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taking it over the top..


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that shit was disgusting....

real or fake, shits sick...


reminds me of my cousins friend who dumped her boyfriend

cause he was fucking corpses at the funeral home he worked at

and she got maggots growing on the side of her mouth and had

to get them removed after sucking his dick...

dude got fired, dumped, and probably humiliated and ashamed for life...

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Found on another site. I have no idea how genuine this is, words copy pasted


Ever wanted to see how eroguro look alike in the real? This poor girl died just yesterday. Her name was Alex she was 19 and she died a virgin. So I played a little with little dead body of her. She did not complain at all

First of all I sawed her skull and took out her brain and then cut her open from chest to pussy. Then I put my fingers into her pussy and found that she a virgin! Wow! That’s was cool!

I played with her pussy with my fingers. And than, I took her cherry with the spray can. No blood at all since she was dead. Than I take her eyeballs out and look for some funny stuff I can do with them. Girl, with her own eye in the mouth! Have you ever seen anything like that? Or pussy with the eye. Finally I get so exited that fucked her. In was kinda strange feeling since she was cold all right and her blood and the stuff was all over but I cum just in few minutes. It was best cum ever! Sooo cool!

I was all laughing inside when I gave her body to her parents. She was all cleaned and with make up just like alive. They were just stunned by her death such a tragedy. And I was all laughing inside since I know that this little baby will to the grave with pussy full of my sperm. Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!!

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Found on another site. I have no idea how genuine this is, words copy pasted


Ever wanted to see how eroguro look alike in the real? This poor girl died just yesterday. Her name was Alex she was 19 and she died a virgin. So I played a little with little dead body of her. She did not complain at all

First of all I sawed her skull and took out her brain and then cut her open from chest to pussy. Then I put my fingers into her pussy and found that she a virgin! Wow! That’s was cool!

I played with her pussy with my fingers. And than, I took her cherry with the spray can. No blood at all since she was dead. Than I take her eyeballs out and look for some funny stuff I can do with them. Girl, with her own eye in the mouth! Have you ever seen anything like that? Or pussy with the eye. Finally I get so exited that fucked her. In was kinda strange feeling since she was cold all right and her blood and the stuff was all over but I cum just in few minutes. It was best cum ever! Sooo cool!

I was all laughing inside when I gave her body to her parents. She was all cleaned and with make up just like alive. They were just stunned by her death such a tragedy. And I was all laughing inside since I know that this little baby will to the grave with pussy full of my sperm. Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!!



this is the text that goes with the flicks..


oh and DAO...i know you like to argue just for the sake of arguing....but im pretty sure thats another country..look at the tile on the floor....all busted up and shit...i doubt hospitals/coroners rooms are in that bad of a shape her in the us.

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that story tails posted is hardcore


true story too...

i met my cousins friend who had em...

she said she thought it was pimples

or like cold sores or something at first,

but when she went to the doctor he tried popping it

and a maggot came squirming out...


fucked up....

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im not clicking on anything


you niggas are wierd






hatchet vs genitals?

































































i think ill pass

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i remember a minute ago my friend showed me a clip of some dude takin a knife to his nutts like it was fun or something... and i'm assuming the pain olympics thing is going to be along those lines so i think i'll pass on that.


the original link i dont really want to see either but i feel like i'm way left out on the subject at hand... then again i'm about to go to bed and i dont want nightmares about necrophiliacs

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well ive seen dead bodies in real life...

and ive seen alot of gruesome shit in real life too...

thats why i dont get grossed out by this shit easily..


i just get pissed that this type of shit makes it onto the internet..

thats fucked up...the dead people you see were once living and had a family that cared about them.

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