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the leftovers

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I've done ALOT of foul shit to people, but I don't fuck friends over (usually)


When I was 15 I started gettin domed up by this kid I knew's girlfriend (we were cool, but not whatd I'd actually call friends). He was a nerd that wanted to wait to lose his virginity or some nonsense, so she was just real horny, but she ended up gettin mad attached and shit, so I dropped her. Anyways, few months later, he finds out somehow and ends up having like a straight up emotional breakdown, goin to therapy and all


When I was 16 I was dating this annoying, rich lil bitch (who I've actually recently started fucking again ha) and one time after she finished toppin me off and left the room I stole $20 out of her purse


I put my most recent ex girl's tits on the internet (here, another graffiti site, my MySpace etc etc), but she deserved it.

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Back in the day we used to go to rich kid houseparties and at the end of the night we'd be walking out with vcr's, cd's, radios, food from the fridge, whatever we could find that had some value. I wouldn't call these people friends. I never stole from anyone I called a friend or even a friend of a friend..... I wouldn't even steal from an enemy now, but back then was a different story. I've some some real scandalous stuff in the past, I'll wait to see if this thread makes it past page 2 , though.

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Guest shai_hulud

I can't talk about the really good scams I've pulled because the statute of limitations hasn't expired yet. B)


Let's just say that I've learned to make a killing through the art of social engineering. I have an honest face, and I don't act slick...just sincere, and a little shy and confued when the situation calls for it. It almost never fails.

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I can't talk about the really good scams I've pulled because the statute of limitations hasn't expired yet. B)


Let's just say that I've learned to make a killing through the art of social engineering. I have an honest face, and I don't act slick...just sincere, and a little shy and confued when the situation calls for it. It almost never fails.


I know what you mean...

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Back in the day we used to go to rich kid houseparties and at the end of the night we'd be walking out with vcr's, cd's, radios, food from the fridge, whatever we could find that had some value. I wouldn't call these people friends. I never stole from anyone I called a friend or even a friend of a friend..... I wouldn't even steal from an enemy now, but back then was a different story. I've some some real scandalous stuff in the past, I'll wait to see if this thread makes it past page 2 , though.


ahh yes. the high school days and crashing parties.




numerous playstations and xboxes


stereo systems

video games, dvds






one time my friend was at a house party and threw this bitches plasma flat screen through a window. at parties i remember taking peoples vases and decorations and throwing them out the window or knocking shit over. i was a real asshole.

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i also stole money out of my old neighbors purse for weed money.


i used to steal a $50 out of my sisters stash whenever i needed weed.


i stole over a thousand dollars from my grandma to help finance my car purchase. that is probably the worse one i feel about. me and my brother dropped $400 at a local strip club the night we stole that money. i can honestly say i feel pretty bad about that one, especially because she died earlier this year.

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It wasn't a scam.. but one time i got pushed and hit my head on the concrete and i took my keys and threw them and it hit the person's windshield ( I WASNT trying to break anything)... I regret it and it was wrong, so then i paid all 325 dollars for it. :( everyones human though. poop.

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ahh yes. the high school days and crashing parties.




numerous playstations and xboxes


stereo systems

video games, dvds






one time my friend was at a house party and threw this bitches plasma flat screen through a window. at parties i remember taking peoples vases and decorations and throwing them out the window or knocking shit over. i was a real asshole.


None of this stuff was even out when I was going to house parties. We were still listening to Kool G Rap tapes on boxes that had broken off doors so you had to just line the tape up and pop it in. DVD's and xboxes were dead. it was more like Super nintendo. i still remember when CD's came out. i was like, what the hell is a CD?

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I've stolen alottttttt of shit from house parties, but I tend to feel like "Fuck em, it's their own stupidity".


I have wildddd ass parties at my crib, and when I do we always take pretty much everything we own and throw it all down the un-unsed back staircase. I'll be damned if my house is gettin robbed while I'm drunk and busy tryin to fuck every skank in the place

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back in high school, me and a few friends had the habit of every year breaking into the school and just basically drawing penises and random obsenities about certain teachers.


it took them till my senior year to get the genius idea of putting cameras in the school. and it turns out the "cameras" they installed werent even recording anything..they were just a prop i guess


also i used to carhop and break into houses in all the rich neighborhoods and then we got this crackhead kid to go pawn all the shit for us in exchange for a little bit of cash

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I sold retarded amounts of fake drugs to retarded kids who trust street dealers with their money.

Fake X, acid, cocaine, heroin, hash, meth..whatever they wanted, I had.

My brother said it was wrong to do.

Break people's trust like that.


I once took $100 from my brother.

I needed a pair of socks, he told me to get them myself.

He had money in his drawer.

I took some.

I felt horrible about it.

So later on that night when we kicked in my dope dealer's door and robbed him at knife/gun point, I took his fancy guitar and gave it to my brother to make up for stealing from him.


One ChristmasEve, some dude took me and my buddies home.

He was drunk and I guess wanted to help me out.

He lived in some super posh apartment with his cat.

I sent them to the store to get booze.

Then I looked for goodies.

I took a ton of blank checks from him and wrote about $2,000 in checks on Christmas day.

After he had taken us out for a $150 breakfast.


I stole dope from this chick I knew.

She was a prostitute and would pay for my hotel rooms.

But then she would do insane amouns of drugs and be a complete zombie.

So I would always take her shit and then tell her she did it all herself.


I made out with one of my friends when I was drunk.

And my boyfriend was sleeping in the next room.

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wow dealing fake drugs was something that paid my rent when i was about to get kicked the fuck out.


i havnt sold drugs in years but selling fake acid to all the stupid suburban hippy white kids was what saved me from getting evicted a few times. we even sold that red dragon rock incense as rocks of opium. like people have been saying, its their own stupidity

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back in like 97 before everyone was making music on computers when I was trying to be a musician but we had no music equipment. We came up with the smart idea of finding someone who had music equipment like samplers and digital recorder/track machines to sell , to act like we wanted to buy, then rob them, Well, everything went fine, dude was duct taped to his bed, quieted down from being pistol whipped a few times...until his roomate, some loud chick came in the room screaming. I grabbed her and told her to shut up or I was going to kill her And she was screaming hysterically, she wouldn't stop. The dude who I was with (who is actually a pretty famous MC who has an album out now, not naming names) was like "yo, grab her" and he wanted to pistol whip her into submission as well, but It went too far and she was being way too loud, so I just stepped off and told dude to come on, and that it was time to bounce. he was pissed that we didn't come off , but hey....you win some you lose some.

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