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Community Service


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Im sure most of the people on here have had to do court ordered community service for the various crimes we commit.


The first time we had to clean cop cars and vans for 8 hours straight. shit was degrading, cops would drive their cars up and make us wash them while they stood around and watched us like the redneck perv from dodgeball. i caught a scribe up in the police bus though while old man willard wasnt looking.


this time i caught a ten day bid for a certain bay area city's Public Works department. this shit is crucial, my entire christmas break i have to wake up at 6:30am and go clean out storm gutters in the cold and rain. im wearing a stinky ass, dirty ass rain jacket and boots worn by hundreds of "court-orders" before me, while i shovel dirt and dead leaves out of drains and ditches. i thought i would be painting walls and picking up garbage, i got screwed over.


i did the math though, i would have had to do more than 200 hours in jail, versus 80 hours of manual labor and the chance to sleep in my own bed everynight.


what kind of stories you got?????????????

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What you know bout 2000 hours community service?



















































































































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There was no option to just do the time.

2000 hours to be done over a 3 year probation.

After a 30 day bid in county.

The closest to that amount was a dude who was doing 1000 hours for date rape.


Of course if it's not completed on time it would be more jail time for the ballance of whatever hours were left over. If that's what you meant.

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i had to work at some christian-owned retail shop and then i had to clean up this park really really early in the morning.



I had to shovel through 2 or three feet of dogshit, diapers and other assorted trash that people in the hood would throw over their fences into the cat alley between houses. On multiple occasions.

Twice I found turtles. That I guess people just turned loose when they didn't feel like feeding them.

One was dead, the other was alive and just crawing around in some cat alley in North Philly.

Got whiteout tags on both of them.

I wrote RIP MR. Turtle on the one that was dead.


Other than that it was mostly just sweeping up and shoveling trash into bags.

And sneaking marker tags on poles and phonebooths and shit when nobody was looking.

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I did a bunch of community service in high school. As an adult I got 100 hours and worked it at a leftist community radio station. I worked it for the most part, but they gave me the key to the station and I worked off hours pretty often so I got to track my own hours. However, I ended up working with them after the community service on an anti-Iraq war speaking series. I wonder if the DA thought I'd be working for a group that promoted anti-police and anti-government causes when he lied to my lawyer about my plea and than sprang an extra fine on me in court.

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Guest shai_hulud

I had to clean schools two days a week for a summer when I was in high school.


I got to smoke and hang out with cholos and stoners who were on community service. It was okay.

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in the city i work for, the supertindent has the community service workers go pick up HEP C infested sofas from alleys, weed, and other bullshit details that his workers would bitch about.


graffiti removal is actually one of the easier jobs in public works.

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my boy and i got popped bombing and ended up at precita eyes mural center doin murals for carnaval in the mission.


he and i were the last ones to do this, because the da found out we were doin art for our community serv. they stopped lettin people go there for their service.

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I never did any community service. I'm on probation in Denver, but I live in Texas. I was supposed to do 48 hours of community service and I got to go any non-profit organization that I wanted. I just took my papers to my friends mother who works at a daycare in a church and she signed off on them.

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My brother is a youth pastor at the salvation army so every time i get that shit I just go up there and do all my hours. Shit is crazy easy, I basically sit there clean up the building a little, make copies, type some shit out and thats really about it.

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I did community service back in the day. There was this young graffiti writer who was there doing community service with me every time I was there, so , he wrapped up his time and I had like 980519570897 hours left so he kept coming back every week to help me even though he was done. He just wanted to come kick it, so eventually we talked the police into using his time toward my hours.....I still never finished the time because it was a grip of hours. They finally let me just pay some dough to lift it. I was relieved to not be picked up on that warrant every time.

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