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the leftovers

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props for BF and Shais stories of san francisco squatters living. i feel like a pampered little bitch now because i slept at my parents house almost every nght. the only time i squatted was when me and my friend ran away from home when we were 14 and slept in the presidio. after being attacked by raccoons and freezing to death all night i decided i never wanted to sleep on the streets again.

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When I lived in that lot, I had a 15year old runaway under my wing.

He was from Dallas.

From a comfortable life.

He wanted to get away and see the grimey side of things.

I took him to SF with me.


People tried to turn him out for crack money.

Took him to Polk Street after dark.

Poor kid.

He ended up getting a ticket home.


I ran into him a while ago.

He is grown now.

And working a nice job making a lot of money.

That he spends on drugs and paint.


The last time I was in SF, I didn't even bother trying to find a squat.

I just slept in alleys and in parking lots.

My ex threw away all my stuff when I left him.

So I had to use my jacket as a blanket.

In the middle of winter.

It wasn't fun.

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if i needed a place in SF for free, theres alot. i would never sleep in alleys. a good spot are the staircases in chinatown. you can also get a weekly hotel for like 25 a night in the TL. you can ride the 38 geary late night and just sleeep on the back of the bus. theres churches in the TL where bums can sleep in the pews for free too.

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if i needed a place in SF for free, theres alot. i would never sleep in alleys. a good spot are the staircases in chinatown. you can also get a weekly hotel for like 25 a night in the TL. you can ride the 38 geary late night and just sleeep on the back of the bus. theres churches in the TL where bums can sleep in the pews for free too.


I lived in tons of motels by the week.

Dozens and dozens.

Just sometimes we would spend all our money on drugs and not think enough ahead to get a room.

I wasn't really trying to live at that point, either.

Honestly, I had just suffered a pretty bad breakdown that was the catalyst to make me go back to SF and try to die.

I figured that some jerk might come by and kill me in my sleep.

It never happened.


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The only time I ever got maced was the first time I went to jail.

I was naked.

It was during the whole "take your clothes off, I'm gonna check your vagina" process.

This big martha dyke told me to take one article of clothing off at a time.

I tried to hand her my pants and she didnt take them so I threw them on the floor. She didnt like that.

She maced and tackled me.



I've maced a few people though.

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Guest shai_hulud

Suki reminded me about something one of my friends did once. I wasn't there, but I heard about this from several sources.


Apparently she was checking out my other friend's pepper spray keychain when they were having breakfast at a cafe, and asked her if the stuff really worked. Friend #2 says to friend #1, "I don't know, but I don't want to find out."


So, friend #1 decides it would be a good idea to disengage the safety and spray the stuff straight up in the air. In a cafe. With air conditioning.


I guess about five people got gassed, and one had to be taken out of the restaurant on a stretcher. The cops were called, and friend #1 spend the better part of an hour apologizing and insisting that it was an accident. Fortunately for her, friend #2 was the only one who saw her release the catch and spray it in the air. Friend #2 also was lucky...she thought quickly, and had a chance to grab a napkin, put it over her face, and run outside.


Friend #1 is obviously not the brightest bulb on the tree, but we love her anyways.

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With an effective threadjacking and just a couple of clicks of the Ignore button, this turned into an awesome thread.


I went to SF this summer for the first time in about five years. I was staying in the TL, and expecting it to be all grimey and full of paintable holes in the ground. It's still kind of grimey for a block or two, but not like I remembered. And after the first night, we got hooked up with a sweet spot where a friend of a friend was house sitting for her boss on college hill. Posh life.


Incidentally, that Malvina Reynolds song that they play at the beginning of Weeds is about College Hill.

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so here we go.....

i got drunk last night of course from a HARD days WORK.

got drunk with a homie...

he got drunk and disappeared likem he does....

my gurl's baby momma's brother called.

me n him dont exactly see eye 2 eye

but he sais no i wont fight no were jus gunna drink....

hes with a skumbag fuck who fucking lives off people and dosent pay bills who

*COMES FROM L.A* me hardcore

and were havin a good time............gettin drunk then shit happens like alwayz i know i shouldnt kick it with this guy but im more intrested in what he has 2 drink rather than our differences...

so i blackout.....and wakew up...realize im a little poofy in the nose and in the face...

backtrack in my head and remember getting (MACED


that shit really burns....

i have a cornea transplanted cornea, for those of you who are not up to game but i basically have a dead guys eye in my eye...............

but point blank i got maced.,..shit burnt me.....

the guy who maced me wasnt my gurls brother BUT his homie..

what should i do...

cause i seriously want to (HURT) the guy......hurt meaning many ways

or just letting his family members hurt...

im on the end of my ropes on my gurls brother....

if i dont respond to this within a week....u know what happened....

serious shit.....-i love rusty boxcars.........


fuck my sob story..i hope this mace thred wasnt created already....


lets start this off.....who has been maced or seen people who have been maced...

what the ingredients and so forth....fuck its a thread lets goto science.......



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I got tasered once when I was skateboarding at some spot. Cops showed up and I was trying to act all hard yelling at him standing on some foot and half tall ledge. They wouldn't take any of it and decided to tase me. I feel this sudden burning shock and couldn't move it all. It didn't hurt nearly as much as falling off the ledge and landing directly on my head.

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I got tasered once when I was skateboarding at some spot. Cops showed up and I was trying to act all hard yelling at him standing on some foot and half tall ledge. They wouldn't take any of it and decided to tase me. I feel this sudden burning shock and couldn't move it all. It didn't hurt nearly as much as falling off the ledge and landing directly on my head.


if i was you id be suein the police. a guy here in oakland got paid 350,000 and he wasnt even tasered. cops beat him down because he grabbed one of them by the arm while they were arresting his son.

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yea my new scheme in life is to have my brother roll in the cuts with a video camera while i semi-instigate a cop and hope for the best.


one halloween this cop car rolls up on us on height street, shotgun gets out, he was obviously drunk. he ran over to my friend and threw him to the ground for no reason. then started grabbing a couple other heads and chasing after the rest of us before his partner grabbed him and took him back to the car. wish i had that camcorder.


some cops beat up a gay dude in SF over a taco bell meal. i know that dude got paid. tupac got paid 42,000 by oakland PD for getting beat up. jury just awarded a couple in oakland 5.5 MILLION because the cops raided his house without a warrant and planted a shotgun in his backyard. this was also last week. a cuople years ago 10 million was paid out to victims of the riders, a bunch of oakland cops who really fucked up some people. the OPD is paying out millllions!!

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I had just finished a freight, took the monorail downtown and was talking to my friend when some maniac came running down the street with a giant pepper spray canister the size of a small fire extinguisher. He nailed these beggars in front of me point blank and we just got some bounceback but that shit made me want to puke. Whatever happened to learning Karate or some shit? Man up!

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