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Ok, since you guys are arguing over who the biggest shithead is...(and I have a clue who the biggest cocksucker in here is) let's put this props button to work and prop or de prop who we like or dislike. Let's have some fun with this. Mouth for war or DAO

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Ok, since you guys are arguing over who the biggest shithead is...(and I have a clue who the biggest cocksucker in here is) let's put this props button to work and prop or de prop who we like or dislike. Let's have some fun with this. Mouth for war or DAO


Props DAO, deprop MFW.

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awwww i think i made someone cry ( somebody takes there props seriously)




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DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER just upped their e-cred some moreDRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER just upped their e-cred some more


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Default ... - Today, 11:55 PM

Hey fag,

Next time GO BACK AND READ THE SHIT before you go "depropping" someone.

Find out what the fucking arguement is about in the first place.

The whole reason I'm even argueing with this DOUCHE in the first place is cause he was shitting on Shai and talking MAD shit on Dawoods wife and insulting his religeaon on some knucklehead shit.

You'd know this if you had the braincells to GO BACK AND READ the shit.

Fucking HOMO!!!

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Guest shai_hulud
I didn't break any rules or say anything that hasn't been said before. I mean DAO goes around doing the same shit every night of his life,the only difference between me and him is he's not good at it and no one takes him seriously cause he's such a retard. Didn't take much to get under your skin though...I'm sure you'll see to it that I get banned, seeing how you're still here talkin' bout it 20 hours later...Dont let the party die.


Keep pushin' for that open forum homie, things will be so much better then....Maybe some of those new posters will be nice to you and give a shit about your internet needs :lol:


Oh, my God. Were you stifled in the womb, or something?


Yes, MFW. You most certainly DID break the rules.




Sometime next week, when you're done reading that, come back and suck at arguing some more.


People keep giving you a chance to bury the hatchet, and you keep asking for more. Why is that? Why do you feel compelled to waste our time demanding negative attention from us?


Oh, wait. You don't answer questions, because...because...well, I still don't have the answer to that. I could take a few shots in the dark, though.

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Guest shai_hulud

The poll wasn't my idea, whoever did that.


All right. I don't give a fuck anymore.


This is specifically directed at the moderator that edited the poll. I have a pretty good idea who did it, but I won't point fingers.


You guys don't moderate. You suck at it, actually. You ban people you don't like, close threads you don't like, make pointless threads, delete stuff when it makes you look bad, troll around here and talk shit and set a bad example. In addition, by not upholding the rules-




-you foster no respect for them.


I don't know any of you. I don't think I ever will. So, don't think this is because I have a bone to pick with you personally. Plenty of other people notice that you aren't handling shit around here either.


You keep saying it's our responsibility to make this place better. I would think that applies to you, as well.


Don't tell me this isn't a democracy. I know that. I follow the rules here. I try my best to not be an asshole and to make what I say worth reading.


So you if you want to ban me for saying what I think instead of banning someone who actually broke the rules AND who I reported (like you tell me to), go right ahead.


Just so you know, we (me and Mainter) posted this with Raven's blessing. He WANTS to know what people think. He cares about what the people he leaves in charge are doing in his absence.


Think I'm kidding? Here's the proof.


you've made many valid points, some of which i'd already been dwelling on myself. please give me a few days to digest this, as well as decide how to handle it. besides having the freakin' flu, i have a big project due wednesday that's taking up 110% of my time. not to say 12oz takes a back seat, but i gotta pay the bills somehow...


anyhow, thanks for bringing this to my attention, as well as putting it forward in a way that clearly shows much thought and consideration went into it.


has this been posted publicly? if so, please send me a link so i can follow the responses. also, if this has been sent to any other mods, let me know how well or poorly it was received.






There you have it. So, do whatever you have to do, I guess.

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Guest shai_hulud

Oh, and if you want to delete the thread, feel free.


We archived it in case Raven wants to see it.


For the record, I'm not a tattletale. I never thought I'd feel the need to tell Raven anything was wrong, until now.


Also, I have about as much interest in being a moderator as you have in seeing me become one. So, there.

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awwww i think i made someone cry ( somebody takes there props seriously)




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DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER just upped their e-cred some moreDRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER just upped their e-cred some more


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Default ... - Today, 11:55 PM

Hey fag,

Next time GO BACK AND READ THE SHIT before you go "depropping" someone.

Find out what the fucking arguement is about in the first place.

The whole reason I'm even argueing with this DOUCHE in the first place is cause he was shitting on Shai and talking MAD shit on Dawoods wife and insulting his religeaon on some knucklehead shit.

You'd know this if you had the braincells to GO BACK AND READ the shit.

Fucking HOMO!!!

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