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getting facials off gay dudes

Blood Feast Island Man

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Re: getting gay with facebook


facebook and myspace suck. i deleted both my accounts within weeks of making them. i cant believe kids my age are so addicted to internet personas and shit. shits sad, i miss the old days when there was non of this shit.


although i must say that i have gotten pussy as a result of "myspace hollerin", but it felt cheap. like driving a ferrari that my mommy bought me and i didnt earn myself.

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i dont really like facebook. its got too much useless bullshit. it gets fucking annoying when you keep getting messages that you've been bitten by a vampire or werewolf or some bullshit like that. and getting poked. wtf is that? shit like "Tom just poked you", "poke him back" that is fucking gay, and pointless.

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Guest shai_hulud

I haven't checked my Myspace account in ages. Some girl I dated a while ago sweats me on there. When people add comments, she emails me. I change my profile, she emails me. If I just log into the damn thing, I get an email from her. None of which I answer. When she tries to IM me, I log out. I guess I could make my account private and block her IMs, but I'm lazy.


You think that all this not talking to her would get the point across, but NOOOOO.


So being on another "social networking" site would probably instigate more of the same.


Oh, and she knows I post on 12oz. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten an account somehow and tried to holler at me here.

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i hate facebook for the relationship updates.


"jenna broke up with mikey today"


that shit is retarded beyond explanation. why would people want to put their personal business in view of others.



im a cutty nigrah.




yeah and shit like that.

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Since I feel like getting ultra c0n5p12acy 7h302y, this stuff could be put into play to get people used to not having any privacy.


I mean, it certainly wasn't like that when these websites were first developed, but if you look at who bought them out....


Anyway I agree Facebook and Myspace are a waste of time.

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