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Guest shai_hulud



It's in your control panel. There's a list of who gave you props, why you got them, and what kind they are (good or bad).


Torn, really...you know what people are like here.


Just because people talk about butt-funnels and demand boob-shots from girls of questionable age doesn't mean that they're not smart. Paradoxically, the smartest people I know seem to do the dumbest things. Sometimes, the opposite applies.

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Is it +1 or -1 each time some one props's[Yeah] you?


Because I had positive props from alot of people, but stayed at 0 rep for a while, and then one person gives me bad props, and I have -9


I dont get how it works.


There's definitely a glich in the system.


I've noticed that sometimes I'll get like 3 or 4 props in a row before the number actually changes.

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I stand corrected..the homo dungeon master just arrived.


How does the whole lack of props=banhammer thing work?


Torn, I'm not saying I'm trying to get you kicked off here...but, maybe you need to think before you make new threads or post.


Not too hard to do.




it's the new oontz/nohomo.

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I feel like I'm watching a nature show:


"Watch as the young Torn fends for himself. Though mortally wounded, he fluffs his feathers to the end around the ever encroaching senior and premium members.


They almost have a smidge of respect for his pitiful but valiant efforts as they take their last swipes at his props.



Torn falls...All that is left is his name and a pink tictac to be remembered by."




: props :

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Also, to all who negative propped me, if every single post I see from you now doesn't have me rolling on my ass, with piss all over the carpet, you're getting negative props.




Are you threatening people with the use of the props button?

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the whole props things retarded. so ghey/lame. wtf. yeah man eprops. wooo






But some people feel the need to get like 8 tic tacs to show the size of their e penis.


If the props had more of a function than, 'Look at me! I have more e rep than you!', then maybe I'd care.

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