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New Hampshire Primary


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I cant stand to watch CNN when this shit is going on. Reporters trying to talk over a 1,000 cheering Clinton supporters. First off, go outside. Second, WHY THE FUCK IS ANYONE CHEERING FOR HILLARY? I can't stand to watch people be so blissfully ignorant. I cant stand that I cant do jack shit about it either.


Fuck it all

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Yes, correct. There was voter fraud with the New Hampshire primary and the last two presidential elections. Nothing will happen though, so just get used to it.



negative bro, i'm making a short term plan to leave America for good should Ron Paul not become President. I don't really care for the fascist direction this country is taking and I don't have enough power alone to stand up to it.

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cosigned on the leaving but i could care less about Ron Paul or any candidate for that matter. Im just not impressed with this country at all. Trying to move to the Netherlands for school and then Israel. Israel may not be any better as far a politics go but at least its a place where I'm not a minority.

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Ron Paul has a really good message and it shouldn't seem so crazy and far-fetched that he's so firmly behind it. The reality of it is that a few very rich people own the television stations which deliver people their news and construct their viewpoints and opinions and until that is not the case, the American population will be severely and gravely influenced by the desires of those who are rich and powerful.


Pack your bags guys, the fairy tale's over.

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