sends 99% of the profit to the paint company and not the writer who designed the artwork on the can.

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We do charge a little more for the LE cans, generally its about $0.25 cents per can more, this accounts for the additional printing and production costs. That being said the increase is minimal and often the colour is available in a non LE can so that you don't have to pay the extra.


Stylefive & rorucega,


You raise some good points, but we think that your argument should be more directed at major corporations that exploit Graffiti and make money from using it to sell their non Graffiti related products.


We're a very small company started by writers and still employing writers, we make our products for writers and give a lot back to Graffiti in general, through free paint, sponsorships and affordable quality tools for writers. We're not perfect but we definitely make an effort not to exploit or abuse Graffiti as a culture its something we're passionate about and participate in.



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We do charge a little more for the LE cans, generally its about $0.25 cents per can more, this accounts for the additional printing and production costs. That being said the increase is minimal and often the colour is available in a non LE can so that you don't have to pay the extra.

True and Valid.




I need a job. Hire me lol. No really.

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