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double cheesburgers aren't on dollar menu anymore?

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Yeah McDonald's always gives me mild food poisoning or something, fuck that place.


I got $20 gift certificates to Wendys, Wawa and Chik-fil-A in my stocking so I been munching out a bit lately.


ah fuck no

they give that shit to you in jail

fuck wawa and the northeast.

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i remember going to some restaurant in phoenix back in 1996 down the street from the america west arena...that place had the best burger ive ever eaten in my life...dont remember what it was called though.



i know where youre talking about.

i totally cant remember the name either though.

they have dope chiken fingers too.

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porc...they dont have churchs where you live at??

come out to sac...they have them here..


and co-signed grimey.....the honey glazed biscuits are good ..


my high school used to sell churchs chicken at lunch everyday...im sure i gained lots of weight because i was eating that shit everyday tho.

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carls jr used to have a philly burger which sounds nasty, but that shit was delicious

nothin compared to in and out burger though. if your ever in southern california, in and out burgers 'double double animal style' with fries = the shiznat



i am genuinely surprised this thread is still on the first page

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carls jr used to have a philly burger which sounds nasty, but that shit was delicious

nothin compared to in and out burger though. if your ever in southern california, in and out burgers 'double double animal style' with fries = the shiznat



i liked the cj's pastrami $6 burger...

we got LOTS of in n outs in northern cali too...

matter of fact i had a cheeseburger animal style last night.

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