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fall out boy


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useless shit really.


crust punk = dirty kids that never shower and eat out of dumpsters


sxe = straight X edge


wall of death = a bunch of skinheads locking arms over each others shoulders forming a long wall and running full speed into unsuspecting on lookers during a show.

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Crust punk? SXE? Wall of Death? What the fuck are you people talking about?


Crust punk = Destroy, Disrupt, Discharge, and any other band starting with a D

SXE = straight edge

Wall of Death = two groups of kids, standing across the room from each other, locking arms and running at each other at full force. usually before an intense part of a song.


it's a punk thang.

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you know whats ridiculous?


after getting home from working behind a computer all day only to come sit here

on the computer to make threads about fag out boys.


i should find something better to do but my girl is presently crying to her mom on the phone about missing japan and im just waiting for her to finish her glass of wine so that she will pass out and i can do something better.


did i ever mention i fucking hate winter? and whichever distant relative thought it was a good idea to settle in chicago. wtf!? this place is miserable. i walk the dog in long underwear and gloves when id rather be inside the house warm training the dog to use the toilet.

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who cares? even if he is straight up fucks men in their ass gay, who cares?


you guys never rock out to queen?


never listen to NIGHTCRAWLER because its just so fucking metal?!


if you don't like his music, rad, but bringing his questionable sexuality into this is fucking preposterous.


Lets not leave out Judas Priest or Iron Maiden (W/ Paul Diano.)

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Guest shai_hulud
well my friends were performing in homewood il which was from what i remember was skinhead heaven and it was like new years or some shit and there was like a 20 band line up. none were really my thing because it was mostly pop punk crap but i wanted to laugh at my drummer friend.


he performed his set in a g string, a pair of vans, and a huge red styrafoam 10 gallon hat.

the funny thing was no one in the band would help him set up so he had to take each drum through a crowd of people and climb up the stage with each drum in his hand.


well afterwards charles bronson played and this was one of their first shows. i knew of them within the scene but only that they too were spoiled rich kids. i guess its a common theme, but they were really really bad. i like noisecore btw. angelhair, antioch arrow, honeywell, ottawa.... but they were just trying too hard and were terrible. so everyone booed them off the stage. so in the middle of their set they began to cross their arms in the form of an x like say someone warding off vampires or some shit, then they would play a 10 sec song and say hey lets take a smoke break, pause and then play another 10 second song. this was a punk rock venue not a sxe venue so i was confused who they were playing for. well eventually they wouldnt stop with the straight edge preaching so the skin heads did a wall of death while they were playing and pushed them off the stage, instruments and all. i thought it was hilarious and thought that i would never hear of charles bronson again but it seems that they are pretty popular outside of chicago which is suprising to me but whatever.


then i think cap n jazz and tortoise played and i hate them too so i just heckled them through their show and went home. end of story.


Charles Bronson, Cap'n Jazz AND Tortoise all on the same bill? That sounds like an amazing show to me. Then again, I just gave you a huge clue as to the kind of music I like. So, never mind.


Fall Out Boy sounds like the kind of "punk" band that never listened to the Mentors, or Anal Cunt, or GG Allin, or Fear, or Terrorgruppe, or Aus Rotten...It's definitely not the kind of crap I want to hear, anyway.

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i'm not sure exactly what possessed me to click this thread in the first place, but i found it interesting after reading it.



is this serum from asia?



i know some rich kids in the punk scene here. a lot of them are really cool and i'm down with them for life, but i can't deny that they'll occasionally start to show it and not realize how they come off.


and some of them i get really pissed at because they're into all that hippie-punk (what?) bullshit and ride bikes and sew things and are vegan because they think they're saving the world or some shit. and it's like, you don't have a job, or at least a real job, because you don't need one. of course you have time to bike everywhere you go and make a bunch of gay ass crafts (/prohomo). and everything they say is all optimistic and shit. don't they know that everything sucks? the second i start to talk about how much i hate my job or how broke i am or something it's all awkward. it's like they don't hear anything that would make them think about economic disparity.


i have another friend i hate going out to eat with in groups because she doesn't tip for shit. and she's stupid rich. i'm like, don't you want to prove those jewish stereotypes wrong every once in a while?


they also sometimes have really high standards for shit and don't realize it. i was considering living with one of my friends, and i live in a really segregated city, so any time we got near the black side of town, or i guess just lower income places, she was really hesitant about it. and every house she liked was heller expensive, places where people raise families or whatever.



anyway, fuck pop punk.

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yeah thats me.


i hear ya on the jews. majority of my friends are jewish and growing up with them kinda makes me a distant jew i guess. ive been to so many bar mitzvahs, yom kippurs, channukahs, and saturday morning services. we used to steal the cheap jewish wine and chug it before everyone got out of service. i saw a friend get a les paul one day, a full stack the next, an 8 track the day after, and finally another guitar so he wouldnt ruin the les paul and a whole new wardrobe for channukah. my spelling is probably off but fuck it, im not looking it up.


well spoiled isnt the word for it. then on the other side i have a friend thats family is really poor after living in the concentration camps and is very thrifty and can make a $100 last a few months. the previous friend i mentioned with heron problem was jewish. going into restaraunts was embarrassing.

we were driving to iowa to visit a girl at school. he claimed he was off the H so i agreed to take him with. while we were driving, the car started slowing down, i looked in front of us and there were no other cars, then i looked at him and he was passed out with his head resting on the steering wheel. i slapped him and he woke up really grumpy. when we got to the toll booth he was so pissy that he attempted to pay the $2 toll all in pennies that he had scattered in his car. there was only one lane of traffic and people were all honking. i grabbed around $4 in nickels dimes and quarters of his and tossed it into the meter really pissing him off. i drove the rest of the way and when we got there we stopped at a restaraunt in the college town. at the place the waitress took my order then my jewish friend said that he didnt want anything but then asked for a water right when the waitress was about to walk away. but it had to be extra cold water, with a large chilled glass, half ice half water, ice crushed...


then when she was about to walk away again he asked if bread baskets were free. she said yes and he said then ill take 2 bread baskets. she dropped them off and went to go take someone elses order. he interrupts to tell her he is displeased with country crock and demands that he have real butter. so she goes to get the real butter and he asks if its kosher, she doesnt know what the fuck kosher even means, so im annoyed at my friends jewness and apoligize, finish my meal and ask for the check. shes about to drop off the check and my friend says you know what, i want a menu, i'll have an order of buffalo wings.... i looked at him, left the place and didnt talk to him for the rest of the weekend.


hes a hippy to the core. and loves DMT. some sort of shaman tripping powder. he wont stop blabbing about the fucking aliens halburton and machines that are going to put us into camps. i want to punch him some times i get so tired of that shit. thank goodness he doesnt live close by..

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Guest shai_hulud



Your friend is a douchebag. You can do better. THere's a lot of punks who don't act like that....I mean, even when I was strung out, I wouldn't have pulled those kinds of stunts on ANYONE.


Just a thought.

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yeah thats me.


i hear ya on the jews. majority of my friends are jewish and growing up with them kinda makes me a distant jew i guess. ive been to so many bar mitzvahs, yom kippurs, channukahs, and saturday morning services. we used to steal the cheap jewish wine and chug it before everyone got out of service. i saw a friend get a les paul one day, a full stack the next, an 8 track the day after, and finally another guitar so he wouldnt ruin the les paul and a whole new wardrobe for channukah. my spelling is probably off but fuck it, im not looking it up.


well spoiled isnt the word for it. then on the other side i have a friend thats family is really poor after living in the concentration camps and is very thrifty and can make a $100 last a few months. the previous friend i mentioned with heron problem was jewish. going into restaraunts was embarrassing.

we were driving to iowa to visit a girl at school. he claimed he was off the H so i agreed to take him with. while we were driving, the car started slowing down, i looked in front of us and there were no other cars, then i looked at him and he was passed out with his head resting on the steering wheel. i slapped him and he woke up really grumpy. when we got to the toll booth he was so pissy that he attempted to pay the $2 toll all in pennies that he had scattered in his car. there was only one lane of traffic and people were all honking. i grabbed around $4 in nickels dimes and quarters of his and tossed it into the meter really pissing him off. i drove the rest of the way and when we got there we stopped at a restaraunt in the college town. at the place the waitress took my order then my jewish friend said that he didnt want anything but then asked for a water right when the waitress was about to walk away. but it had to be extra cold water, with a large chilled glass, half ice half water, ice crushed...


then when she was about to walk away again he asked if bread baskets were free. she said yes and he said then ill take 2 bread baskets. she dropped them off and went to go take someone elses order. he interrupts to tell her he is displeased with country crock and demands that he have real butter. so she goes to get the real butter and he asks if its kosher, she doesnt know what the fuck kosher even means, so im annoyed at my friends jewness and apoligize, finish my meal and ask for the check. shes about to drop off the check and my friend says you know what, i want a menu, i'll have an order of buffalo wings.... i looked at him, left the place and didnt talk to him for the rest of the weekend.


hes a hippy to the core. and loves DMT. some sort of shaman tripping powder. he wont stop blabbing about the fucking aliens halburton and machines that are going to put us into camps. i want to punch him some times i get so tired of that shit. thank goodness he doesnt live close by..



I woulda beat dudes ass for pulling a stunt like that. Maybe run dudes pockets and go back and tip the waitress fat for having to deal with that douchebag.

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shai halud - yeah i know. he's nothing but drama. regretably i have a history with him and

although i cut off most people from my past i do talk with him occasionally. i try to help him get his life together but its all in vain. i guess when you grow up you grow apart as well. i want a dramaless existence and he basically wants chaos to feel normal.


DAO- i wanted to kick his ass plenty of times but his step father beat the shit out of him all the time and that didnt change much. but i did leave the waitress a 30% tip with about a dozen apologies. i painted some freights that night and didnt wake him up to come with. i used all his paint which was my revenge for the weekend

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Guest shai_hulud
shai halud - yeah i know. he's nothing but drama. regretably i have a history with him and

although i cut off most people from my past i do talk with him occasionally. i try to help him get his life together but its all in vain. i guess when you grow up you grow apart as well. i want a dramaless existence and he basically wants chaos to feel normal.


DAO- i wanted to kick his ass plenty of times but his step father beat the shit out of him all the time and that didnt change much. but i did leave the waitress a 30% tip with about a dozen apologies. i painted some freights that night and didnt wake him up to come with. i used all his paint which was my revenge for the weekend


Sounds like about half of the people I have met over the years. At least you vic'ed him for his paint. All is now right with the universe.


I still can't believe you heckled Cap'n Jazz and Tortoise. Oh, well...no accounting for taste.


Did you ever get to see Smashing pumpkins when they played clubs? That would have been something to see.


Before anyone makes any comments about how Smashing Pumpkins are shitty, I won't disagree with you. They suck now. But, listen to Gish and Pisces Iscariot and tell me they weren;t good back in the day.

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cap'n jazz and tortoise are chicago scene favorites but though i dont think they are terrible at what they do its just not my kinda stuff. another time i saw them with earth crisis of all bands and they got pissed because everyone was dancing to hardcore groups before them but didnt like them. i heckled them that time too and they stopped the show to yell back at me but i was such a little smart ass back then you really couldnt win a heckling match with me. im quiet as fuck now im the guy that sits next to you at work and never knew he was there.


smashing pumpkins, i got dragged to by my friends because they love them. another band i disliked mostly because i hated all grundge except for sonic youth. pearl jam needs to be shot. but i dont think smashing pumpkins were so bad i just never gave them a chance. for bigger name chicago groups i like naked raygun and pegboy. i also love billingsgate but theyre not so well known. the singer of los crudos is a great guy.

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